Hangin Around

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(Scarlett's POV)

He drug me upstairs as I laughed he was so embarrassed thinking of that made me laugh harder. Then when we got to the first landing he glared at me still red and I tried to stop laughing but I couldn't so he dropped my hand and I fell on the floor.

About 30 minutes later...

He was sitting on a chair in the theater room pouting. I sat on the bed and looked at him. After about 10 minutes I crawled (yes, crawled) over to him and grabbed his hands then looked into his eyes.

S: What's wrong Sam?


S: Saaaammm


S: Fine

I turned towards the wall then got an idea. I slowly crept up on him again and...

Sam: Ow what the fuck?

Bit him...

S: Why were you ignoring me? I told you I was sorry for laughing.

Sam: I'm not mad at you.

S: Then why are you pouting?

Sam: I'm not*cue pouty face*

S: *sarcastic tone* oh okay

Sam: *sighs* what movie are we gonna watch?

S: Hmm what about Silence of the Lambs?

Sam:*smiles and runs for a giant shelf and grabs a movie* I'll be right back I just got to go put this in the player *runs upstairs*

S: *yawns* I'm so tired *lays down and falls asleep*

(Sam's POV)

Sam:*walks back* u rea-*sees you asleep and grabs a blanket to cover you up and walks to a speaker on a wall and starts talking*

I order food because between work and Scarlett I haven't had time to eat or really sleep. When I'm almost done ordering food I get hit by a pillow

S: *yells* its fucking hot and shut up I'm trying to sleep.*gets up and sleep walks over to me*

Sam: Ow *pushes you back onto the bed* im hungry*then walks over to you and whispers in a creepy voice* go...to...SLEEP.

S: *wakes up sorta* Jef- you're not Jeff.

When she falls back to sleep I crawl on top of ger and begin tickling her.

Sam: I'll tickle you until the demon comes out.

She laughs and starts saying stop then after maybe 2 minutes she starts changing forms and yells stop in a scary voice. I do a little victory dance.

Sam:*stops and lays down* haha I did it *grabs remote and presses play then lots of food shows up* thank you Regret here is your tip *hands something to the demon* here can you give this to father *hands cookie dough to demon* good bye

R: Yes sir *takes tip and dough then leaves*

When she leaves Scarlett starts to wake up and when she wakes up fully she asks if we can go to the bakery.

Sam: Dont you have that gift from Miss Betty?

S: Oh right *pulls out gift and unwraps it*

Sam: Looky there cookie dough *reads package* and its a special flavor for you *then stuffs food in mouth* ohhh this is good *looks at Scarlett staring at him* uh want some

She stuffs the cookie dough in her mouth and thinks Nope. I laugh your loss.

After the movie ends she wakes up and all I could say was...

Sam: You're so cute...I mean wow look at that the movie is over *looks at watch* how bout we go on that tour?

S: Okay

We get up and I call for someone to clean up the theater room. Then I take her to the first floor to start the tour.

Sam (the tour guide): *starts walking around the palace* this is the guest wing we let mainly the butlers and maids stay here then when family comes they stay here too *walks upstairs* this is my floor I decorated and furnished it myself my favorite part is the kitchen.

S: This place is huge*freaking out*

Sam:*starts to walk towards the stairs again* the 4-6 floors are off limits so I guess ill take u to the basement *walks down stairs*

S: Why?

Sam: Well the 4th and 5th are my brothers and sisters to show off and the 6th is my dads and there are a bunch of naked women walking around so I'm good with you not going up there *walks down another flight of stairs* this is the basement *turns on light*

S: Oh... This place is awesome look at all of this ah I can't

I dig in my pocket for the skeleton key for the basement doors and give it to her to chose where we go. We went through the door that led to my room.

Sam: Are you sure you want to be in here?

S: Yes where else am I going to take a nap?

Sam: But you just took one *looks sad*

She then winked at me and invited me to sleep in my own bed. So I snap and change into some pj pants and grab an extra pillow and get a message what about me? I look at her and accidentally changed her into some lingerie ooh that's how you wanna play I smile and change her into some shorts and a long tshirt. Then my mind gets stuck on her in lingerie and she stares at me as if she knows what I'm thinking about.

Sam: Lights on or off

She just smile so I get in bed, set in alarm for about 30 minutes before my meeting then clap to turn off the lights. When the lights go off i turn over and watch her drift off then eventually drift off myself.


Thanks for reading and this picture is of Regret the servant.

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