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(Scarlett's POV)

Sam left not to long ago. I was in my apartment alone so I started to pick up and dust. Damn, this place is dusty.

*knock, knock, knock*

I went over to the door and checked who it was. Damn it its Angela. I opened the door and she tackled me and started yelling.


S: I'm sorry Ange *pushing her off* its just it was a last minute trip.

A: YOU COULD'VE CALLED *starting to tear up*

S: Calm down please *hugging her*

A: HOW CAN *sniffles* FUCKING *sniffles* CALM DOWN?

S: Here come sit on the couch I'll get you something to drink...and some tissues.

A: *sniffles and sits on the couch* thanks

Something must be wrong cause she doesn't ever cry. I find some tea and brew it while the waters boiling I grab a tissue box and sit it next to Angela. I grab two mugs and prepare the tea then I go sit next to Angela and let her spill her story.

After maybe a hour she finally finishes and she cries for another 10 minutes. I just sat there and hugged her petting her hair.

A: *laughs a little* thanks for listening to my bull shit

S: You know what you need?

A: *sniffs* what?

S: Some Ben and Jerry's

A: *laughs* you always know how to help don't you

S: It's what I'm here for. *gets up* come on

A: Where are we going?

S: To the bathroom.

A: Why?

S: Um I'm not taking you anywhere looking like that.

A: Oh right.

I take her to the bathroom and clean her up. It sucks that Cole and she broke up they were so cute together. After she is done cleaning up we get in my car. Oh, my car how I missed it.

When we get to the store she looks happier than before. We get a cart and walk around getting lots of sugary things.

A: Uh Scar

S: Yeah

A: Do you plan on staying?

S: Ange, I can't

A: Why?

S: I'm living with Sam

A: *mumbles* you always choose guys over us

S: *stops the cart* Ange seriously I haven't had a boyfriend since I moved here.

A: I'm sorry it's just I needed you and you weren't here.

S: I know and I'm sorry but I can't control everything that goes wrong when I'm not here.

A: I know

S:*looks down at the cart* I think this is enough. Is Derek in town?

A: I don't know

We check out and call Derek when we get to my apartment.

D: Hello

S: Hey is this Derek.

D: Yes this is he who is this?

S: Its Scarlett

D: Oh... Scarlett how are you?

S: I'm good what about you

D: I'm great. May I ask why you called?

S: Well I just got back in town and would like to know if you could hang out later.

D: Yeah could I bring Chris

S: Yeah that would be great

D: Ok bye

S: Bye

I hang up and Angela looks super excited. We both grab our mini ice cream buckets and sit on the couch and watch TV.

After Angela falls asleep I start to pick up before Derek, Chris and hopefully Sam shows up. I go into my room and check up on my cat it started turning a different color its kinda weird but cute.

Angela left after she woke up to go change into something not as tear drenched. I saw her out the door and less than five minutes later I heard a knock.

S: Grrr who is it now?

Sam: Gah *sneaking in through the window* I guess you don't wanna see me.

S: No I do. *runs and hugs him* its just I haven't gotten any peace and quite since you left.

Sam: *hugs her back* well how was your surprise visit.

I laugh and explain the whole thing to him then when I told him about tonight's plans he looked sad.

S: What's wrong?

Sam: Nothing its just I thought we could have tonight for just us.

S: We can do that tomorrow

Sam: I was hoping we could go back home tomorrow.

S: I wasn't. I haven't been here for 5 months I'm not gonna be able to just pack up and leave again.

Sam: *looks down* I'm sorry for not considering what you want.

S: Sam I'm not mad.

Sam: You sure?

S: Yes. Come tomorrow I'm all yours. Okay

Sam: *perks up a little* okay

When everyone finally gets here they get super excited. We used to do this everyday it seemed like but we know we're adults now and we gotta let each other breath. Chris and Sam go on the porch while everyone else gets the snacks setup.

(Sam's POV)

I take Christopher outside to talk about his wish.

Sam: Christopher how do you like it here?*I lean on the railing and look towards the city*

C: It's not like home but I'm here with Derek and that's all that matters.*smiles and looks inside at everyone*

Sam: Yeah if Scarlett wanted to stay here I would stay too *looks down*

C: Has your dad asked about me?

Sam: Sorta. *gets off railing and walks over to Chris* here

C: *takes the object* what's this?

Sam: It should help you here *looks at the object*

C: How is this little box gonna help? *holds it up*

Sam: I'm not sure the blacksmith gave it to me *grabbing the object and turning it over*

C: Psh *laughs*

Sam: He said to push this *pointing to one side with a fire symbol* to get home and push this to*pointing to a sword symbol* to set a protective barrier around someone dear also this one *pointing to a symbol that looks sorta human* if your transition into human starts to hurt you

C: Hmm *takes the box* the blacksmith huh and that's a lot to remember.

Sam: Yeah but it could save your life. *starts to walk back inside*

C: Hey *points hand on Sam's shoulder* thanks

I walk in with Chris and head towards the game closet to grab some cards so we could play games.

We played games and watched movies all night at one point we played truth or dare I almost slipped up on Chris, Scarlett, and my secret.


Thanks for reading...this picture is of Angela and Scarlett playing dress up when they were younger...;D

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