Coming Out

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(Sam's POV)

Sunday went by quick but I'm glad it did because I knew I could see Scarlett again. I couldn't stop thinking of that kiss and Scarlett's reaction to my outburst.

*honk, honk*

That must be Scarlett. I grab my bag and rush out the door. I lock the door and get in her car. She looks at me and smiles.

(Scarlett's POV)

I honked then saw him and rushes out the door. Once he got in the car I looked at him but couldn't help but smile.

Sam: hey

S: hi um we need to talk. about what

S: Saturday

Sam: *laughs and rubs the back of his neck* yeah

He seems nervous I wonder if I should even talk about the kiss. I start the car and start to leave.

Sam: hey Scarlett

S: yes

Sam: will go out with me?

S: *we stop at a stop light then I look at him* Sam we barely know each other and-

Sam: so I feel like I've known you forever

S:*we go again* Sam I have to know you better before we go on with this *I point towards both of us*

(Sam's POV)

It's been a couple months since I've moved here, Scarlett and I are almost never apart and I can't wait any longer. My dad calls me wondering when I'll be back almost every day it starts to get annoying but I know he is just worried.

~flashback to last night~

Scarlett and I just sat down in the restaurant. This was the night I was going to get with Scarlett. She was wearing a black dress with black tights and some black flats she looked gorgeous.

I already prepared the way I'm gonna ask her I prearranged it with my buddy who so happen to be our waiter. I gave him the signal after about ten minutes of us talking.

Alex(waiter buddy): hello sir you asked the head chef and he can't leave his station

Sam: oh then I'll just go to him *starts to leave*

S: Sam lets him do his job

Sam: no it's fine it won't take long *leaves*

S: um where's the bathroom

Alex: right this way Madame *takes her to a discreet place*

S: uh this isn't the bathroom *starts to pull out pepper spray when Sam walks then sits at the table*

Sam: *looks at Scarlett confused* why won't you sit

S: *confused as hell* um

Alex:*pulls out chair*

S: *sits*um Sam

Sam : *drinks casually* yes

S: why did we change tables?

Sam: I thought we should have some privacy

S: *blushes* why do you think that?

Sam: no reason *waves for the waiter and whispers something*

After dinner, I take her for a walk around the river and some garden. When we enter the garden I look at her she looked like an angel under the moonlight. I thought to myself who am I to think I can just take her with me away from her home and take her to a place she won't be able to shine? I guess I sigh out loud cause she looks at me.

S: is everything alright

Sam: no

S: what do you mean?

Sam: *sighs and stare her straight into the eyes* I mean I have waited for the right moment and I think that moments now *I caress her cheek* Scarlett Summers I have fallen madly in love with you and have been in love with you since I met you. *I see her blush*

S: Sam I love you too *she grabs my hands*

Sam: Ms.Summers *let's go of hands and bows* will you give me the pleasure of having you as my own?

S: oh *curtsies sorta* of course


(Angela's POV)

I see Scarlett pull up with Sam with her. They totally have something going on between them. They walk up to me as soon as Derek pulls up and joins us.

A: so how was everyone's weekend *pretty much hinting at the fact that Sam and Scarlett are smiling like idiots*

D: uh mine sucked ass!!! I had plans but someone*nods towards Sam* had to cancel.

Sam: sorry man but I had forgotten that I had already had plans with someone else

S: I had a good weekend also and I think we should totally go to YOJO to make up for our disappearance this weekend I'll but.

D: mm *sassy like* as much as I would like to say no I can't turn down free yogurt.

A: same tho

~after school~

(Scarlett's POV)

We meet up at yojo and we get our yogurt topping with almost as much stuff as we can then sit down. I take a deep breath before I feel that they are ready for our news so I look at Sam and nod.

S: guys

A and D: yeah *intently listening*

Sam and S: we are dating

D:* spits out his yogurt* what

A: *gets up and yells* I knew it


Sorry about the super long chapter but I don't know when to stop once I start I guess lol hope you enjoy. Since you'll be hearing about Alex later I added a picture of him.

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