How They Met

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(Scarlett's POV)

It's been 5 years since I left hell. I finally am getting used to the human world. It's interesting to think that I used to live here with a family and friends.

I wake up and look over at my alarm clock it read 6:00 am. I think to myself "I can't be late again" so I hurriedly get ready. I decide to wear my Marilyn Manson t-shirt, black pants, and converse. After getting ready I grab a granola bar, my bag, and keys then rush out the door.

~at school~

I meet up with some of my friends. Angela is a tall, skinny, blonde girl who is wearing a sundress with some black sandals and sunglasses still on her head. Then there is Derek who is overly protective of Angela and me, he is wearing his favorite pair of jeans and a Panic! At the Disco shirt.

A: Hey Scarlett

S: Hi

A: did hear about the new guy?

S: No

D: * walks up* yeah he's 'totally hot' or so I've heard

A: he is *pretends to faint*

Then the bell rings and we all go to class.

When I get to the first period I see a boy that I assume is the new kid sitting next to my seat. I walk over and sit down then he looks at me and says.

NK: hey

S: *looks at him* hi

NK: *holds out hand* my name's Sam

S: *takes hand* names scarlet

After that, the teacher walks in.

T: Okay quiet down class. Everyone we have a new student today.

Sam: *stands up* Hello everybody my name's Sam.

T: thank you, Sam, you may take a seat now.

Sam: *sits down*

T: *drones on about history*

When I looked over I noticed that Sam was wearing a Marilyn Manson shirt as well. He was cute, he had brown hair that was kinda messy, brown eyes, and looked like he woke up late this morning. I smiled after seeing what he was drawing, it was looked like a dog but wasn't, he was good at drawing. The bell rung again and Sam handed me a piece of paper. I waited till I got to my next class to look at it.

The day went on by quickly when I got home I reached into my pocket and looked at the paper, I couldn't look at it during school because I ended up taking 4 tests, started 2 projects and had a quiz in math. It was a drawing of...ME how did he do that when I only just met him!?! I looked on the back and it had a number on it.


This is my first story that I have written for fun. Hope you enjoy! The picture is of Scarlett there will be a picture of Sam in one of the later chapters.

Scarlett SummersWhere stories live. Discover now