Chapter 13

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"Babe." I wake up freezing. I can still hear him even though I'm awake. Oh no. I open my eyes, his face is in mine. I jump and frantically push myself up as close to the wall as possible, whimpering. You're acting like a frightened rabbit. You know he likes it. Why do you do this? "Oh come on now," he smiles softly and gently pulls me by the arms away from the wall. He caresses me and whispers good morning in my ear. His body is warm, I get chill bumps. Let me go. Get away from me. He releases and backs up, "Do you want breakfast?" You better mean actual food.

I nod, "I'm going to get a shower first though, if that's okay." He nods and steps out of my way. I walk over to the dresser and pull out some clothes. I go into the bathroom, leaving the door open. There's no point in closing it, if he wants to watch he'll come in anyway. I turn on the water and take off my clothes, piling them in the floor. He steps in the bathroom as I get in and shut the shower door. He sits where he did before, watching. I finish. I grab a towel to wrap my hair in, and another to dry off with. I can feel him looking me over. He walks up to me. He puts his hands on my waist. I put my arms around his neck. He kisses me, sliding his tongue in my mouth. No. No. Not again. He pulls the towel off my head so he can run his fingers through my hair. No. No. He kisses me more. He picks me up. I wrap my arms tighter around him and my legs around his waist. He backs me up against a wall, boning me. A moan slips, my face gets red. My stomach gets tight. We continue to make out for longer than I want to. No. Let me down. I swear if he drops me.

He wasn't going to though. I'm only 170 and like, 5'5. A big guy like him, who I believe is around 6'3, 6'4, could probably snap me in half if he wanted. We meet eyes, I silently plead him to not continue. He doesn't have the look. Thank God. Still, he continues for a few minutes. Then he slowly lets me down. Even though he didn't technically do anything, I still feel violated. It's exactly what he wanted. He didn't want sex, he just wanted to get off on making me uncomfortable first thing in the morning. "Breakfast is downstairs," he says, walking out. I exhale. I slip on clothes and blow-dry my hair. I put on what make up I have in my bag. I didn't think to get more. I brush my hair out and reluctantly make my way downstairs where I know he's waiting. I walk across the foyer area into the kitchen.

He's sitting at the table eating bacon and eggs. There's a plate already fixed in front of him. I sit down and force myself to eat. He keeps glancing up at me. I know it's my clothes. I'm a black tank top that probably shows a bit too much at the top, a black jean skirt I know comes up too high, fishnet stockings, and combat boots. "You look good," he says.

"Thanks," I mumble. My face turns red. I eat some more. He has already finished. He sits waiting for me to finish. Why are you staring at me? I'm trying to eat. You know you make me sick. "What?" I ask as I finish.

"I was just waiting for you to finish so I can take you to Jade," he says, taking my plate to the dishwasher. He switches it on at turns to me. "You do want to go today, right?" Duh. I nod. "Come on then," he says. I stand and follow him outside. I get in the passenger side. I take a deep breath. "What's wrong?" He's asks. I really don't know. It doesn't matter. You don't care anyway. He starts the car, but waits to pull off until I give an answer.

"Really, I don't know. I just..don't..I guess I'm just tired," I smile. He smiles back and plants a soft kiss on my cheek. Did he buy it? I can't tell. He ties the blindfold around my eyes and drives off.

I lean my head up against the window. I'm used to his driving by now. The car ride still takes forever. He stops the car and takes off the blindfold. I look at him. He kisses me, then leans over and opens the door. "Thirty minutes," he reminds me. He smacks my ass as I climb out. I cringe and shut the door. I flash a fake smile and walk away.

I hurry across to the motel partially glad she didn't take my advice so soon, the car was still there. I knock on the door. Jade opens it and I step inside. She hugs me. "Are you okay?" she asks.

"No," I say as I sit down on the bed,"I'm not. I don't know what to do. I can't do anything." I sigh. She sits down on the bed beside me. She looks at my clothes.

"I don't know what to do either," she says,"did he buy you those?" I nod. "I like them."

"Even though I picked them out," I scooted back and sat indian-style on the bed,"I hate them. I hate them as much as I hate him. I really hate the lingerie. He bought them and picked them out."

"Lingerie?"she asks quietly. I nod. "He bought you lingerie. How many times has he..?" She falls silent. She looks me over again. "You're bruised. He's hurt you."

"Three," I say silently. I hadn't even noticed the bruises on my wrists, neck, and thighs. I stare at my wrists. How have I not noticed that? I would have covered them up. She sits there for a minute.

"We're getting out of here," She says grabbing my arms,"now. I don't care if we have to run the rest of our lives. I can't let this happen to you." She's so strong. I didn't know she was this strong. She pulls me out of the room. I can't break loose. I pull backwards as hard as I can.

She pulls me to the car. "Jade no! Jade! Listen to me, please, you can't do this. You don't understand. Jade!" I say crying. I break loose but she grabs me again, tighter this time. "Jade, he's watching. He'll kill us." She shoves me in the car. How? Then again, I am a twig, but so is she. I open the door. In my panic I trip on the seat belt and fall to the pavement. I kick the door shut. I stand up and back away from the car.

She looks at me in astonishment. "What the Hell Sheri! He's got you scared. He can't do shit," she says near tears. She has fear written all over her face.

"You know he can. Do you know the punishment for what you went to jail for? They won't just let you walk. He knows people. And yes I am scared. I don't know what to do," I start crying. She hugs me. I glance over at the parking lot down the street. "Don't freak out," I whisper,"but he's watching. It's time for me to leave. I'm probably late. I know he's not going to let me come back. Don't look for me. I love you." I run off before she can say anything. I wipe away tears as I hurry across the parking lot.

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