Chapter 8

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I wake to the sound of struggling. I jump out of bed and look around. Jade is yelling at someone. Missy. They are outside. I open the front door to run out to stop them. How am I going to break them up? What do I do, what do I do, what do I do? Someone's going into call the cops and Jade's going to get arrested. They are on the ground, Jade on top, and Jade is just pummeling her face. "Jade stop!" I scream. In a panic I grab Jade's neck with both of my hands. She lets go of Missy and turns to me. She almost hits me but stops herself. "Jade what are you doing,"I ask.

"She crawled in through the window and took money to get a hamburger and some alcohol because she spent all of her money on alcohol," she growls. I look at Missy who's sitting up holding her nose. I sigh.

"So what do we do? There's not really anything we can do. Let's just get the car fixed first thing tomorrow and leave," I sigh again. I put my hand on her shoulder and lead her back inside. She hangs her head as she walks, but only because of how mad she is.

"Wanna see if there's a scary movie or something on? Maybe they'll calm me down faster." I nod and she flips through the channels. I take off my boots and lie down beside her on the bed. She finally finds one. Some cheap, corny slasher thing. We sit watching the movie for a while. Oh my God this movie sucks.

I glance over at Jade, who seems just as bored. Someone knocks on the door. We both look at each other in confusion. "Open up, its the police!" Jade looks at me in horror and scrambles to open the door. I shut off the TV and go to the door. "Which one of you is Jade?"

Before either of us can answer Missy runs up behind him and shoves her finger in Jade's face, "That one, that one right there." Jade's face lights up with rage. She manages to keep her cool.

"You're under arrest for assault and battery and disturbing the peace," he explains as he cuffed her. She groans. Missy looks at me with a smug look. I can't believe it. I'm not going to have enough money to bail her out. What do I do nowThe cop puts her in the car and comes back to me. He asks me what happened. I explain the situation, hoping he'd at least arrest Missy too, but he doesn't. He just leaves. Yeah I bet I know why she's not getting arrested. I go back inside and lock the door. What am I going to do? How am I going to get her out? How am I even going to get the money? I can't just leave her there. I wish the tables were turned, Jade would know how to get the money. I finally get the chance to be the one coming to the rescue and there's no way in Hell I'm going to be able to. There's no way this could get any worse. I think as I pace the floor. I sit down on the bed and start to cry. I'm so pathetic. The one time that Jade needs me I can't do anything. What kind of friend am I? I wipe my face, "Well, crying isn't going to solve anything," I whisper to myself. Why am I such a cry baby? I make my way into the bathroom and stare myself down in the mirror. I turn on the faucet and start splashing myself with cold water.

The lamp in the bedroom falls over. I step out of the bathroom to see what could have possibly knocked it over. There's nothing there. Must've been a rat...a big rat. Something doesn't feel right. I walk back into the bathroom and stare in the mirror again. I splash some water in my face, walk out of the bathroom, and lie down on the bed. "Hey Sheri." My eyes shoot open.

"What are you doing here! How did you find and me?" I tear the covers off of me and sit up. He's sitting in a chair in the corner, blocking my exit. He has a grin on his face. My heart sinks to my gut. He looks me over.

"Missy, she called me. She told me where she was at. She wanted a little....attention, and I just happened to be in town. So I thought I'd pay a visit." We stare at each other. He stands up and walks to the end of the bed. He eyes my boobs, almost hanging out of my tank top. I pull my shirt up as he snickers.

"You just happened to be in town? Are you sure you didn't follow us? Because that's quite a coincidence," I raise my eyebrow. He smiles, then looks down and nods.

"Yeah, ya got me. I live here actually. After I left the hospital I came home. I was on vacation and met Missy at a bar, she invited me home, and then I met you," he says looking me over. Looking me over like a meal or something, I cringe.

"So what do you want? Missy's in the other room. She's probably getting pretty lonely you might wanna go before sh-" he cuts me off before I can finish.

"You know what I'm here for. You know exactly what I want. From you. I'm not here for Missy. I'm here to finish what I was doing before we were so rudely interrupted. Besides, she was passed out when I got in there." He comes closer until he is looking down on me. I scoot to the other side of the bed and against the wall. I look past him at the door.

"Well, so? Go get her. She's passed out, that's the point. She can't say no," I laugh nervously. He doesn't seem amused. I stop laughing. I gulp.

"That's no fun. No struggle, no cringing or crying. No screaming," he smirks, "no fun. You should know, you like that kind of music." He starts across the bed. What do I do? There's no where to go, I have nothing to defend myself with. He's way stronger than me. What about Jade? Wha... He grabs just under my chin and kisses me.

"Get away," I whimper. I try to pull away. I flail and his grip tightens to where I think he's going to crush my jaw, I stop. He brings his other hand to the curve of my back.

I put my hands on his chest and try to push him away. He pulls back, keeping his hands in place. "Hey, where's the hot bitch that busted my head open?"

"Jail. Missy stole money from me to get booze and food and drugs. So Jade kicked her ass. I stopped her but it was too late, the cops had already been called. I can't get her out," I barely manage to whisper. He looks me in the eyes. My fear is apparent, I squirm a little. He comes closer to my face. "Get away," I whisper in a shaky voice. I turn my head.

"Yes you can, I know people. If you come live with me and let me fuck you whenever I want, I'll get her out for you. You do owe her your life. Probably more than that one time, you seem like the damsel in distress type," he pauses and looks me over again, "and it is kinda your fault she got arrested because you brought her along with your aunt. You know they don't get a long."

He lets me go and backs off, "I'll let you think about it for a minute. Also, either way, I'm going to have you before I leave. There's no getting out of that." I cringe and sigh. He's right. This is the only opportunity I'll have to get Jade out. No, no, no, no. She'd be so mad when she finds out I basically sold myself to get her out. She'd kick my ass then.

My mind's racing. I don't know what to do. I- "My offer ends in ten seconds. You don't really want to live with Missy do you? She doesn't even like you."

"Okay," I nearly scream, causing him to slightly jump. "Okay," I whisper, "I'll do it." I choke my tears down. You won't cry this time. He snickers, pushes me down, and straddles me. I hold a hand in his face "Wait," I sigh, "you have to get her out first. Then you can do whatever you want, I won't fight you."

He sits silently for a second. He groans, annoyed. "Alright," he gets off the bed and stands up, "but I'm counting on you fighting me just a little. It's entertaining watching you squirm." I stand up and put on my boots. He grabs my wrist tightly and we step out the door. Sheri, what the Hell have you gotten yourself into now child? I hang my head. He opens the passenger side door and nearly shoves me in.

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