Graduation (part one)

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It's finally here these guys are graduating high school and some of them have secrets that need to be shared.

(Angela's POV)

This weekend is the graduation ceremony and I wanted to give my friends something before they decide to leave me so I'm gonna have a party to celebrate us. Just then the school bell rang meaning the end of the day and tomorrow the school lets all the seniors take off school so we can get ready for the ceremony.

The next day.

I get up to start planning the party when I think about how Scarlett had plans for moving away for college so I decided to get a few extra surprises for Derek, Scarlett, and Sam.

30 min later

Ugh, I can't think of what to do for Scarlett I've known her for 5 years and I feel like I've done it all. Wait Sam knows her maybe he'll have some ideas.

(Derek's POV)

I clean up my room before I decide to leave the house. After ten minutes of cleaning my phone went off.

An: hey babe

D: what's up?

An: nothing just wanted to know if you'll busy later

D: I won't be doing anything later

An: oh cool want to do something later

D: how bout ten minutes I come over to your place

An: k I'll get the place ready

I get ready to leave to go meet Christopher, (hint he is Derek's boyfriend also the pic for this chapter is him) when my mom stops me on the way out.

DM: Derek honey

D: yeah mom

DM: where are you going

D: *quickly making a lie* going to um Angela's

DM: you mean that sweet girl that I think you should totally ask out

D: mom seriously we are just friends *walks out and slams the door*

Once I get to Chris's his door is already unlocked I walk on him dancing I make sure not to make a sound cause he is so damn cute right now. I think he heard me snicker cause he turned around and turned a bright red.

(Scarlett's POV)

I woke up early today and got a lot done by the time Angela finally texted me about a party she was throwing that I had a feeling she would throw. I thought I should look amazing for my last party as a high schooler so I went to the closet and couldn't find anything that would at least look like I prepared for the party.

I stood there for at least ten minutes before calling my friends the last one I called was Derek and he was the only one to pick up.

D: ah yellow

S: hey you know Ange's party

D: yeahhhh

S: I have nothing to wear

D: oh we'll be right over

S: wait for we- *beep,beep,beep*

Oh well, so I sat on the couch and watched some TV till "they" whoever they arrive.

30 minutes into my favorite show they showed up. So I got up and opened the door and I saw Derek and some guy.

S: hey Derek who is your friend here

D: uh this is Christopher, my boyfriend

C: you can just call me Chris *he puts out his hand and smiles*

S: * takes hand* oh um Scarlett

Derek then shoves past me into my bedroom.

D:*yells* sweetheart how the fuck do you look so nice all the time your closet is from the 80s

S: I'm sorry

D: *comes out dramatically and pretends to faint on Chris* I can't simply work in these conditions

C: *sarcastically* oh darling we could just go shopping *caresses Derek's face*

D: *jumps up quickly* that splendid idea *kisses Chris then drags us to my car*

(Sam's POV)

When we finish the surprise I decide to see what Scarlett's up to so I call her.

D: this is Scarlett's gbf who is this

Sam: gbf? Whatever where is Scarlett

D: she is here

Sam: where is that

D: well, you see-

Sam: get to the point

D: well as I saying before I was so rudely interrupted her closet is a disaster so I took her shopping

S: (in the background) Derek who is that

D: hold on. This is your lovely boyfriend

Sam: let me talk to her

D: hold on

S: can I-

D: did you choose an outfit

S: no *sad*

D: then no

Sam: wait for *beep,beep,beep*

He seriously hung up on me.


Sorry for taking so long with this chapter (Brooke) but it's here now!!! The pic is of Christopher

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