Chapter 25

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I felt someone shove on my arm. I fluttered my eyes open to face a concrete wall. I squinted my eyes when the bright lights from the outside filled the whole car. It made me believe we were in a parking garage. I looked to my side to see Grayson looking back at me. "Did I fall asleep?" I asked strenching out.

"Yea, and we're here by the way."

"I gotta come in?"

"I don't want you staying out here alone."

"Nigga I can take care of myself."

"Listen, this isn't up for debate. You're bringing your ass inside."

"I don't-"

"The longer you're debating me, the longer it's gonna take you to get home."

I sighed before rolling my eyes. I got out the car slamming the door behind me making it echo throughout the small space. He's pissing me off because he woke me up from my nap then tells me I have to go in with him. I shoved my hands in the oversized jacket as the cold still managed to creep in. I was almost to the door when Grayson pulled me back to him by the arm. I looked up at him staring right into his cold eyes. His jaw was set, and he looked pissed the fuck off. I knew I slightly fucked up slamming his door like that. I just didn't give a fuck because he was pissing me off. His grip was tight on my arm, but not tight enough to hurt.

"Now, I don't give an absolute fuck if you want to go in or not, but you are NOT going to be disrespectful to my damn property. You know how many murder or rape cases go down in parking garages? Too damn many, and I don't want that shit happening to you. So shut your damn mouth and just follow me," he snarled at me.

He held his icey glare a little longer to make sure I got his point, I'm guessing, but I just stared right back at him. When he loosened his grip, I brought my arm back to my side, and walked behind him. He got his keys out of his jean pocket to open the door. We walked down the white hallway in slience. We finally arrived to his room, 654, entering his nice ass apartment. I mean the place had to cost thousands of dollars by the way it was looking. The living room was dimly lit with a red couch taking up most of the space. It was under a white fluffy rug against the wooden floors. There was a huge screen TV in front of the couch sitting on a side table. If you looked forward, there were windows that took up the whole wall. I walked over to them looking out over the city. It was breathlessly gorgeous. You could see everything from here. The city lights, the people walking the sidewalks, the small street stores, every building, small or tall, everything. I think if I looked close enough I could find my own damn apartment.

I stepped back from it when I reliazed I was standing over a vent blowing cold air. I turned around to see no Grayson, but a kitchen to the side. It was all stainless appliances, yet the cabinets and counters were wooden just like the floor. It was a small, but simple kitchen since the living room took up most of the space. Off to the side of the kitchen, was a black wooden table set that had four chairs surrounding it. I walked over to the couch plopping down on it getting comfortable on the couch. I stared ahead at the black dustless TV as it was staring back at me.

I hate this. I hate slience when I'm not in a place I know. It's so uncomfortable to just sitting in a place with no knowledge of what has happened here or what could happen. It was almost as bad as not who you're fucking with. That's why I could understand why Kayla was so damn irritated when Chris told her he was in a gang. It's a scary feeling too. Not knowing who someone really is after they claim they've told you everything about them.

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