Sam's Home

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(Sam's POV)

I made her drink the liquid it took about ten minutes before she even swallowed it.

I called for a cab then she looked at me confused:

S: why did I have to drink that?

Sam: because I don't want you to burn to a crisp.

S: oh why don't you drink any?

Sam: 1. I was born here and 2. You only have to drink it once.

S: okay and where do you plan on taking me.

Sam: I have to replace the cookie dough you ate.

S: oh okay

We walk outside and she looked worried. I opened the door for her and she got in after I got in the driver took me to the bakery.

S: Suicide Betty's Bakery?

Sam: Yep that's the place

S: that's a cool name. Where exactly are we?

Sam: uh *rubs back of neck and mumbles* hell

S: what?

Sam: we are in hell

S: oh

(Scarlett's POV)

When he opens my door I get out of the cab staring at the bakery he walks in and I follow him. When we get in a lady who looked like a spider came out and hugged Sam.

MB: oh how long has it been?

Sam: too long

MB: and who is this *looks at me*

Sam: this is Scarlett

MB: oh a girl finally you bring one of the girls to meet me

Sam: they usually meet my dad first.

MB: what do you want?

Sam: *takes her into a back room to talk*

This place is cool. I look around then spot the display. Look at all the desserts.

After drooling all over the display Sam came out and saw me then laughed.

Sam: If you wanted some you could've asked.

S: You tell me this now.

He looked me up and down looked kind of upset then snapped. I looked down and I had changed into a dress that looked like it was on fire it was about knee length and my shoes were red. If only he did my makeup. Then he smiled snapped and my hair and make-up were done.

Sam: Darling as long as you stay here you are to be treated how they treat me.

S: What are you exactly

MB: Why don't you tell this girl anything? *staring at him* this my darling is the prince and if you want any of those desserts for free you'll be helping me.

Sam: Yes she will because I have a quick errand to run.* he walked out the door*

When I turned around to talk to Miss Betty she had a black apron in her hands and gave it to me.

By the time Sam came back to get me, I had baked cookies, cakes, cupcakes, brownies, etc. I ended up taking off my red heels and miss betty offered me some boots her words my "pretty little feet won't get ruined" we had a lot of fun. Their payout was even better I got a little bit of everything that I had cooked and/or drooled over.

Sam and I arrived at a random location. I don't remember how we got there because I fell asleep in the cab but I knew we weren't at his apartment. He carried me up some stairs and woke me up because he couldn't unlock the door without putting me down. I looked in and it was awesome it almost looked like he pulled something out of my brain and placed it here.

Sam: So I thought that as long as you like it here you can live here.

S: This place is amazing.

Sam: If you ever feel like changing it just call the number one the board.*he pointed to a dry erase board*

S: Will you be staying here?

Sam: Unfortunately no

S: Why?

Sam: Because as the prince I sometimes have business to take care of even if it's super late.

He got me settled in then left. I took all my cookie dough and put 3 rolls in the fridge and the rest in the freezer. I looked around and found a cupcake display and another thing that I put my brownies in. Once I was done putting up all my sweets I went and changed then lied down on the huge bed.


Who the hell could be here this early in the morning? I put on my robe and walk over to the door and open it up to Sam looking as awake as ever.

S: What the hell do you want?

Sam: I was wondering if you want to meet my dad.

S: what would I say oh hi sir I'm just the...human dating your son. really Sam

Sam: Well if you put it that way it does sound ridiculous...*kicks at the ground* I guess that's a no and I shouldn't take you to my future palace*shrugs*ok I guess I can just watch Netflix and eat this fresh batch of cookie dough by myself *pulls out cookie dough and walks away slowly*

S:*runs up to you* No... I love you, please stay, I was just tired you know I am a bitch when I wake up.

Sam: *grabs you and kisses you on the cheek then whispers in your ear* where do you wanna go my apartment or stay here?

S: *whispers in your ear* I wanna go........ To your castle.

Sam: *stands back and looks down* my dads there and if you don't want to meet him then we shouldn't go there .

S: I *lies* do, though...

Sam: Hmmm I don't know *thinks about and finally says* fine if we run into him you have to talk to him he gets a temper if a woman doesn't know how to talk about herself.

S: Let's go already *starts walking* What do you mean 'Cant talk for herself'?

Sam: Well I'll tell you in the car *opens car door* after you.

We get in the car and drive off...


This is the beginning of my favorite chapters. The picture is of Miss Betty.

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