The Day After

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(Scarlett's POV)

I woke up in someone's arms so I rolled over and smiled when I saw that someone was Sam. He was lightly snoring in some sleep pants I guess I let him borrow. I snuck out of bed and almost fell over because of my splitting headache. I went to the bathroom and took some pain killers then walked into the kitchen to start a pot of coffee. I was about to turn Pandora on on the TV when I see the pullout sofa had Derek and Christopher sleeping. Well hell, what was in that punch. I laughed silently at the fact that I forgot after the party we went and snuck into Angela's parent's liquor cabinet and stole some. I grabbed the eggs, bacon, veggies, and toast to make my special "hangover sandwich". When I started making the bacon I felt a presence behind me so I smiled and turned around to see Chris.

C: morning *looking at the food*

S: Oh *not expecting him* morning

C: *he walked over to the coffee pot* what kind is this like is it decaf or caf?

S: Oh um it's caffeinated

C: *looks disappointed*

S: Don't worry I make an extra pot cause Sam only likes decaf.

C: Thank you. What's that you're making?

S: This is my special "hangover sandwich" since everyone here decided it was a good idea to drink last night

C: Oh right *he laughs*

S: *looks down* hey what's up between you and Sam?

C: Sam and I were uh friends back where we came from.

S: Where is that exactly?

C: Uh, I would like to tell you but it's not for me to say.

Not for him to say what the fuck didn't he live there too.

I continue making breakfast after that when I start to set out the plates Chris wakes everyone up. I laugh when I hear their moaning and groaning, and I hear I'm assuming Angela since she has a very low tolerance to alcohol, run to the bathroom and throw up. When everyone finally gets up I go to the bathroom and grab some painkillers for them so they get better faster.

When I get out of the bathroom I see them looking like total crap and I become dr.summers and give them some pain meds and urge them to eat since I know it will help. When I'm done with that I get Sam's special coffee and brew it to give to Sam and Chris.

After eating they look better. Sam then gets up and takes our dishes to the sink. I get up and get dressed to head out to everyone's houses to get them some clothes to wear.

(Sam's POV)

I see Scarlett leave I wanted to go after her but the medicine she gave me made me tired so I went back to her room to get dressed but I ended up falling asleep.

About an hour later I heard Scarlett walk back in so I pushed myself up from her bed to see her. She had brought us all clothes. How did she get into all of our homes? She hands the clothes out and we start a line for the two showers she has.

When we all were refreshed for the day well except Angela who is wanting more meds but Scarlett refuses to give her any. We decide to hang out at Scarlett's place for awhile and help pick up after last night and our amazing adventures of ye old crown royal.

After we dropped off everyone at their place Scarlett and I hung out at my place. She looked a little worried.

Sam: What's wrong?

S: It's nothing.

Sam: It doesn't look like its nothing.

S: Its just we don't know anything about each others past *she looks at me*

Sam:*thinks* I knew this was gonna come up. *out loud* okay what do you wanna know

S: Um where you came from?

Sam:*thinks* well shit telling her the truth is best but what about protecting her *I look at her* you want the truth?

S: Of course.

Sam: Its kinda hard to say...

S: I don't care please I need to know

Sam: Uh how about I show you instead?

S: How could you do that I know we just graduated but I don't think we can go on any trips?

Sam: Its not that far.

I lead her out of the room to a closet she looks at me crazy then I walk through a portal with her hand in mine.

(Scarlett's POV)

He leads me into the closet and it felt like forever but when he stopped I opened my eyes to a different apartment and he goes to a room off to the side and leaves me inside the living room. I make my way to the kitchen and see that he has some cookie dough. Mmm, my favorite. I grab it, sit on the counter and start eating it.

When he comes into the kitchen wearing what looked like an outfit a prince would wear. Then he sees what I'm eating and freaks out.

Sam: What flavor was that?

S: Uh*looks at the wrapper* I don't know

Sam: Damn it *takes the wrapper and inspects it* this was my dads ugh.

S: I'm sorry I didn't know

He then tells me to drink a strange liquid.


The pic is of Sam and hope you enjoy the story!

Scarlett SummersWhere stories live. Discover now