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(Jessica's POV)

I was walking down the stairs bringing some more diapers and food for Dean. I felt someone watching so I stop and turn around and see nobody there so I continue down the stairs.


I walk in and see Scarlett cooking and dancing to some music that I got from her apartment. I smile because she is happy even though you can see the sadness in her eyes.

J: I brought some supplies *holding up the stuff*

S: *laughs* thanks! Set them on the couch.

J: What are you making?

S: *smiles and laughs nervously* I'm not even that sure about it.

J: Haha *I taste it* wow that's actually pretty good for not knowing.

S: Really *tastes it herself* omg it is

J: I should go get Simon. Oh and even Sabrina *I run*

I go upstairs before she could stop me and search for Simon and Sabrina. I finally find them heading to lunch so I grab them.

Sabrina: Hey Jessie

Simon: What do you want? *he says jokingly*

J: You two have to try something.

Simon: What is it?

J: We haven't named it yet. Come on guys *I start walking towards the stairs while holding their hands*

Sabrina: We were just about to eat maybe later.

J:*I look at her with puppy dog eyes* but have to try this.

Simon: *looks at Sabrina then rolls his eyes* fine but if you waste our time you owe us.

I cheer then run towards the stairs they follow hesitantly. When we get down there I see plates set and someone who wasn't there before.

Simon: SAM!?! How did you get here?

Sam: Jessie's sister had a portal to here.

Simon: Jessie's what?

J: Sister Simon my sister.

We talk for hours and eat Scarlett's stew before Simon and Sabrina left. Then Sam got up and told us that we should all head back now.

J: Why are all of us going back?

Sam: Your sister wanted you to come back with us.

J: To be a maid way I got away from that place now she wants to drag me back.

Sam: You don't have to be a maid you could be anything.

J: Psh *I got up*

Sam: You're sister owns a bar *he says quickly*

J: *I stop and turn around* she actually did it. *I take a deep breath* fine

We go through the portal and meet directly with my sister who hugs me. I hug her back and we walk away from Sam and Scarlett to catch up.

(Sam's POV)

I finally have them back to myself I was about to call a car to come and pick us when I remember the only driver I know is Julia. I walk over to Scarlett and I grab her hand then we start walking to my apartment.

We get there and I realize we have nothing ready for Dean. She looks at me obviously thinking the same thing we start to laugh and I order baby stuff from the internet.

When it gets here we look around and find that the safest place is her apartment here instead of my bachelor pad.

S: So now we have to pack all this up and go over to my place.

Sam: I guess so

I started picking up some of the toys but had to stop when I got a call.

~on the phone~

??: Is Sam there?

Sam: This is he. Who is speaking?

??: No time for that. Your son is in danger.

Sam: How could that be he is here with *I look around and see that both Scarlett and Dean are gone* where the hell did they go?

??: I will answer all of your questions soon but meet me by the fountain in the center of your kingdom.

Sam: But how will i- *beep,beep,beep*

I look around but it doesn't help that I just got them back and they are already gone once again. I put all of the toys in a basket and pack up the truck that I called for earlier. I will head to the fountain when I drop all this stuff off.

*ring, ring*

I look down and my phone is ringing.

Sam: Hello

Satan: Hey son where did you go?

Sam: I left with Julia like *check watch* 5-6 hours ago

Satan: Where are you now?

Sam: Why?

Satan: So we can hang out just you and me.

Sam: I'm busy

Satan: Doing what?

Sam: I have to set up a room for Dean.

Satan: Sam, seriously I know you miss them but you gotta get off that subject.

Sam: I have a way to get them back

Satan: Grrrr

He hung up if only he knew. I drop everything off at Scarlett's then head to the fountain.


I've been slacking on the updates but here's another one this time the pic is of Julia and Jessie.

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