Chapter 16

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"Come here," he says from his lounged out position on the couch. It sends a chill down my spine, and not a good one either. It wasn't how he said it, it was the words themselves, although I'm not sure why. I ignore it and sit down beside him, but I put some distance between us. He gives me a confused look. You have to obey, his sharp words ring in my head. I scoot up against him and lay my head on his chest.

"What's the matter? You didn't sit close to me like you normally do," he asks in a soft tone. He puts his arm around my shoulder and strokes my hair. It makes me want him.

"It's just that I've kinda been around you a lot lately. You've had to basically nurse me for almost a month. I thought I'd give you some space, I'm sure you're sick of me," I say with a knot in my stomach.

He chuckles,"No baby girl I'm not. As a matter of fact, I haven't had enough of you. I can't get enough. I'll never get sick of you." I look at him with a smile of relief. He plants a swift kiss on my lips. He flashes a sinister grin and kisses me again, longer this time. Please. He pulls back and violently slides me over onto his lap. Yes. His touch feels so good. He slowly runs his hand from my boobs down my body to my hips.

I wrap my arms around him and meet his eyes. He slips his tongue in my mouth and runs his hands down my back. He pulls back and looks me in the eyes. I bite my lip to suppress my excitement. It makes his eyes light up. "Why don't you go put something on?" He says. I nod and stand up. He smacks my ass so hard it hurts as I walk out. It makes me ache for him. I dig through my lingerie trying to find something that really catches my eye. I finally find something I really like. I pick up a lacy, black...bustier? I think they're called. I slide it and some lacy, black cheeky panties on. Trying to remember what he had thrown at me before, I add a garter belt, garters, and fishnet stockings. I stand in front of the mirror fixing everything and making sure I look okay.

"Perfect," Todd says from the doorway. I jump, I didn't notice him. He laughs at me, "Didn't mean to scare ya." I smile. "Come on," he says, grabbing my hand softly. I let him lead me to the hallway. He starts into his bedroom; I stop dead in the doorway. I jerk backwards. He whirls around angrily, "Where do you think you're going?" He tugs at my arm. "You know you can't ever deny me. Besides, I know you want to." 

"Of course I do, but I'm not just going to let you," I say with a smirk, hoping he gets it. "Besides, you like to watch me struggle."

He gives a dark grin. He slings me inside and shuts the door,"I thought you learned that lesson already in the bathroom." He shoves me against the door, "You can't win." We glare at each other. He runs his hands down my hip and leg, then back up to hold my butt. I shove him as hard as I can. He stumbles backwards a little and looks at me, shocked. Did I actually push him backwards a little or did he let me? He slaps my face, obviously mad. It burns. I shove him again. "Is that all you're gonna do?" he asks with a scowl. I punch him in the face, busting his nose. Before I can move he slings me against the dresser. I fall to the ground. As I start to get back up he shoves over the dresser. It barely misses me as I crawl out of the way. I feel a sly smile, but I hide it. I scoot backwards up against a wall. I just cornered myself.

He clutches my throat and stands me up. I squirm, trying to get away. He starts pulling at my top with his other hand. I try to push his free hand away. Somehow I manage to punch him again. He stops and punches me back. Blood trickles down from my nose. It hurts, but for some reason it also feels so good. " g-go, T-todd," I choke out, even though I really don't want him to. He glares into my soul.

"Okay," he says dryly. He shoves me onto the hardwood floor. I hit the floor and groan. He walks towards me and I quickly stand.

"G-get away. P-please don't touch me," I stutter. I know he hates it when I do that. He swings at me, but misses, hitting a mirror instead. The glass shatters and falls into the floor. He swings again and knocks me down, leaving his blood on my face. I clench my teeth as glass goes into my back. He crawls on top of me and picks up a big shard of glass. I smile, I can't help myself, I ache for it's touch. I try pushing him off, but he doesn't budge. He rips my top and bottom off. My heart races faster.

"Stop..stopp," I whisper as he cuts me almost everywhere. I moan; His eyes light up. I try to get out from under him. He licks the blood running out of my arm. I squirm and manage to get loose. I jump up and run for the door. He wraps his arms around my waist and picks me up. The glass in my back sends a stabbing pain through my body. "Ow!" I scream. He stops and sits me down.

I start to get up. "Don't move!" He screams. He bends down behind me, picking the glass out of my back. I wince each time. After it's all out he picks me up and shoves me down on the bed. "Don't get up," he says, pointing his finger at me.

I obey this once. He comes back with rope. I sit up. My eyes go to my wrists, scarred from the rope burns. I remember the extreme cold of the room. "Todd no, my wrists, I can't take that feeling again," I say.

"You can and you will," he says shoving me back down on the bed. Douchebag.

"I'm not playing this time I'm serious. Please," I plead. And I am serious this time.

"I'm not playing either, so shut up," he growls. He grabs a wrist smashing it against the bed post so I can't move it. I frantically try to pry his hands away, I'm not having fun anymore. He stops and smacks me. I whimper. He ties my other hand. I try to calm myself down. He takes his clothes off and climbs on top of me. He licks my neck and kisses me everywhere. I lie my head back as he sucks and nips on my neck. He runs his hands over my body. I don't forget about the ropes digging into my wrists. He slides his tongue in my mouth.

He smirks at me and slides in. He doesn't start slow at all. He immediately starts shoving as hard as he can. I moan loudly, almost screaming. It hurts, but it feels good. "Todd," I moan in between gasps. He pushes himself harder. I clinch my fists. The bed is shaking a lot. He buries his head in my neck. He groans and spreads his thrusts, forcing even harder. I bite his shoulder, making it bleed. His blood is hot and sour. He cusses and pushes further. I hear a cracking sound. What is that? I'm moaning, shaking, and screaming cusses at him. My body feels numb. It feels so good. I moan. He cusses me and grabs my throat tightly. I can barely breathe. All of a sudden the bed cracks loudly and caves in. I squeal. What just happened? He doesn't stop, he doesn't even seem bothered. He never even breaks rhythm. He finally peaks and collapses beside me. He doesn't pull out. He weakly runs his fingers through my hair. He lays in me, throbbing. I'm still violently shaking. I smile. I exhale and close my eyes.

I wake up the next morning. He's still laying in bed beside me. "Good morning baby," he mumbles. I roll on my side and smile. He props up on his arm,"You look like Hell, but it's kinda hot."

"Well you don't look too good yourself," I giggle, but he does, he looks even hotter than normal. He chuckles and grins. We kiss. He pulls away and I sit up.

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