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(Scarlett's POV)

It's been it seems like a couple days but Sam says I've been here for about 5 months. I have been working at Miss Betty's for 3 of those months she pays me in desserts because Sam pays for my apartment.

I get up that morning and put on my robe then walked into the kitchen to make coffee. I figured out why they only like decaf it's because that's all they sell down here also decaf doesn't make your powers untamable or something like that.

I walk out onto my porch and sit down watching all the people go by. I feel sad seeing their drooped faces and some of them get out of line because they feel the urge to tear stuff up. I sometimes think that could've been me.

Telepathic message.

Sam: But its not.

S: I know but

Sam: You shouldn't watch them

I start to talk out loud because I know he's about to come outside with a cup of coffee.

S: I already know what you're gonna say if start to list my buts...

Sam: *he leans down and kisses me on the cheek* honey you got to understand that this was there punishment

S: *sad* I know

He sits down next to me and when he looks at me I can tell he I a little irritated I just don't know why. After he finishes his coffee he gets up and starts working. I listen and that's when I figured out he really is irritated because he is pretty much punching the keyboard.

He starts grumbling then gets up and yells:

Sam: I need to take you to the human world for a little bit to pack you're things if you plan on staying here.

S: U-uh okay *I get up slowly and when I'm about to snap*

Sam: Change into regular clothes those have a tendency to disappear when going through the portal *he tosses a bag at me*

I quickly change then rush out to the living room where he is standing. We go downstairs and a cab takes us to his apartment. When I ask him what's wrong he yells nothing then I see his true form. When he gets out he fumbles with his keys before dropping them and starts banging on the door yelling about his job until his door is no longer there.

After about 10 minutes he gets up and looks towards me sadness in his eyes. He opens my door and apologizes again. We walk avoiding the door and he leads me to a back room where I assume are some more portals he opens one and tells me I have to go alone.

S: Why

Sam: I need to clean up and I need to calm down *I look him the eyes before stepping through*

(Sam's POV)

I go back to the front door and start to clean up. When I finish with the door I order a new one and wait for it to arrive.

It took about ten minutes before they got there.

DM: Hey Sam do you still got your punch card? *jokingly*

Sam: Unfortunately you haven't made one for me yet.

DM: I know right that's maybe the 10th one since you've been back from the human world.

Sam: I know

DM: What's the problem this time huh?

Sam: How can you tell?

DM: Well you're in demon form and you ordered another door.

Sam: I was kidding but it's my dad he assigned me to a desk because I was almost late for my last meeting.

DM: Ah daddy issues this time

Sam: Thanks for delivering so quickly *hands him money and a tip*

DM: No problem bud see in later

Sam goes to his room and grabs a drill then installs the door when he's done he was calm enough to turn human. Now to go check on Scarlett. I walk through the portal and laugh when I see she has her cat laying next to her and they are sleeping.

Sam: *yells and laughs* we don't have time for this.

S: ...*waking up*

Sam: Have you even packed anything?

S: What if said no?

Sam: I would say get off your ass

S: Can I bring my cat?

Sam: I don't know

S: Why?

Sam: Because there aren't any. Butttt I could turn it because it will take forever to get the correct amount of anti-burn juice or whatever

S: Lets get to it then

Sam: *sighs* get me some candles, salt or sand, and you recite this.

She leaves then rushes back with the stuff. After I'm done getting everything ready I point to her and she starts. After I'm done I lay the cat in its bed and laugh.

S: What's so funny?

Sam: You didn't have to read that.

S: I what--grrrr


LL: Miss Summers are you in there?

S: Who is it?

LL: Your land lady I was gonna come by and collect the rent.

Sam: Better get that.

S: Oh shit I totally forgot about that.*walks over* hi

LL: Your rent is late you should be glad I haven't kicked you out.

S: I am glad. Uh how much do I owe.

Then I think of how she hasn't made any money since she left. So I walk over and flash my true form once I see that she was one of the ladies that I sent here to watch over the people.

LL: Oh don't worry about it I'll take this month's rent. *she walks away*

Sam: *closes the door* isn't she nice

S: Yeah that's kinda weird

We walk around and find some suitcases and fill them up with her stuff...


Thanks for reading. Have one hell of a day!

Scarlett SummersWhere stories live. Discover now