Chapter 5

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I felt the car come to a stop. I looked out the window to see a white building. When we all got out of the car, Jessie put his arm around me as Lily's boyfriend put his arm around her. Chris was leading us towards the apartments. I allowed Jessie to put his arm around me without a fight because I know how easy it was to get lost in this street especially for girls.

"Isn't this where you work?" Jessie whispered down my ear.
His breath was hot against my cold skin.

"Isn't this kidnapping?"

His jaw clenched as his smirk dropped. "Drop the attitude, or I'll make you look free."

My muscles tightened at his threat. I got goosebumps at the thought of me being turned into a prostitute if he just removed his arm. After all, that's what Hunts Point is known for. Taking girls and twisting them into hookers. All it takes is one wrong turn and one wrong descion.

I decided to stay quiet for the rest of our walk. We finally approached an apartment building that had graffiti gang signs written all over the building and sidewalk. We walked up to the sixth floor, but it was better than walking five minutes in the bitter cold. When we entered the hallway, it was dimly lit, and the smell of weed was heavy. We kept following Chris until we came to a stop. He raised his hand to knock on the door, but no one came. He pounded on it again until we heard something fall and break.

"Shit, I'm comin!" Someone said on the other end.

The door swung open to revealing a girl with brown curly hair tied up to match with her light brown skin. She was wearing gray booty shorts with a cropped white shirt showing her belly ring. She had curves along with a booty. She was smacking on her gum loudly with annoyance inched all over her face. When she saw who it was knocking, she began to slowly smile making her whole face glow.

"Whatchu doin standin out here? Get yo ass inside." She said stepping aside letting us all in.

When I walked in, I knew where the smell of weed was coming from. There was a group of guys sitting on a ripped and dirty couch that could be found at a Goodwill store. Most of them carelessly had their shirts off showing off their tattoos etched on their bodies while playing cards and smoking blunts or cigarettes. The range of men on the couch looked no where over 30, but the bags under their eyes told me they've seen and been through it all. People often mistake the streets for a dangerous place, but it's really the root of education. People may not be book smart, but if you're people smart and know behaviors, you've got all the education you need. The streets are the teachers, and the people are the students.

The girl who opened the door hugged all the guys and Lily. The guys returned the hug with a kiss on her cheek, but Lily gave her a tighter hug back with a smile. The guys on the couch looked up when Chris and the other guy went up to greet them. They started laughing and offering drinks to them moving over to create space on the couch. Chris sat with them as the other guy pulled Lily closer to him sitting on the arm of the couch. He took a sip of his Hennessy while he put his arm around Lily's waist. I noticed on the side of his neck he had the same design as Jessie had on his jacket. The red rose with angel wings coming from the steam. That's a little odd that a jacket design influenced him that much to get it etched on his neck, but it's his body.

The girl who opened the door for us closed it when Jessie walked in after me. She was stunning. Everything about her resembled a Barbie doll, and she just simply glowed. I've never seen someone glow under such dim lighting. I looked her up and down seeing she also had the design on her right collar bone, but on the left collar bone it has the name Alex Williams. Jessie went up to try and give her a hug, but she stopped him and pointed at me.

"This the girl who you was talkin bout over tha phone?" She asked still smacking her gum. Her Bronx accent was so strong it was almost laughable.


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