Chapter 35 Even More Crushed

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Nicole came running into my hotel room the next day. She woke me up, which also woke Adam up. I sighed heavily and rubbed my eyes.

"What's wrong Nicky?" I asked as I sat up in bed.

"Mitch was kissing Ashley!" She sobbed. That made me furious, and ultimately woke me up fully.

"He what?" I asked. I narrowed my eyes and stood up. "Stay here, I'll be back."

I walked down the hall and knocked on Mitch's door. He opened it up, shirtless.

"You, my friend, are horrible." I spat. "How could you kiss Ashley when you were with Nicole?!"

Mitch sighed. His hand wrapped tightly around my arm as he yanked me into his room. "Ashley kissed me. I tried to pry her off but by the time I could, Nicole had already seen me and ran away."

I sighed. "Where's Ashley?"

"Do you need me to tell you that?" A voice, hoarse and broken sounding, said. I turned to see the door open with Dawn standing there, crying.

"Dawn!" I gasped, pulling her into a hug. "What's wrong?"

"Jesse cheated on me with Ashley!" She cried. I felt my blood boil. Alright, that's it.

I brought Dawn to my room. Mitch followed to talk it out with Nicole. I found Ashley and Ileyah talking with Jerome, Jesse, and Chase.

"You are such a w40r3!" I screamed at Ashley. "First Mitch, now Jesse? You're breaking them up with their girlfriends!"

Everyone's eyes, but Jesse's, fell on Ashley. Mine fell on Jesse.

"How could you kiss her back when you had Dawn?" I asked.

Jesse sighed. "I didn't know what I was doing."

"If you'll excuse me," I said. "I'm taking my two broken hearted friends shopping." With that said, I left the group. Ileyah followed me, and we gathered up Flame and Michaela, too. We took Dawn and Nicole to the mall in town. No way was I going to let Ashley get away with this. The question is.....How do I get her back?

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