Chapter 3

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Around the corner comes a cop car. Jade bolts and I closely follow. We run out the back gate and into an alley across the street. She stops and crouches behind a dumpster and I do the same. "What am I going to do? My house is that way," I ask between gasps and point back to the park.

"I know a way," she says, "I know all the back ways to everywhere." I nod and she takes off. I follow her across the street into a few more alleys until I don't know where I am anymore. It's getting shabbier and shabbier. Although I don't really trust her sense of direction, I realize I don't have a choice. I have no idea where I'm at.

I'm growing uneasy and it's getting dark. If Missy wakes up and I'm not there I'm dead. "Are you sure you know where we're going?" I ask. She nods and continues to lead me down a maze of alleys.

She turns onto the sidewalk and all of a sudden I realize where I was. I'm three blocks from the house. She sees the look of realization on my face and smiles,"Told ya." I grin.

"I can get it from here, thanks. Missy would kill me if she knew I was hanging out with someone. She's probably going to kill me anyway actually for being late," I smile. The sun is setting. I check the clock on my phone, I still have a hour. I take off in a full sprint down the sidewalk. Maybe if I get home early she won't be so hard on me. I shake my head. Missy is so confusing. She's probably going to lash into me anyway. Most likely sh-I run into someone and fall backwards. Idiot! I scold myself for not paying attention. I sit up quickly, "I am so sorry! I didn't see you. You came out of nowhere!"

The man laughs, obviously amused at my panic, "It's okay. Just pay more attention this time." He holds out his hand. I grab it and pull myself up. My face is burning hot. You should have paid more attention!As I dust myself off he asks, "Are you okay?" I nod. I glance at him. He is pretty hot but too old for me. I flash a smile and take off again, a bit more slow this time. I see Missy's house in the distance. I'm sure she's up by now. It doesn't matter, I just want to go home before I embarrass myself some more. I open the gate and go up the steps. I stick my head in the door. Oh no, it's spotless. She has a guy coming over. I groan. That means I'll have a headache from blasting music in my ears.

I step into the living room. I look around as I walk to the kitchen. The house hasn't been this clean in a while. I sit down at the table. As soon as she realizes I'm in the kitchen she starts on me. "Where have you been?" She asks.

I shrug, "I was out walking." It's none of your business what I was doing. At least I wasn't getting drunk and trashing houses that people have to live in. It's pointless to argue. It would just make things worse, but a girl has her fill from time to time. Still, I hold my tongue.

"Why didn't you clean the house?" She comes closer. I brace myself, but she doesn't do anything. I hope her date will get here so she will focus on him.

"I did! I swept your glass off the floor! I cleaned your trash off the table!" I stand up, "and if you wouldn't've got drunk and trashed the place, then you wouldn't've had to clean it up before your latest desperate pervert shows up to contract some disease!" I duck as she swings at me. I don't see the other hand and she hits the side of my head.

Maybe I went too far this time. I don't care. "Go to your room and don't come out! I don't need you hanging around when Todd gets here! He might think he's seen Death and run away screaming.'' she shrieks. I grab my backpack and storm off to my room. He's going to wish he seen Death when he sees you naked. As soon as I shut my bedroom door the doorbell rings. I look around my room and sigh. I walk over to my dresser. I shrug and pull on a Misfits crop top. It's not like I'll be coming out of my room. I pull on black pajama pants and plop down on my bed. I zone out in my thoughts. I know why she hates me so much, but it's not my fault and she needs to stop punishing me for it. I can't help Mom died and now she has to take care of me. It's not my fault she didn't plan on having any kids. It's not my fault I wasn't put somewhere else. I could see her frustration, she's thirty-one with no previous responsibility and now she's having to take care of a kid. It's not like I have that long left here anyway. I only have two years. She could handle that better than she is.  I shove my earbuds in and turn up Korn. I can feel my eyelids getting heavy. I don't want to go to sleep. It's only eight. I blink a couple times and close my eyes. I'll just close my eyes and not go to sleep.

I shoot up gasping for air. I must've dozed off and had a bad dream. I sit up on the edge of the bed so I don't fall asleep again. I look at my phone, it's ten. I groan and look around the room for something to do. I walk over to my bookcase and grab my pencils and an old sketchbook. I look for an empty page and laugh at my old doodles. It isn't long before I have to pee. I groan. Of course I have to pee. They're probably just getting started too. I put down my pencil and go to the door. I cracked it open and slowly peek out. The coast is clear. I take off down the hall past Missy's room. It's quiet. They're probably in the living room. Good-bye couch. The bathroom is right in front of me. I'm clear. I freeze as the man pushes her up against the wall just feet in front of me. They don't seem to notice me. She turns her head as he kisses down her neck. I make a dash for the bathroom before I can see anything else. "Sheri!" Missy shrieks. Fuck, she must've saw me go into the bathroom.

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