Chapter 45

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We left when Grayson was done cleaning up his stuff. I put on his pure white jacket that was probably made for if you were going to Alaska, but he insisted I wear and keep it. It could've been a dress as it went past my knees. He was wearing his GFA jacket.

Within the first few minutes of driving, the heat was blasting in my face, but it was better than the frosty cold air and snow falling outside.

"Where am I taking you?" He asked.

"Otisville Federal Correctional Institution."

"Who you visiting that's federal?"

"My brother, Matt."

"You mind if I ask how much time he's serving?"

I sighed before shrugging. "I might as well tell you my backstory because its gonna be a long ass drive."

"It's only an hour."

"You must've forgot it's snowing."

He shrugged before letting me tell my life story.

"My parents died in a fire when I was fifteen. Since my brother was eighteen, he could take care of me, so I didn't have to go to foster care. It wasn't long before he just said fuck it and went into the drug dealin and gang lifestyle. We still stayed in Brooklyn, but we moved to Brownsville because it was cheaper, and sellin dope and making crack down there was easier. It also wasn't long before he got hooked on drugs and alcohol. Since he was an addict, it was easier for him and his gang to get caught which they did. They all got trail, and they all lost their cases. He got thirty years for selling drugs, endangerment of a child, resisting arrest, and second degree murder. He probably would've gotten twenty if he hadn't shot that cop."

"He was in a shoot out?"

I sighed before I began to explain one of the scariest days of my life.

"Cindy get your ass up off the couch," Matt yelled from the kitchen.

"Why?" I yelled back.

"Because I said so, and if you ask another question, imma come in there and beat your ass."

"Nigga imma beat your ass back," I said back, but got up and started getting dressed.

Booty shorts and a crop top was the way to go. I piled up my braids to put in a bun. I slipped on my dollar store flip flops and walked in the kitchen to meet them. $tev was leaning against the corner, cleaning his gun while Matt was sitting at the table already having a line waiting for him to snort, and a 40 oz almost finished. Both were in baggy shorts and white T-shirts that was long enough to go past their butts. I leaned against the doorframe with my arms crossed.

I scoffed, "could you hurry up doin this shit?"

"Shut the fuck up. Talk too damn much. Just sit on the couch and wait."

I rolled my eyes, but followed this demands. I rather be submissive than watch him do that. I heard him snort it and drink the rest of his 40 because the glass slammed against the table. I heard $tev's gun reload letting me know we're about to roll out.

Matt stumbled to the couch where he pulled out a brown paper bag filled with little bags of either weed or cocaine. He smelled inside it before smiling.

"We bout to sell all dis shit today bro. We should get bout three racks by the end of the day."

"Damn, hot as hell up in the bitch and smells like shit. Somebody needa take a shower or some shit," I complained as I got off the couch and walked out the door.

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