Graduation Part 2

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(Angela's POV)

It was the day of the party and graduation so I was walking around with my boyfriend ,Cole, in tow with the checklist.

C: *reads list* lights

A: Check

C: Food

A: Best in town


A: Um *looks around and notices the DJ table has no equipment on it* Damn it I forgot the most important thing *starts to tear up* no one is gonna be available this late in the game

C: Hey *pulls her into a hug* don't cry you no what I have a buddy that owes me a favor.

A: *sniffles* you do

C: Yeah and he's the best DJ I know.

A: *brightens up* OMG really *leans up and kisses him*

C: Only the best for you *grabs her by the waist and steals a kiss then pulls out phone, hands her the clipboard then calls his friend*

I look around and see that I have planned an amazing party.

About 30 minutes later he comes over and grabs the checklist and writes something. I look over and it says: You now have the best DJ in town. I practically scream then hug him and thank him.

(Sam's POV)

I decide to set my stuff out so all I have to do is take and shower and slip on my outfit for the party and put on my robe. When I finish that I pick up my apartment that my dad picked out, its a little big in my opinion.

An hour later

I finally finished cleaning the apartment so I called Scarlett.

S: Hello this is Scarlett I'm not at my phone right now ill call you back later *voicemail*

Sam: Hey Scarlett this is Sam I really need to talk to you. Please call me back. *hangs up*

Well I guess my morning is free maybe I should go check on Alex since he is the catering for Ange's party. I get ready to go out when someone knocks on my door, I go over and look through the peeky hole. Who the hell is that... He looks like one of my dad's guards. I open the door and he walks in.

Sam: Excuse me who are you? *closing the door*

?: *changes into a demon* I'm someone your dad sent to watch you.

Sam: Why?

?: I don't think he trusts you enough to leave you here alone.

Sam: And you are here because.

?: *looks at him kinda worried* because I fell in love with someone and I can't take that someone back with me.

Sam: Ohhh *smiles and shakes head* I see you want me to relieve you of your duty

?: You could do that or you could help me forget about that person

Sam: I can't do that but my sister can and she isn't allowed here due to some "accidents"

?: Right so the easiest way is to relieve me of my duty right *said kinda depressed*

Sam: Hey what's your name anyway?

?: Christopher your highness

Sam: Christopher, huh. Oh and please don't call me that.

C: Yes your high- I'm mean okay Sam.

S:Are you doing anything this afternoon?

C: Actually I am invited to a party.

Sam: That's cool. I'll male you a deal if you meet me here with these items *hands him a list* next Saturday I'll see what I can do about your situation.

C: *takes list and excitedly says* thank you sir. I have to go get ready but I wont forget what you did. *starts to walk out*

Sam: Hey

C: Yeah

Sam: You might wanna *gestures towards his form*

C: Oh right thanks *changes*

When he leaves I get ready for the ceremony. When I hear a knock I grab my cap and gown and run downstairs so I wont keep Scarlett waiting.

S: *yelling from the car* come on slowpoke we still have to pick Angela, Derek, and Derek's friend up.

Sam: Sorry I had to um... Go back and grab my cap.*smiles*

S: Get in already

Sam: *gets in* you ready for this

S: Yeah*drives off*

We pick up everyone and get to the school just in time for everyone to start filing in. We put on our cap and gown and rush into the gym. I kept thinking about when Derek and Chris got in how Sam and Chris kept staring at each other. I tried asking them about it but they didnt say anything.

After the ceremony Ange's and Derek's parents wanted pictures so we posed then we all liked in our cars after taking off our robes and putting them in my trunk nicely folded of course then we headed off to the venue Angela pointed us towards.

~the venue~

Angela rushed in before us to make sure everything was done after she gave us the signal to come in. The venue was magnificent it wasn't like one of her usual parties it was like a fairy garden.

(Angela's POV)

Surprise one done surprise two is for Derek I made sure to learn about Chris a long time ago and see what they liked together when I saw them walk off hand in hand into the extra part I created I checked off the second one.

I guess I was too busy worrying about everyone else to notice that my boyfriend decided to surprise me too. I laughed when I saw him in the outfit I picked out for him that he absolutely hated.

Cole: hello darling *he bows*
A: oh my prince *I put out my hand*
Cole:*takes it and pulls me closer and steals a kiss* may I have this dance

(Scarlett's POV)

When I go into the party it almost brought me to tears because it's almost exact replica of where Angela and I wanted to live when we first met. I looked around and saw light that tinkled like fireflies and vines everywhere it was like an enchanted garden and the DJ played all of our favorite music it was almost perfect.

I then felt a tap on my shoulder I turned around to Sam asking if I'd like to dance.

We danced all night well until the venue kicked us out.


Well this is an amazing chapter and I personally can't wait till I see what comes next for these companions. Until next chapter bye😋 the pic is of Cole btw

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