A Day without Sam

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(Scarlett's POV)

I wake up to Sam's alarm and him cuddling with me so I slap him until he wakes up.

Sam: ughhhh
S: turn off your fucking alarm

He rolls over and looks at the alarm then jumps out of bed and starts getting in regular clothes.

Sam: fuck I'm gonna be late
S: other hurry
Sam: *as he puts on his pants* my brother or sister could take you somewhere or even the maids just tell someone at least that you're leaving so I don't have to search all over hell to find you.

He then stumbles out the door after leaving something on the dresser and sending in one of the maids to watch me.

About 10 minutes after he left I rolled over and saw her watching me. It was starting to get creepy.

S: You know you don't have to stay in here.

M: I know but I honestly have nothing better to do

I get up out of bed and ask her to take me to Miss Betty's so she goes down and prepares the car. When she leaves I try Sam's trick and change into a black dress that's about knee length and some black converse. I see that it works and snap again and my makeup is done and my hair decides to straighten and give me a fringe.

I go down stairs and see the maid standing at the car with the door open so I get in.

When we get there she opens the door and I get out.

M: would you like me to come with you?
S: no it's fine
M: okay then

I walk in and Miss Betty is I'm the back.

MB: hold on baby cakes I'll be right there.
S: okay
MB: oh it's you can you come back here and help me frost these last cupcakes
S: yeah sure

So I head back there, grab my apron ,and start frosting cupcakes. We finish frosting the cupcakes so we go back up front to place my order then the maid comes in.

S: why did you come in?
M: I need to place an order for the young prince,kevin?
S: mmhm
M: Miss Betty can I get Kevin's usual
MB: yes ma'am

We wait for our orders when we get them I get into the car.

M: ma'am
S: you can call me Scarlett
M: oh well my name's Julia
S: I like your names
M: thank you. I wanted ask how long you plan on staying before to you go back up *point up*
S: I don't plan on leaving
J: the prince is gonna eventually make you go
S: why?
J: because if you don't get a little bit of the human world you will go insane.
S: oh I see. I would like to meet more people here.
J: there aren't very many of us who knew that so there aren't many sane people here.
S: but there are some right?
J: yeah but they can be kinda stuck up
S: what do you mean?
J: they think they are better than everybody.*mumbles* for example the princess *louder* but some are nice.
S: I haven't met the princess.

I help her with the bags and she tells me that the princess is not someone I want to meet intentionally. We then split ways she goes to Kevin's floor and I went into Sam's room.

I looked around then read the note he left, it was telling the maid to watch over me.

After 20 minutes of exploring his room I look at his computer and start playing on it.

*Bang, bang, bang* Open the fucking door Sam

I go over open the door and look at the girl standing there.

S: who are you?
??: Uh excuse me I am the princess Tristiana. Who the fuck are you?
S: oh your the one I'm not wanting to meet. I'm Scarlett.
T: I'm the what?
S: you heard me

All of the sudden a portal appears on a blank part of his wall and he walks through laughing until he sees Tristiana.

Sam: oh my darling sister what the hell can I possible help you with now? *Sarcastically*

I run over hug him but he walks towards the door.

T: I need some money
Sam: dad gives you an allowance though.
T: he cut me off after what happened last time.
Sam: can't help you there try Kevin just don't forget the sweets.

He then slams the door and apologizes for pushing me away earlier. I accept and grab him by the neck and kiss him.

S: I can't believe you have to put up with her
Sam: she's part of the reason why I left *smiling and looking at me*
T: I heard that you ass.*storms off*

He walks over to the closet and changes into something more comfortable and compliments me.

Sorry for the late update but its here. The picture is of Julia the maid.

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