Working hard

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(Scarlett's POV)

I got out of bed to answer the door. I had opened it to a bunch of angel guards. They had split and Brooklyn walked through them towards me.

B: We need to take you into custody now

S: I refuse to go

B: Then I'll kill you in front of your boyfriend.

She stepped back and a guard pushed Sam onto his knees he was tied up, he had bruises and cuts all over him.

S: Please let him go

B: Oh now you want to cooperate. Well it's too late.

She then pulled out her sword and stabbed Sam in the stomach. She started laughing.


I woke up screaming and drenched in sweat. I put my hands on my head and started repeating"it's just a dream."

Sam: Honey are you okay?

S:*I hugged him and started crying* I thought they killed you

Sam:*he hugged me back and pulled away so I could see his eyes* it was just a dream they couldn't kill me even if they wanted to okay?

I nodded, he then laid down closer to me and kept whispering "I'll protect you" and we fell back asleep.

We woke up and looked at our unfinished project and started on it again. We were supposed to build model of his land we only had two more days to finish it. Bastian came in with a tray of food and a map.

B: I figured you would be hungry and might need a map.

S: Oh thank you but I'm not hungry how about you Sam?

Sam: No but if we do get hungry leave it in here.

He then left after placing the tray on a table a pinning the map on a wall. We worked on it for hours before deciding to go out and explore the grounds again.

We looked around and took pictures to compare to our model. We then eventually came back in and found the kitchen. We got in and some maniac was cooking or attempting to cook without the oven. He looked up and smiled...this was the guy cooking our food.

??:hey guys what are you doing in here

S: W..we were just exploring.

??: Ah well I'm the chef, Eric is the name and fire is the game.

Sam: We are just gonna go back to our room now

E: See ya later.

We practically ran to our room and when we got there Bastian was there looking at our model. He looked very interested in it. He looked up and saw us.

B: You are very talented workers.

S: Thank you. May I ask why you are in here?

B: Ah yes I'm in here letting you know that the master would like a model of the inside as well.

Sam: Really?!?

B: Yes sir. I have already got pictures and I have moved the deadline back so you have more time to make it.

S: We said we would do anything to stay safe here *I said calmly looking at Sam and putting my hand on his tense arm*

Sam: We will do it then.

We got started on the other project and split it up so we both were working to lessen the time we worked on it.

I finally finished on the 1st model and looked at Sam's model he was working on the entrance and the first floor so I started building the base of the second.

I woke up on the floor next to two floors complete and the last one being started. Sam woke up too and smiled when he saw how close to finished we were. I got up and rung the service bell so we could get breakfast.

Sam: *got up and stretched then sat down next to the last floor* better get back to work

S: *laughs* I'm gonna eat first

Just then Bastian walks in and looks shocked at our progress then smiles.

B: What may I get the mistress and mister?

S: I'd like bacon and pancakes for two what about you Sam?

Sam: *looks up* huh oh uh I'll take some coffee please

B: Cream and sugar sir

Sam: Uh no

He looks down and continues working. About half an hour later Bastian came back in with food and coffee. I sat down at the table and began eating then looked at Sam sip his coffee and continue working.

B: Is that all?

S: Yes thank you.

Sam: *looks up* I could use more glue

B: Yes sir

Bastian walks out and I devour the food then I get up and walk to the bathroom to take a bath.

I get in the bath and relax but after 5-10 minutes I hear screaming so I jump out and wrap my self in a robe.

S: What the fuck is wrong?

All I see is Sam smiling and pointing at the model just then Bastian comes in with Eric and a girl all holding weapons.

Sam: I finished

E: False alarm *then Eric and the maid walked out*

S:*I went over and smacked Sam* what the hell? Sorry Bastian

B: Here is the glue you requested *hands bottle*

Sam: Ow and sorry for that

We both stared at him until Bastian left and I got back in the bath. I laid in the bath for 20 minutes then I heard a knocking and Sam peeked his head in.

Sam: May I join?

S: I'm sorry but this bath holds two

Sam: But you are one

S: Just not right now sorry Sam

Sam: It's fine may I *gestures towards a chair*

S: Sure.

Sam: Sorry for scaring you

S: It's fine

We talk until the water turns cold and I get out and get dressed. We prepared the models to show to Charles. When we finished we took them to him.

He looked at them and looked surprised how accurate they are.

C: These are amazing absolutely amazing

Sam and Scarlett: Thank you

C: I have no further assignments for now please relax.

We left his office and found the pool then relaxed.


Feeling excited for the coming up chapters hope you enjoy these as much as I do.this picture is of Eric.

Scarlett SummersWhere stories live. Discover now