Part I: Chapter 12

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"What. Are. You. Doing?" I spat, utterly dumbfounded.

Raven, in response, held it closer, wrapped his wings around himself and it protectively, and threw another handful into his mouth. He turned to face the wall so I couldn't grab it.

"Raven, is that what I think it is?"

He started chewing his bite.

"Let me see."


"Raven, let me see."

Slowly, he lifted a wing and my suspicions were confirmed. "Give it back. That's not yours to take."

He shook his head, but rose to stand up straight, towering over me, shielding it from me.

Why's this got to be such a problem? "This is ridiculous, just give it back so I can put it back!"

He just chuckled, held it above my head, and tried to fake me out with it just out of my reach, shoveling as much into his mouth as possible while he still could.

"Stop it! I'm serious! Do you have any idea how mad Grandma's gonna be? Spit it out. Spit it out!"

He rebelliously swallowed his hardly chewed mouthful.

"Gimme the damn bird feeder!" I snarled.

Startled as I rose my voice, Raven immediately dropped the feeder with a thud and shatter, diving in the corner in sudden fear and leaving the bird feeder to spill everywhere.

I sighed. "Raven, no, you don't have to hide... Look, just because you have bird wings doesn't mean you can steal Grandma's bird food! I'm the one who has to refill all those. If you need a snack when you're out riding at night, you can just open the mini-fridge!"

"But Nancy said that if the bigger birds don't eat it—"

"That doesn't mean she wanted you stealing her sunflower seed bird feeders. If you want sunflower seeds so damn bad then I'll buy you some!"

"The wild mix tastes—"

"I don't care. Sorry, but no stealing the feeders, Raven."


"No bird feeders. Now help me clean this thing up so you can go hang it back up in the tree!"

He could tell I was still kind of mad, but the part of the anger I had was from trying to conceal the fact I kinda secretly wanted to burst out laughing really hard. He's so weird. I just couldn't stay mad at him.

We sat there for a moment. I sighed. Raven stared at me awkwardly.

 Raven stared at me awkwardly

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He took a deep breath in. "But what if-"

"I'll buy you some if you want it so bad, but don't steal from the bird feeders, it's gross and it's really weird!"

"Melly, you good up there?!" Grandma yelled.

"Yeah, I'm fine, just yelling at the TV!"

"Well then if you ain't doing nothin' important, get on down here and help me find my bird feeder! One of them big birds carried it plum off!"

"Alright Grandma, one second, I'll have to find my shoes!"

"Well be quick about it!"

I sighed. "Raven, I'm taking this feeder, you can keep the seeds that spilled, but no more stealing her feeders!" I hissed, snatching up the birdfeeder.

And with that, I ran downstairs in my sandals with the feeder swinging on my arm.

Grandma narrowed her eyes. "What're you doin' with my feeder, Melly?"

"It...was on my roof," I lied. "I saw it when I looked outside to see which feeder was gone, and right on the roof outside my window, there it was. Must've been dropped."

"All the easier for me, thanks Melly. Now do me a favor and go fill it up and put it back, and tie her down with some tornado wires." She meant twisty ties; but she'd never called them that. "And get them other ones while you're at it."

Yay. I was going to get to twisty-tie-down eight birdfeeders and hope my genius bird-man upstairs didn't know how to untie them. What they need to be is under lock and key, but then he'd figure out how to pick locks.

But I said, "Alright," and went outside with the 'tornado-ties' to tie down the birdfeeders.

I went inside an hour later when I was out of twisty ties.

And Grandma sent me out with a whole new package of twisty-ties that she found in the cupboard.

So and hour after that, I went back in. Luckily for me, Grandma was out of twisty ties.

So she sent me back out with duct tape.

A half hour after that she gave me some packing tape to add too. Dear god this woman needs a psychiatric hospital. The near loss of her favorite bird feeder had really hit a soft spot.

It was a long day, so you can imagine my frustration when that night, when I was nice and comfortable in bed, just about to fall asleep, Raven flew in after his nightly flight and lay down next to me in bed, on top of the covers...

Munching on birdfeeder sunflower seeds.

Munching on birdfeeder sunflower seeds

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Ravenwings (Imaged + Completed) [1st in Trilogy]Where stories live. Discover now