To release Sam

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(Scarlett's POV)

I was about to walk through but someone grabbed me before Gabriel closed the portal. I watched as they tore me away from where the portal was and took me into a secluded room.

B: Give us the child and you can go back *she tried taking Dean*

S: Never *protecting Dean*

B: Then I'll kill you both *she says pulling out a sword*

Gabriel: *putting a hand on her shoulder* Brooklyn don't act like this we are supposed to be superior to their kind remember

B: *putting sword down and storming off* Fine

S: Thank you

G: Don't thank me if it were up to me you would've been dead a long time ago *walking to a seat in the corner*

I watched him as I got up from the floor and went over to a chair in the opposite corner. He watches me as closely as I watch him.

Dean starts crying and I stare down at him.

G: Shut him up *rubbing his head*

S: I'm sorry that I left all of my stuff with Sam and your dumbass sent him to hell.

G: Gah *getting up and walking out*

S: Good job

D: *giggles*

I get up and walk over to the window and sneak out with Dean I run over to the road. I head in the direction we came when all of the sudden I saw Gabriel behind me running this way and just as he was about to catch up Sarah grabs me.

She flies us all the way back to the place we were staying at before and drops me off. I meet up with Jessica and she takes us to a room.

J: I'm sorry for what happe-

S: No I'm sorry for coming here they would've never found this place

J: We brought you here remember silly.

S: I know *I look down*

J: *comes up and hugs me* this place is like a second home but this room is only temporary we have to wait for everything to die down.

(Sam's POV)

I watch the time fly by as I sit here in my room. People come by every now and then to get me up or to cheer me up.

Five days of moping and Miss Betty walk in. It startled me as she slammed the door and watched me as I covered myself up.

MB: Get your ass up! *she said as she yanked the blankets off me*

Sam: Y-yes ma'am *attempting to covering myself but failing*

MB: What's the problem? You afraid of showing your stuff news flash I raised you.

Sam: I know but

MB: Get yourself dressed

She walks out and closes the door. I get dressed and walk out to see Miss Betty, my dad, Tristiana ,and Kevin in my living room.

K: Hey bro*my brother walks up and does our secret handshake*

T: You look like shit *she says popping her gum and looking at her phone*

Sam: Thanks Tris*sarcastically* what are you guys doing here?

Satan: We are here to get you up and about again

Sam: Why?

MB: You've been sitting on your ass for five days

Sam: *walking over to the fridge and getting some milk* so I'm not affecting you am I?

T: Nope *dad elbows her in the ribs* ow

Satan: Yes I need you the heir to my throne.

Sam: Just get Kevin to do it *pointing at Kevin with a cup in hand*

Kevin: Oh yeah

Satan: No *wacking Kevin on the head* we need you my hard working heir.

Sam: Well I want my heir here with me but no those damn angels have him.

T: *pops gum and puts on a stupid face* you have an heir? Like a baby with whom exactly?

Sam: Yes and with Scarlett.

T: Who? Wait is that the bitch who I saw in your room?

Sam: Yes

They look at me until I agree to go somewhere with them. We leave and head over to the theater.

We watch several movies in the last one I sit behind them and sneak out. I head out and call Julia to get me away from them. We head over to Julia's bar and I start a tab.

J: What's going on?

Sam: What do you mean?

J: You never call me to help

Sam: That was the seventh movie and I was tired of them trying to cheer me up.

J: Wanna know something?

Sam: Sure

J:*she leans in and whispers* I can open a portal to the sanctuary

Sam: Really *I yell and she covers my mouth* oh

J: Follow me *she walks to the back*

I follow her into a room and she pulls back a curtain to reveal a portal. I walk towards it as I was about to touch it she slaps my hand.

J: On one condition

Sam: What's that?

J: Bring my sister back with you.

Sam: Yeah just who is she?

J: Her name is -----

Sam: Got it

I walk through the portal watching Julia as I leave.


Thanks for reading =D the three siblings when they're younger this time

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