The search

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I head out to the fountain and wait for somebody not knowing who exactly. I start playing games as girls walk by and gasp, whisper and point at me every now and then I look up and smile at them.

??: Why do you torment those girls?
Sam: why not?
??: I was one of them once until I grew up.
Sam: *I look over and see a women I assume in a cloak* who are you?
??: In due time I'll tell you but for now we must go.
Sam: where?
??: I know a pub near by.
Sam: there are plenty of them.
??: Let's walk.

She stands up and I follow her lead until we get to the pub she sits down in at a table near the exit.

Sam: now may I know whom I'm meeting.

She takes off her hood revealing a red hair, make up done to look like she belonged in my family. A man walked by and took our coats. Then I saw what she was wearing it was quite interesting for a women who seems to be sneaking around.

??: *She reaches across the table* my name is Elizabeth
Sam: *takes hand and kisses it* Elizabeth you're simply exquisite. Do I know you from somewhere? *I sit back and stare at her until I realize* Mada- *she covers my mouth*
E: shhhh nobody knows it's me. *She sits back down* now back to business. You are wondering what happened to them right?
Sam: correct.
E: I can't give all the details but I can tell you where they are.
Sam: where?
E: one of the abandoned soul docks holds a warehouse there is a gang there that has come into contact with our friends from above.
Sam: really now.

We talk for longer mainly how she has been since the accident with her husband, who had died shortly after. I walk towards Scarlett's apartment and call Julia telling her to meet me there.

I find an empty room and go about setting it up for Dean. When I'm almost done placing the wallpaper, that Scarlett could honestly go without but wouldn't stop begging me for, someone knocks on the door. I check who it is before opening it to Julia as well as Jessie ,who had changed into an outfit looking almost identical to Julia's, they come in and sit on the couch.

Julia: What do you want?
Sam: You know the city pretty well right?
Jessie: Well duh we've lived here for as long as we know.
Julia: *staring at Jessie's overdramatized reaction* yeaaah what about it?
Sam: I need to know about all of the abandoned docks.
Jessie: Why?
Sam: Because Dean and Scarlett have been taken to one of them.
Julia: fine I'll start a list *grabbing some napkins and a pen*

I wait for 5 minutes before heading back to Dean's room and continue setting it up. After an hour Jessie scares the hell out of me.

Jessie: this looks nice.
Sam: *jumping then holds chest* holy shit!?!
Jessie: sorry for scaring you it's just I was curious.
Sam: *still breathing heavy* understood is your sister done yet?
Jessie: almost. Is there anything else about the dock that you know?
Sam: uh *tapping head* oh there is a warehouse.
Jessie: that might help thanks.*turns and skips away*

I go back to building the crib and thought of how much Scarlett would love to help with this but I'm so bored sitting around waiting. I get a call after setting up the mobile and putting all the bedding in hopefully the right place according to the picture I found.


Sam: Hello
E: Sam this is E I found more information
Sam: okay what is it?
E: they'll be shipping off Scarlett and the kids tomorrow night
Sam: *walking into other room and telling Julia and Jessie* we have till tomorrow night. Thank you
E: stay safe.
Sam: keep me updated
E: okay *beep,beep,beep*

I look at the girls, they put a thumbs up, and continue working. I go back to what I was doing.

Finally finished now I just have to let Scarlett approve of it. Then I walk to the kitchen and grab three rolls of cookie dough she won't mind will she. I walk to the living room and hand out the cookie dough.

Sam: getting anywhere *sitting down and eating*
Julia: yeah we narrowed it down to 5
Jessie: yeah and we were hoping you would have eyes in the sky sorta thing.
Sam: now that I think of it the cameras.
Julia: perfect but not all cameras work around here
Sam: right let's go to the surveillance system place.

We head over there after finishing our roll of cookie dough. I walk in and go over to my camera guy.

Sam: hey Donny
D: hello sir
Sam: what did I say about calling me sir?
D: sorry s- Sam. What do you need?
Sam: *hands list* the surveillance tapes of these soul docks.
D: *takes list* uh-huh from any specific time?
Sam: the last 48 hours
D: okay *starts typing on computer* why exactly?
Sam: Scarlett and my son were taken to one of these warehouses.
D: uh-huh wait....son
Sam: yes now hurry.

He gets us the tapes and we watch all of them and narrow it down to two. We research them until we decide to get reinforcements and split up.

Hey guys! Thank you as always for reading this! The picture is of Elizabeth.

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