Big News

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(Scarlett's POV)
I woke next to a not so dressed Sam I smile when he rolls over and pulls me closer. I fall back asleep in his arms.

I wake up and reach my arm over and he's not there. I jolt up and look around for him when I hear some clanking in the kitchen so I relax. I get up grab my robe and walk into the kitchen he's turned towards the stove so I sneak up on him. I laugh when I see him jump and turns around with my pink apron on and spatula in hand.

S: aww look at you
Sam: it's the least I could do *leans down and kisses me*
S: *licks lips* mmm bacon

Sam: *laughs and goes back to cooking* why don't you go get dressed sweetheart.

S: Ok

I walk to the room smiling and get dressed. I get a little curious and sneak over and look in his bags he is so organized.

When I get out of the room he is placing food on the table. He looks up, smiles and pulls out my seat so I go and sit down.


Sam: I'll get it

He walks over to the door and opens it all I look over and see him talking to someone.

Sam: Hi uh what are you doing here?

Alex: I have to talk to you two *he looks over at me*

Sam: About what?

Alex: I...can't..say. Out in the hall.

Sam: What do you mean?

Alex: May I come in?

S: Yeah please come in

Alex: Thank you.

He walks in and looks outside of every window and closes the blinds on all of them. Then walks over to us and sits us on the couch.

Alex: It isn't sure yet but...

Sam: But what?

Alex: Scarlett

S: Yes

Alex: You're being hunted

Sam: By whom

Alex: Angels

S: How could you know that?

He then takes off his shirt and wings sprout out of his back.

Sam: Wait... You're one of them yet you're telling us.

Alex: Yes and no

S: I'm confused

Alex: I'm a rogue

Sam: They didn't take your wings

Alex: I was gone before they could get me

S: Wait so why are angels after me when there are other demons to hunt.

Alex: Its too early to tell but all of those demons don't get pregnant.

S: Wait how am I the only one who doesn't know.

Alex: Like I said its too early to tell...

Sam: Ok what I don't get is how you know

Alex: Her guardian angel is still flying around and she found me knowing that I could help you get out.

S: So guardian angels are real

Alex: Yes and yours never got passed on because you never went to heaven after your death.

S: Can I meet her?

Alex: Only if she wants you to.

S: Oh

Alex: I have to get going and so do you because here in a couple hours they are locking all portals.

Sam: * gets up and hugs Alex* thank you for telling us.

Alex: No problem

Alex then makes his wings disappear and puts his shirt back on then leaves without saying a word.

S: Oh my god I can't possibly be... Holy shit holy shit

Sam: Scarlett calm down freaking out won't help

S: You're right can you get all my hair products and make up out of the bathroom.

Sam: Sure thing.

I rush and grab the extra bacon and cookie dough. I look over and start putting the food and boxes and pack them in a lunch box to take with us.

*knockity, knock, knock*

I see Sam rush over to the door and looks through the peeky hole. He then opens the door and a girl comes through and hugs me.

??: Oh my gosh I thought I wouldn't make it

S: Who are you?

??: *backs off* oh I'm Sarah your guardian angel

S: Wow I was expecting something different

Sarah: Like what a toga and halo

S: Actually yes

Sarah: Sorry to disappoint but I'm not that I actually wore that outfit before you became a demon then I got changed to this when they figured out you were coming back

S: Wow it looks good

Sarah: Thank you but seriously get out of here I want you to stay safe.

S: Thank you

We run towards the portal and I almost stepped through when I remembered my cat I ran to my bedroom and grabbed him before running towards the portal. When I got there the portal disappeared along with all my hopes of living.

I was in shock I dropped all my bags and put my cat down. Sam looked down as I fell to the ground sobbing. He picked me up and put me on the couch and sat next to me pulling me into a hug.


Short chapter but cliff hangers are the best LOL. The pic is of Sarah the guardian angel.

Scarlett SummersWhere stories live. Discover now