Sam, Scarlett, and The Human World

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(Scarlett's POV)

I wake up in my old apartment and smile cause I knew this time I wasn't gonna wake up with a bunch of people in my living room. That's what I thought would happen but didn't I went out in to the living room and saw everyone but Sam and I sleeping on the ground. I started panicking because I promised Sam today it would just be us. I started waking people and hushing them so Sam wouldn't wake up.

C: Hey *he said quietly* I'll get Derek and you get Angela

S: Thank you *picks up Angela and puts her into Scarlett's car*

A: Hmm *opens eyes* hey Scarlett where are we going?

S:I'm taking you home

A: I just need some coffee*she said sleepily* then I could drive my car.

S: No no you just lay down in my backseat

A: But I wanna drive *she whines sleepily*

She argued with me until I got her coffee and something to eat and sent her on her way home. Chris called and let me know they arrived at home safe.

I snuck upstairs and found Sam taking a shower. He's not much of a morning person so I made some breakfast and coffee for when he gets out.

I heard the shower turn off and the door open he came in with only a towel on. When he saw that everyone was gone breakfast was on the table he smiled and went into my room to get dressed.

He came out in with black jeans and a t shirt on. He sat at the table and waited for me to sit before eating.

Sam: Its been awhile since I've had bacon we should really consider buying tons of this and bringing it back.

S: *laughs* right. *getting serious* what are the plans for today?

Sam: Well *thinks and says* I'm not sure I wasn't prepared for you to actually go through with this.

S: Why not?

Sam: Because...your friends tend to take you away from me

S: Awww are you a little jealous of them *laughing*

Sam: No *pouts*

We start laughing when I stop I look at him and how happy he is all of his stress seems to melt away. He stops and looks at me sitting there smiling at him.

Sam: What are you thinking about?

S: I thought you could get into my head.

Sam: Well you're blocking me from getting in

S: Then its not for you to know.

Sam: Oh okay *he scoots closer to me* I have an idea of what we can do

S: Oh you do, do you?

Sam: Yeah *he grabs my hand*

He gets up and we go to my bedroom. He then sits me on my bed and heads to the closet and pulls out some clothes.

Sam: Put these on.

S: *I look at him confused* okay

When I get them on he leads me to I'm assuming is his car since its not my little beat up red car and it is a silver (enter current year) mustang. I don't know what he was thinking by getting that car instead of earning it. I stop and stare at him with the "what the hell" face.

Sam: *turns around* what you can't expect me to earn everything if I only come here rarely.

S: *puffs* whatever

Sam: Come on *pleading* please just get in

S: *walks towards my car* I'll get in but I have to lock my car that earned on my own...

I get in his car as much as I hate the idea of this car I love everything about the car from the all black interior to the sounds the radio make. I guess he saw me smile because he laughed and shook his head.

Several hours later...

He took me everywhere in this town we ended up in a nice restaurant for lunch. The service was quick they sat us down immediately then took our orders right when were ready.

Sam: This place is lovely

S: Yeah I've never been to a place like this

Sam: Oh so that makes me the first

S: Yeah *laughs* I guess so

We talk through lunch and eat the food ,definitely five star quality. He pays and we walk back to his car I look down at my phone to check the time. Holy shit its 5 o'clock.

Sam: I know isn't it just great that we spent all day doing whatever we want.

S: Always ringing in the positive side

Sam: I guess you could say that

We get in his car and head back to my apartment. When we get there he hurries around the car and opens the door, I get out then he picks me up bridal style.

S: Woah *hug closer to him so I don't fall* what are you doing?

Sam: You looked tired

S: Really *sounding sarcastic*

Sam: Yeah

He takes me upstairs to my apartment and unlocks the door before putting me down. He closes the door and turns around so I pushed him towards the door and kiss him when his back is against the door.

He pushes me back before picking me up and kissing me again but harder and walks towards my room. She I get to the bed I fall and he falls on top of me and I start to remove his shirt as he starts removing mine. We laugh because of all the struggling we are doing when we finally remove all of our clothing he looks worried.

S: What's wrong?

Sam: Are you sure you want to do this?

S: Yes

I pulled him closer and continue to kiss him.

I wake up the next day and smile when I see that Sam is there with me. He wakes up slightly and I know what he is thinking about when he smiles at me.


This chapters pic is of both Sam and Scarlett.

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