Chapter 11

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I walked into Panera after I spent my whole lunch break trying to get an idea for this book. Absolutely nothing. Before I could even change into my work clothes, my boss called me over to him. Mr. Mender was an overweight white male in this fifties who thought he was the shit. He had a daughter in middle school, who he talks about constantly, and an ex-wife who he claims he can not stand, that's a lie. All he does is rub his bald head, eat all the pastries in the bakery, then yells at us employers to make more. All in all he's a fat fuck dick head.

"I'm glad I can finally stop and talk to you, Cindy," he started. "You and Anthony were the people to work and close up last Friday. I don't know if you knew or not, but we got robbed."

I gasped putting my hand over my mouth, widened my eyes, shook my head, anything to make me look innocent so I wouldn't have to explain myself. "I had no idea. What did they take?"

He nodded his head putting his meaty hands on his big waist. I think he was buying it. "They took the cameras and tapes, so now I really am at square one. I've already talked to Anthony, and he seemed completely clueless about it, so now I turn to you. Did anyone hang around during your hours? Anyone sketchy?"

"No, Mr. Mender. The theft must have done it after I closed up. You'll be the first person I tell if I know anything."

He laid his meaty hand on my shoulder, and I wanted to throw up. "Thank you, girl." He told me before walking off to bakery.

I rolled my eyes continuing to walk to the restroom to change shirts. Once I was done with that, I walked in the kitchen and began to work.

It's been a week, almost two, since the incident. It was easy to forget the small details, but somehow my mind always drifted back to Grayson. Something about him made me daydream, and it made me nervous. I've never felt this way about anyone my eyes just glazed upon before, and nor did I want to. He was my writer's block, and I couldn't stand it. I desperately wanted to tell Kayla about him, but I couldn't do that without telling her the full story. I stopped rolling the bread when an idea sparked in my head. He could be my story. That incident could be my short story, and I would just call it fiction. It's perfect!

I skipped out of work with a smile on my face excited to write. I've finally found my story. I walked to the subway faster than I've ever had, and that's saying a lot since the subways are trash. When I walked through the apartment doors, Kayla was no where to be found, and that was odd since she told me she's not working tonight. Maybe she had to go do something, or decided to work last minute. I took a quick shower before putting the pen on paper. Ms. Heart I will give you the most complex and exciting story you've ever read that will make you take back your word mediocre.

It was two in the morning, and I still couldn't find the right words to make this story. Everything I wrote sounded like absolute shit and looked like this was my first time writing. Along with finding ways to write this story, Kayla still wasn't home. She never works this late, and now I was starting to get worried. I tried to call the club, but it was Friday night so I knew they wouldn't answer. I blew up her phone with text messages and phone calls, but it would send straight to voicemail and she didn't have any data. Maybe I should get a taxi to drive me down there, or at least give the club one call. I kept going between these ideas making me almost go crazy. Now, I knew why she was so pissed at me. I was making this bitch go insane. I should just calm down. Maybe homegirl is just trying to make that extra dollar, but then again she hates walking alone at night. That's why she always leaves before me to get home faster when the Johns aren't out.

I began to bite my nails pacing around the room going between my first two options. Fuck it I thought as I walked to my room getting dressed. I threw on a dirty old sweatshirt and my jeans. I slid on my converse going towards the door to catch a ride down to the club, but the door opened revealing a very happy Kayla. I wanted to slap that look off her face, but instead I slammed the door, so I could yell at this bitch.

"Where the hell were you? I was bout to drive down to the club to find your ass."

She laughed walking over to the couch her eyes filled with pure joy. I followed her sitting on the chair next to the couch observing her. She had her daydreaming face on with her eyes glowing, and it wasn't from the light.

"What kinda shit are you on?" I asked because there's no reason for her to be this damn happy from shaking her ass.

"No drugs just happiness and hope," she finally answered.

"Fuck you mean?"

She sat up laughing. "I gotta tell you what went down tonight." She moved closer to me sitting up straighter. "Ok so I called in late asking if there was enough room for me to work tonight. Eddy said 'yeah bring yo ass down here,' so I brought my shit and left the house. So fast forward to me making the money or whatevea, I called it a night. I said duces to all the girls, and walked out the club. Well, I decided to be a dumbass and take the backways to find a taxi."

"Kayla! You know what's back there!" I told her.
She knows not to go there or else she'll get lost in the streets.

"I know, but I was tired, and it was cold, so I did it anyway. While I was walking, a John pulled me in an alley." She cringed at the memory.

I sighed, "Are you okay? Did he do anything to you?" I asked looking around her face and body seeing no scratches or bruises.

She began to smile. "Ok this is the good part. He was getting all up in my face, pulling my hair and shit, tugging my clothes saying you gonna give me brain or what, you know real Queens accent. I was like, no lil boi. Fuck outta here. Well, I kept struggling and fighting until he got fed up. He started full out dragging me down by my hair, so I started screaming because that shit hurt. He was about to try something until I saw the dude fall to the ground. I looked up to see this light-ish brown skin looking guy with a NYC beanie who had some plump ass lips. They looked like the kind you could kiss forever. But anyway, he was standing over him with like no expression."

That description sounded a little too familiar. I feel like I've seen a person she's describing before. That's when it clicked and my heart dropped in my ass. It couldn't be Chris, GFA gang member who never talked expect maybe only ten times throughout my whole encounter with him, could it? I didn't ask her about it as I let her continue, but a bitch sure was sweating.

"I looked up at him freaked the fuck out because I thought the fool was gonna do something to me now too, but he held out his hand. I took it once I realized he was trying to help me up. He was like, are you okay? And I was like, yea, thanks for saving my ass. He said, You don't need to thank me. Then we were just standing there, and he was like, let me drive you home, so nothing like this happens, and I was like alright. He threw his arm round me and gave me his jacket because I was brick bruh. We started talking about where we from, and he was saying how pretty I am, and all that. So basically when we were a block away, I told him I got it from here because I knew nothing was gonna happen from a block away. He pulls me back, and ask for my number. We exchange numbers, and I told him I would call him tomorrow. Right before I left, he gave me a kiss on my cheek and was like get home safely, beautiful. Bitch, I melted, I'll admit."

I wanted to laugh, but I had the sick feeling that it was Chris. I wanted to ask if he had a tattoo on the back of his neck, but then I would have to explain how I knew that. I decided to put on my best fake smile and clap for her.

"So when am I gonna meet him?" I asked.

She blushed, "I mean, I gotta get to know the man first."

"True because we don't need no babies in this bitch," I said before walking to my room.

I hope it's not Chris. I pray it's not Chris.

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