Chapter 30

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We stay in the room for hours. I find myself unable to part my gaze from the drying pool of blood on the floor. That's gonna leave a stain there. Oh Serena. She didn't even have anything to do with this. I don't understand why she had to die. I thought she was safe in Minnesota. I thought Todd didn't even know she existed. Maybe she was able to make it down here after all without her mom knowing. Now she's dead because she knew something she wasn't supposed to. She's dead all because of me. Everything's because of me. If anything, that should be my blood on the floor.

The light isn't shining in the window anymore, it's night time. We've been in here all day. Neither me nor Jade speak. Neither of us can find the words, too much has happened. My brain is overloaded. My whole body is overloaded with a sick sense of numbness. I can barely find the motivation to breathe. I look around the slowly darkening room. I close my eyes and drift off, unable to find it in me to do anything else.

When I open my eyes I find Todd sitting on the floor in front of me. "It's about time you woke up," he scowls, "I've been waiting." I squint. The morning light coming through the window is blinding. Why? Why has he been sitting here waiting on me? Hey, wait a minute where's Jade?

"Where's Jade?" I ask through the gag. He doesn't answer. He stares at me like he's waiting for me to say or do something, but what? Does he want an apology? What do I apologize for? Maybe I should anyway? The sound of glass shattering comes from the bathroom. My eyes grow wide and I cry out for Jade. His face twists into a grin before he runs to the bathroom.

He opens it. "What the Hell?" he yells, "you said you had to pee. I'm not letting you loose again for anything until I'm finished with you. So you better hold it, or don't, I don't care." I can't see what's going on. They're in there forever. I listen to Jade's sobs and Todd's cusses. I can't take this anymore. He proved he was serious, that he would kill. I don't want Jade to die. I don't want anyone to die except Todd. He killed a baby and my friend. That's enough killing. I'm done. I'm tired of lies and punishments. I give up. He wins.

Finally, they come out, Todd dragging Jade by her hair. He must've stitched her up. I can't say I blame her for trying. I've thought about it a couple times myself since I've been here, and even before. He forces her back down and reties her. She mumbles something and Todd slaps her across the face. I hang my head. This is it. I'm finished fighting.

"So," he says as he walks over with a grin, "you wanna try?" He holds up a piece of glass and laughs. I shake my head without looking up. "Look at me," he demands. I slowly lift up my head and meet his eyes. A helpless feeling consumes me. "Will you do anything stupid if I let you go? Can I trust you?" His eyes pierce me, silently giving me a warning. He removes the handkerchief from my mouth.

"I won't, I promise. You can trust me," I say quietly. He looks at me questioningly and unties me. "Um, Todd," I say shyly. He looks back at me.

"What?" He growls, "get on your knees and wait for me to come back. You better not move." I get out of the chair and onto my knees. I lower my head again. I hear him reenter the room. "Now, obviously I have been way too lenient on you girls. You've made me do something I really didn't want to have to do. I've realized my mistake now," he says darkly as he wall toward me.

I look up, "Wait, can I just say something first? I'm sorry, um, I've...been bad. I realize now you're serious. Besides, I'm tired of the fighting and the punishments. It's not worth it. I'm done. From now on I'm completely yours, no more betrayal, no more anything stupid. I don't want anyone else to die. Please forgive me?" I look back down.

"You're forgiven," he says, "stand up." That's it? That can't be it? He definitely has a soft spot for me. I guess because I'm more easy to manipulate than Jade. I stand, keeping my head down. I can't stand to see him right now. I know he has that cocky grin on his face. He places his hand gently under my chin and raises my head up. He kisses me softly on my lips and embraces me.

"I'm sorry," I cry. I repeat it over and over. I realize I'm not apologizing to him, but to Serena, Jade, the baby, Serena's mom, my mom. What would mom think? She wouldn't think anything, she'd just beat me. I've disappointed her. I've been letting everyone down lately.

"It's okay babydoll. I said I forgive you. Take it easy," he says as he strokes my hair. He lets go and smiles softly at me. He knows he won. He believes me.

"Sheri what are you doing? Are you nuts? You can't just give up. He literally just killed two people in a matter of twenty-four hours and you're apologizing to him because you've been bad? You're letting him win?" She cries out in fustration. Oh God Jade, quit being such a martyr. You lost a baby because of this jerk and you still want to argue with him? With me? Just stop. I'm helping.

"Yes, I am Jade," I yell before Todd could do anything, "look, I know he killed your baby. That was my neice or nephew. You don't think I'm devastated? You don't think I'm pissed about him killing Serena? Yes I am, but Jade, we're here from now on. Alright?  And I don't know that you think your talking about bashing me for giving into him when you just tried to give into Death. I'm tired of the bullshit. I'm done with people dying and getting hurt because if I lost you I'd have nothing left, no emotion, no heart, no soul, no reason to live."

Todd and Jade both fall silent. They stare at me, Jade's eyes water. I walk over to Jade. Surprisingly, Todd doesn't stop me. I hug her. "I'm sorry," she cries.

"It's okay. I'm sorry, I know you're going through a lot. I shouldn't have exploded like that. I threw some pretty low punches. Just, we'll be fine here, I promise," I say.

"Jesus Christ, it's like a real life soap opera. Break it up you two you're making me nauseous. Of course you'll be fine here if you'd just follow the damn rules," he growls. I hate myself. I know I just made her feel bad. I didn't mean to though. I'm just done. She's gonna have to stop her shenanigans if we're gonna get out of here.

I stand up and move away from her. "Now get out," he says to me, "I want Jade." He grins darkly and Jade whimpers. I go out, closing the door behind me.

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