The Meeting

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In the car...

(Scarlett's POV)

When he opens my door I blow a kiss and thank him.

Sam: *catches the kiss and puts it his pocket* I'll save that one for later *laughs* well you see my dad shocks people sometimes *mumbles* definitely my past girlfriends *speaks up* with his size and the fact that he is all powerful and stuff but he wants to intimidate, them Miss Betty says I get all my looks from him *strikes a pose* but you know if they don't say anything and they have their tail between their leg he gets mad and throws them into the pit of eternal hell *smiles* not really a pit just kinda bans them to the deepest, darkest part of hell.

S:Damn. Okay, Ughhh, should I just say hi or what um I'll say Hello there, my name is Scarlet Summers, nice to meet you sir, No too freaking formal Um hey there, I'm Scarlet *Puts head between knees and starts to freak out*

Sam: Uh I said you only have talk to him if he sees you *laughs* hey just say hi state your name then if he asks questions and I'm not around just push this *gives buzzer thing* this will notify me but don't make it obvious though and if I don't hurry try answering them yourself ok *strokes ur face* no need to worry plus *snaps* you look fabulous.

I look at what he changed me into this time, he changed me into some skinny jeans, converse, and a (insert band name here) t-shirt. Then I look up he changed too,into some ripped jeans and a black t-shirt. He was thinking about something I just don't know what.

(Sam's POV)

What's dad gonna do, freak out right, just act cool? I look up and remember Miss Betty gave me something for Scarlett. I look up and see the gates its too late to turn back.

Sam: Here *hands her package* its from Miss Betty she said its specially made for you.

S: *gasps* really *starts grabbing for the gift*

Sam: *gives it to her* hey do you wanna wait to open it I see the front gates.

S: Okay sure.

We get out of the car and I walk to the front door and peek in. I see all the servants running around so I close the door.

Sam: Maybe its a bad time..

S: Maybe...should we go then?

Sam: No well no we are already here *closes door and starts walking* come with me we can just go around back.

S: Okay

We sneak in around back and grab a key out of a secret place. I unlock the door and walk in making sure no one sees.

We start walking around.

Sam: I found that entrance by mistake once. Hmm where to first?

S: *thinks then says* the basement oh please. *begging*

Sam:Uh you sure that is...*mentally freaks and says* fine but follow me closely when we get down there. There are *looks down at your shirt for a second* booby traps.

S: *lifts your face up* my eyes are up here.

Sam: *shakes head* I guess I got a little... distracted *takes your hand and starts walking* so you don't ask many questions do you?

S:Why would you ask such a thing?

Sam: No reason I just was wondering

We walk around till we reach the stairs up to the rooms. When I see my dad walking down the stairs I duck and attempt to hide.

SD: Hello there son

Sam: *jumps out of hiding like its nothing* oh hey dad didn't know you were here *laughs nervously*

S: *freaks out mentally* oh hi sir

SD: Why hello there *leans down and says to Sam * finally one who isn't a mute *then he shrinks down to his human form* I'm Satan, Sam's dad who might you be?*holds hand out*

S: *takes hand* I'm Scarlett Summers. Nice to meet you.

Satan: So what brings you kids here? I don't think I've seen Sammy since he moved out about 100 years ago am I right?

S: Oh nothing just exploring you know*pushes button*

Sam: Sorry dad for not visiting but its like every time I come over there is another women here or everything is gone hay wire besides *grabs you by the waist and pulls you closer* I was just wanting to use the theater room and show her around since this will be mine eventually

Satan: You don't have to get so protective I just wanted to say hi and wondering what new smell was coming through here

S: *raises eyebrow at you and whispers* Do I smell that bad?

Sam:*whispers back* no you smell like a human which is also female so you're kinda like a snack to him *says louder* which is why I don't know who my mom is.

I hear Scarlett think I am demon too and growls a little bit. Its funny she hasn't figured it out yet. Then I send her a message telepathically you should think a lil quieter just because you once were demon doesn't mean you still are you see spending a long time in the earth realm can lead to deterioration of your natural self being demon as an example. She then accidentally yells Fuck!

Sam: *looks at you crazily* someone has a potty mouth

Satan: *slaps me on the back and laughs* you're one to talk son

Sam: * mumble* so are you?

S: Um nice to meet you sir

Sam: *laughs and nervously and leans over and whispers* you already said that *says to dad* welp we better get going don't have all day to watch that film.

We start to walk off when my dad shouts

Satan:no removing of the clothes in the theater please do that in your room son.

Sam: *stops, looks back,and turns beat red* what the fuck dad?

I grab Scarlett's hand and run upstairs as she is laughing her ass off.


The picture is of Derek even though he isn't in the chapter until next tim

Scarlett SummersWhere stories live. Discover now