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(Scarlett's POV)

Oh my goodness I think as I get up from bed. We have been here with Victoria for about 5 months and Sam is already going insane. I get up from the bed finally I look around our tent and see that Sam is already up, probably going for his daily morning run like always. I head out, after deciding I'm going to have to wear a dress again, and go find Victoria for my weekly check up.

I walk into her tent and see Sam in there on the bed and Victoria hovering over him. I check over him until I see that his leg is wrapped up.

S: What the hell happened?

Sam: *looked at me slightly shocked* Scarlett it's not as bad as it looks.

S: Oh really *sounding irritated*

V: It's only a compound fracture it'll be healed in no time.

S: Damn it Sam

I rush out of the room and go to the kitchen to start cooking. I pull out the ingredients and start making waffles and bacon.

In the middle of cooking I feel Sam's presence and I turn around and look at him.

Sam: *froze in place* hi Scar

S: How did it happen?

Sam:*walking towards me* come on the past is in the past

S:*yelling* Sam your leg is fractured and I'm five months pregnant the past is fucking now.

Sam: *sees that I'm about to cry and walks over to hug me* come on Scar. Just cause our life is shitty now doesn't mean it'll be later.

S: Who attacked you?

Sam: I couldn't tell

S: Do we have to run again *looking up at him*

Sam: Probably

I look back at the food and continue cooking. When breakfast is ready I see Alex and Sarah walk in but they looked worried when they saw me the walked over.

Sarah: Scarlett oh wow*she looks me up and down*

Alex: They found you *looks around* where's Sam?

S: I'm not sure I think he might be in our room

Alex: Take us there

S: Okay

I walk towards our room and send him a message I'm coming in with some guests. He replies okay just give me a second to make myself look decent. I laugh out loud and they look at me.

Alex: What's so funny?

S: Nothing.

Alex is different he seems more uptight now and Sarah is wearing different armor but they both looked tired. I look in and he is sitting on a chair in the corner. I walk in and keep the tent flap open for them to come in. When he sees who it is he gets up and offers them chairs before sitting down on the bed next to me.

Sam: What is it?

Alex: They found you.

Sarah: Sam?

Sam: Yes

Sarah: What happened to your leg?

Sam: Someone attacked me this morning.

Sarah: *whispers to Alex* they can't escape in this condition.

Alex: *not whispering* you're right and we can't go with them either

S: What do you mean?

Alex: They can track us easier than they can track you two. *looking around*

Just then Victoria walks in with some medicine and water. She is smiling until she sees Alex and Sarah.

V: I swear I wasn't stealing the teeth from the sacred garden.

Alex and Sarah: *look at each other then laugh* you think we are guards for the angel force

V: ...

Sam: Wait Victoria can't be tracked

Alex: Wait she is witch so you're right Sam

V: What do you mean?

S: We are running as I told you so can you help us

V: I don't wanna be mixed up in that *hands Sam the medicine and water*

Sam:*takes it* thank you for keeping us hidden this long

I would like to make other options open but Sam isn't in the best shape to fight.

V: Why don't you just go back?

Sam: They closed the portals.

V: Hmm then fight

Sam: Not yet we have to leave.

V: Wait...I know somebody who can help

Sarah: Victoria... Thank you for your help

We get our bags and pack up another car and head in the direction Victoria pointed us to.

We drove for hours mainly due to my bladder being smaller than normal when we got to the address it was a flipping mansion. We walked up to the door and a man opened it immediately.

??: Hello how may I help you today?

Sam: Uh... Madame Victoria sent us

??: Oh did she master has been expecting you...

S: Uh before I go in may I ask your name

??: Bastian Madame

S: Thank you

B: * he smiled at us and we followed him to an office* master the guest have arrived.

??: Let them in..

We walked in to a teenager not to much younger than us sitting at the desk. He looked up and smiled.

??: Please have a seat. Bastian fetch us some tea.

B: Yes sir *walks out*

??: My name is Charles what are yours?

Sam: I'm Sam and this is Scarlett.

C: If you two are going to stay here you need to earn your keep

S: How?

C: Well I need you to work on a project for me once you finish that I'll assign assignments when needed.

Sam: Okay what is the first project?

He explained to us the first project and Bastian came with tea. We talked until Charles's meeting then we started on the project after being assigned to a room.


This pic is of Charles.

Scarlett SummersWhere stories live. Discover now