Chapter 10

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I wake up, still in bed. Everything hurts. Todd is gone. What the Hell? Then again, what did you expect Sheri? I stand up and pick my clothes up off the floor. I slide them on and decide to explore. I step out of the bedroom into the hallway. The floor is cold on my bare feet. Everything's so nice and exquisite. I can even see myself in the floor. I walk up and down the hallway. I don't dare open any doors, though. The paintings on the wall are very nice. I'm pretty sure that one's Van Gogh. This place is too nice for such a disgusting person. My stomach rumbles I make my way downstairs to find the kitchen. Even the staircase is gorgeous, man. I walk into to kitchen and Todd turns to look at me. My stomach drops and I jump back. "Awe don't be afraid," he says sarcastically, "it's only me. I made breakfast." I nod and slowly walk to the table. I sit down and he dumps scrambled eggs on a plate in front of me.

Eggs? Oh come on, I hate eggs. I have to admit I'm a bit disappointed. I'm also scared to eat anything here so it wouldn't have mattered what he cooked me. "So, how does this bullshit work anyway?" I ask him.

"Simple. I call you and you drop everything and come to me. If you don't, well, I'll find a way to get rid of Jade. Permanently," he looks me straight in the eyes. He's bluffing, isn't he? Isn't he? No. He's sick, disgusting. He continues, "If someone finds out about our deal I'll assume you told someone, and I'll make your life a living Hell. You think it's bad now? Cross me and see. You may go wherever in the house you want." I nod.

"Can I go see Jade?" I ask as I shift uncomfortably in my chair. "Like, I need to know if she's okay, you know, what she plans on doing, how she's gonna get home. Please," I plead. He turns around and sits at the table with his eggs.

"I'll take you after breakfast. After that you'll go to the mall and get you some clothes. Whatever you want, cost doesn't matter," he puts a fork full of eggs in his mouth. I nod. I choke down some eggs. I have lost my appetite watching him eat. I push the eggs around with my fork. I should probably thank him as much as it makes me sick. He is letting me go see Jade. I don't want him to get the wrong idea though. I decide not to because my manners are just going to make it worse. He'll mistake it for compliance.

"You really need to eat. Do you not like eggs? I can get something else," he says looking at me from across the table. I shake my head and put down my fork. My stomach is churning again. I feel like I'm going to puke. I can't eat. I can't. I shake my head.

"I'm sorry, I can't eat. I might puke," I shift in my seat. He hides a sly smile. He knows why. He stands and puts his and my plate in the dishwasher.

"There's a shower in the bedroom, if you want to take one. There should be towels and shampoo and stuff in there," he says as he walks across the kitchen and into the living room. I make my way upstairs and into the bedroom. I don't have any clean clothes, but at least I won't stink. Maybe my clothes won't either. I enter the room and shut the door behind me. I shudder at the sight of the messy bed. I remember the pain. My gut gets tight. I open the door to the bathroom and step inside. Even the bathroom is really nice. There is a big walk-in shower and probably the biggest tub I've ever seen. Almost the size of a jacuzzi. I close the door behind me. I adjust the water in the shower and let it warm. I look at myself in the mirror, my hair's a mess. I look around in the drawers for a hair brush. All I can find is a comb. It's nearly impossible to brush out my long, thick hair with a simple comb, but I manage.

I slide off my clothes and step into the shower. The warm water feels good, soothing. I stand under the shower head and let the water run over me. I close my eyes for a minute, then reopen them. I wash my hair and rinse it out. Halfway through lathering up my body I hear the bathroom door open. My heart starts to race. I'm still so sore. He can't possibly be wanting sex so soon. I just got finished taking a shower, too. I can see him standing there, watching my shape through the tempered glass door. He's waiting for me to get out. I fill full of dread as I turn off the water and open the door. He flashes a disgusting smile. I dry myself off as he watches me, looking my body over. I know my face is red. I slide my clothes back on and comb out my hair. He watches me silently. I wish he would just say something. What's he doing? "When can I go see Jade? Can I go today?" I finally ask. He nods.

"I'll take you as soon as you're ready," he says. I go back into the bedroom. The bed is made and the sheets are changed to black. I sit down on the edge and pull on my boots. Todd walks out of the bathroom. I stand and nod. He walks out the bedroom door and I follow. He leads me outside. He puts his arm around me and pulls me close as we walk across the yard to his car. It's not as hot outside as it was yesterday. I open the door and get in the passenger side as he gets in the driver's. He reaches into the compartment under the arm rest and pulls out the blindfold. I turn my head so he can tie it. He puts it around my eyes and ties it. He gently grabs my chin and pulls my head around facing him. I can't see what he's doing. He gives me a long kiss on the lips and says,"You're so beautiful baby." Ew. Ew. Ew. He starts the car and backs up. I hate the trip from his house to the city. It's a good thirty minutes. I grip the arm rest for dear life, even though in a wreck it wouldn't protect me, it is comforting. It feels like we have been driving for more than thirty minutes.

"Hey, when we get here, you guys can't go anywhere. You have to stay in the hotel so I can see you. I don't want you running away. I'd hate to have to hurt you," he says. You seemed to enjoy it last night. I nod. "And remember, nobody can know. Not even Jade." I nod again. The car comes to a slow stop and I hear him put it in park. He turns off the car and gently slides off the blindfold. We're across the street from the motel. He puts his hand on the back of my neck and pulls me in for another long, slow kiss. Stop. He finally lets go and pulls back. I open my eyes. "Go on," he says as he unlocks my door, "you have thirty minutes. You better be back or you'll regret it." I nod and look at the time on the radio. 12:30. I open the door and get out.

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