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(Scarlett's POV)

Sam and i both knew it wouldn't be long before they found us again so we stayed at Charles home for only a couple weeks before checking back in with Alex and Sarah.

~video call~

Alex: Hi guys *he smiled*
Sam and I: Hi Alex
Sam: Have they found us yet? *you could tell he was tired of waiting around and doing nothing*
Alex: They almost did but it seemed that you guys decided to move away so they lost you.
Sam: That's good...I guess.
A: Sam we can't risk letting you out there. *I guess I'm not the only one to notice.*
Sam: I know *he hasn't looked at Alex at all* I just don't like that I'm not doing anything.
Sarah: *Walks up* We understand but there isn't much you can do except wait.
Sam: For how much longer?*his tone shifted from depressed to mad*
Alex:*staying calm* As long as it takes hopefully they will give up when the baby comes.
S: *Sam stormed out of the room* sorry about him he is been acting like that since we left.
Sarah: It's fine. How are you doing Scarlett?
S: I could be better. Are y'all holding up there?
Alex: Tomorrow the angels are going to send more troops so we are thinking about going to you two so we can protect you better.
S: *looks up* I better go check on him but I'll check in tomorrow.
Alex and Sarah: Ok bye

I hang up and walk out of the tent we have been staying in for a couple days. I see Sam beating up a wooden dummy, I know how he is feeling but I try to hide it ever since my out burst back when we stayed at Victoria's he was the strong one then now it is my turn.

I waited for him to finally calm down before I walked over and hugged him even though he was sweaty and didn't hug me back I knew that he needed someone there to hold him up. He looked down at me as i looked up at him he looked shocked but eventually his face softened and he smiled then hugged me back.

S: We have to stay strong no matter what situation we so happen to get ourselves in...*i continued to stare into his eyes even after he looked away*
Sam: I know, but I can't handle the idea of running for the rest of time...
S: Come on we all know that they have to give up eventually * i smile then let go of him* besides it would be cool to travel the world
Sam: And put people in danger not my idea of cool *he started walking over to the dummy to pick up all the pieces*

I walked over to the river and smiled. I ran over to the tent and grabbed a change of clothes and some towels. I walked past him, he looked at me confused, then got up and I tried holding back a smile when i saw him falling me back to the river.

Sam: What are you doing?
S: Taking a bath *I started removing my clothes*
Sam: Right now
S: well yeah why not
Sam: um *he turned red and rubbed his neck*

I laughed at him and jumped into the water which was warm. I was expecting something colder but this is perfect. I watched him stare at me then I crossed my arms.

S: Why are you still standing there?
Sam: i uh...
S: Sam come in the water isn't gonna kill you.
Sam: I know that it's just that i um...
S: * ok now he is irritating me* get your ass in here Sam
Sam: *he looks away then starts to take off his sweat drenched clothes* fine

I laughed as he jumped in and stayed under then popped up in front of me I screamed. He smiled and laughed then pulled me closer.

Sam: Looky who got scared.

I pushed him and made a pouty face.

S: You're so mean *I laughed as he tickled me* stop it
Sam: Why huh Scarlett? *he laughed at me struggling *
S: Damn it Sam stop *I tried swimming away but he grabbed my leg*
Sam: *pulls me closer* what's the plan when the baby is born?
S: *I stop laughing and got serious* I never really thought of one

We looked at each other then I got out and covered up with a towel and took my extra clothes to the area we designated as the changing area. He walked in and looked at me.

Sam: I'm sorry
S: it's fine. I just didn't think about it with all of what's going on.
Sam: I haven't either.

He started to get dressed also and he left after he was done. I thought about what we would do after it was born how could I possibly let it be born in this chaos? I walked out and somebody grabbed me and put a rag over my mouth. The last thing I remember was Sam rushing at my capturer.

When I woke up I was in a room that was very girly maybe a little to girly. I started to get up but a girl rushed over and forced me to lay down.

??: Hey you're finally awake.
S: yeah *I said holding my head* where am I?
??: Oh you're in a sanctuary ,for monsters, that can't be detected by angels.
S: why?
??: *She points towards my abdomen* along with you being pregnant we heard from a couple of our guardians protecting you two.
S: who are they?
??: They will be coming back a little bit later
S: okay what's your name?
??: My name is Jessica but usually people call me Jessie or some other names.
S: oh okay my na-
J: I already know your name Scarlett. Sarah talks about you all the time
S: oh Sarah is here.
J: not at the current moment she is out scouting. But can't keep you in bed I put some clothes on the dresser and the shower has hot water. I'll come back in an hour see you later.

She got up and left me alone. I slowly got up and headed to the shower.

Hope you enjoy this chapter and the next ones to come. This picture is of Jessie in human form.

Scarlett SummersWhere stories live. Discover now