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(Sam's POV)

I waited for her to fall asleep before I got up. I look around then I get an idea so I grabbed salt, some candles, and burned myself on a crucifix I found laying in a drawer.

I set everything up and grabbed my pocket knife and sliced my hand and dripped blood on the salt. I hated the smell of my blood but its a start on getting home. Before I started I looked over to make sure she was still asleep, she was so I turned back and started.

(Scarlett's POV)

I look over beside where the portal was and saw Sam mumbling something on the ground. I wondered what he was doing but thought it best to leave him to what he was doing. I got up and went to the kitchen and looked in the fridge then the freezer. Damn it I put all the good food in my bags, that he carried, which are in his apartment in hell.

I grabbed my keys and started out the door but when I opened it Sarah was standing there.

Sarah: What are you still doing here?

S: *I started to tear up again* the portal closed

Sarah: *she pulled me in for a hug* shh okay don't worry Alex and I will protect you. *then she saw my keys* where are you going?

S: *sniffs* the store I put all the good food in my bags and those went through the portal.

Sarah: *grabs keys* you can't leave

S: Why not?

Sarah: Uh hello things are trying to kill you...

S: But...I'm..hungry

Sarah: Grrrr *calls Alex*

Alex: Wha- *sees Scarlett* why is she still here?

Sarah: The portal closed* hands over keys* go get some food for her

S: Um don't forget Sam

Alex: Damn it *growls then walks off*

Them being mad makes me feel guilty so I go back inside and wait for Alex to come back with the food.

About half an hour later I hear a thud and i lol back and see that Sam has given up on whatever he was doing.

(Sam's POV)

I give up on this why would they do this to us. This is what I get for wanting a romantic night with Scarlett. I kick the walls, sand and everything I used when I'm done I see Scarlett staring at me in shock. I look down at my mess and start to pick up and throw it away.

*knock, knock*

We freeze then I run and grab a sword out of my bag. We sneak up on the door and look in the peeky hole and someone shouts.

Alex: Open the fucking door this is heavy.

Sam: *I put my sword in the sheath that I put on and open the door* sorry man

Alex: *puts bags on counter* I totally get it...not

Sam: What's this?

Alex: Isn't it obvious

S: Thank you for this *she hugs Alex*

I look in the bags all I see are ingredients for who knows what then Alex sees my confused face. Then Scarlett looks in the bags and laughs.

Sam: What?!?

S: Your confused about the ingredients

Alex: Wait why...

S: *whispers* he doesn't cook with these kind of ingredients all to often.

Alex: Oooh now I get it you sir are the run away prince I've heard about

Sam: What

Alex: The run away prince, you pretty much ran away from your dad's house to live alone

Sam: Annnnd...

Alex: That means you probably don't cook fancier meals

Sam: I do too

Alex: Uh-huh name one

Sam: Um...there's ah no...what about no...damn it guys.

I watch them laugh and they stay to organize all the food by where it goes then again by what it is. I watch the process not knowing what a lot of it is so I go and grab some spray out of my bag and start spraying the windows.

When they finish they look at me confused.

Sam: Yeesss

S: What are you doing?

Sam: This spray helps keep things from spying on us...

S: Uh-huh how exactly?

Sam: Alex come here.

Alex: Ok *walks over* why

Sam: Show your wings

Alex takes off his shirt and shows his wing then Sam plucks a feather off of it.

Alex: Ow what the heck?

Then I set the feather in a bowl and spray it. We watch in amazement as it dissolved then I grabbed a glass and spray the inside it looks like nothing happened but the outside looks really tinted almost black.

S: Woah where did you get this stuff...

Sam: A friend

Alex: Oh wow now I know who not to mess with

We laugh and Sarah comes in with a serious face on she looks at Alex and nods they both show their wings and hold up swords. I know what that meant so I grabbed Scarlett and ran towards her safe room which again I stumbled upon accidently. We waited there she was leaned against me shaking so I hugged her closer to stop not only her but also myself from shaking.

(Alex's POV)

When I looked up from the glass Sarah had just walked in with a serious face she had nodded. Once I saw the nod I immediately took off my top layer of clothes revealing armor and allowing my wings to show I grabbed my sword and stood next to Sarah prepared for anything.

We heard running then I saw the one angel I didn't want to see barge through the door with two knights in tow. Her name was Brooklyn the strongest angel in the army.

Brooklyn: Where is the demon mother? *she spat*


Brooklyn: Do you think not telling me will be good for you huh Sarah what about you rogue you know I could arrest you both?

She then sent her guards towards us we tried to fight them off while also keeping her from finding them.

(Brooklyn's POV)

I started towards a door after distracting those two pitiful excuses for angels. I looked in and searched...nothing of course...I went back to the living room and saw nobody not even my guards then I felt two swords against my neck. I look at the holders and saw them with blood stains on there faces.

Brooklyn: You wouldn't *the rogue moves his sword up*

Alex: Try me

Sarah: *drops hand* you're right I wouldn't but you should leave before he does.

Brooklyn: Not without the demon girl

Alex: *tightening his grip* you won't even get a hair off her head

I think before giving up and teleport back to base. I walk to the boss and salute him.

Boss: How was the mission

B: Unsuccessful sir

Boss: Ahhhh *slams hand down* try again

B: I need more men

I had a plan on how to get her out of the house and get her away from the two guards...

Thank you for reading...the picture is of Brooklyn

Scarlett SummersWhere stories live. Discover now