Chapter 21

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I open my eyes I'm disoriented, after a few minutes my eyes adjust to the darkness. Why am I in Todd's room? I rub my eyes. Oh, that's right, I came in here to nap after I got a shower. I notice the early morning light barely. It's cold in here. How long was I asleep? I didn't think I was that tired. I just wanted to take a nap. I feel Todd throw his arm around me. I look over at him. He's still asleep, or he's faking it one. I smile. He's warm. I curl up as close as I can to him.

"Good morning," he mumbles. He scoots closer to me.

"Good morning," I whisper. I kiss him.

"I love you," he mumbles back. I smile. He props himself up on his arm, making his arm muscles flex most likely on purpose. Idiot.

"I know." I smile. He crosses his arms and pretends to be offended. I laugh. "Fine, I love you too," I say sarcastically. He smiles and laughs.

He looks over at the clock. He sighs, then looks back at me. "I have to go."

"Oh," I say quietly. He gets out of bed. I watch him get dressed. He walks over to the bed and kisses me, then leaves. I already miss him. I roll back over and force myself back to sleep. I open my eyes. I look around. Aw, Todd's not back yet. I wipe my eyes and get out of bed. I walk over to my room. I walk into my closet and change my clothes. I haven't worn this in a while. I pick up my Misfits top and slide it on. I slide on skinny jeans and check myself in the mirror. As I change my pose I notice something on my arm. What the? I look closer. Holes? Tiny marks? Eh, it's probably nothing. Probably something Todd did I didn't notice during sex or something. I shrug and continue downstairs. Maybe he's downstairs waiting for me. I hurry down the stairs and search the kitchen, living room, study, and green room. He's not here. I sigh. What are you doing? You're acting like a lost puppy, Jesus, Sheri. He's coming back. He obviously has a job or something to do. It's the only way he could have this much money, unless its inherent. Just stop Sheri, gahI walk back into the kitchen and cook myself pancakes. After almost burning them, I sit down to eat. You seriously almost burnt pancakes. Well, it has been a while, Todd's always cooked. I look at the clock on the wall. 11:00. Ugh.

The front door opens. I grin and run to the door. "Hey, babe" he greets me, smiling. He opens his arms and I run into them.

"I missed you," I say. He laughs. I feel the embarrassment fill me. I let go and hide my face. I watch him smile at me through my hair.

"I missed you too, all day long," he says. He brushes my hair out of my face and kisses me. "I love you.''

"I love you," I smile. I follow him into the kitchen. He notices the dirty plate on the table. He looks at me, slightly surprised.

"You can cook?" He asks. I nod and laugh.

"I've always been able to, you've just done it for me." I smile.

"Ah" he says. I follow him into the living room. He sits down and smiles; I sit beside him and lie my head on his chest. He puts his arm around me. "Hey, wanna do me a favour?"

I look up at him. "Sure," I shrug. I smile, and he smiles back.

"In the drawer thing in my room, not the dresser, but the other thing, there's a book I want you to get. It's yours, but I want you to bring it and read it to me." I give him a weird look. "What? I love the sound of your voice, and I want to read it but I'm too lazy to read it myself." I laugh.

"Okay, fine, lazy" I smile and get up. He lets his hand run over me as I stand. He grins when I turn back to look at him. I make my way upstairs and into his room.The other dresser. The other dresser. The other dresser. I open up the door and start rummaging through the other dresser. There's a bunch of junk in there, papers, files, candles, matches, random small things like paperclips, broken CD's. It's all organised? Weird. I don't see a book. Maybe he got the drawers mixed up? I walk over and start looking in the other dresser. The first three drawers are clothes. I get to the bottom one and there's a photo album. Maybe it's his baby pictures or something. I sit on the floor and open it.It starts out with pictures of me around the house, some of these with me naked. I didn't even know he took these. Then it's me with a woman, sitting on the porch of some run down house. She looks so familiar? I know her. Who is she? Then there's one of me asleep in someone's bed that's not mine or Todd's. I know that blanket. What's going on? That poster.Next is a photo of me beside a girl. I know that girl. Who is she? I know her, I know that I know her...I look at the marks on my arm.I know those, I've seen them on someone before. Someone else, not me. I feel like crying. I'm so confused. I stare at the other pictures of me and the girl. Suddenly it hits me. 

Oh. My. God. That's Jade. That's Missy. That's my bed, my old one at Missy's house, the one I should be in. I have to get back. I have to get away fro- oh my god. Todd. He can't know I seen these. I look at my arm. He's been drugging me. How do I get out of here? I can't get out of here. I'm stuck in this mad house. I start crying uncontrollably. I clutch the picture of Jade and I. I remember a few days ago when I woke up and collapsed. He overdosed me. The door opens. I hold in a scream. Todd walks in and holds up the book. "Hey, I forgot I mov-" He stops cold. My eyes grow wide. His narrow to anger.I wipe away the tears even though I know there's going to be more. "You remember?" I nod, knowing there's no point in lying, that he can see I do. He voice grows harsher, "I told you that dresser." He points at the dresser. I bring my knees to my chest, bracing myself. "Now look what you've done. You've fucked everything up!"

"Get away from me, you monster! You drugged me," I yell. He growls.

"So you would forget. That's all it did, nothing more. I wanted to make this as happy an ending as possible. I know you don't want to be here. And I felt bad for you, then, now I don't."

My heart is racing. Come on Sheri say something. Try and manipulate him back. He just stands unmoving in the doorway. "Todd, please, listen to me." I whine, "we can act like this didn't happen. I can forget again. I w-"

"No." He says loudly. I jump. I stand quickly, looking for somewhere to run. He starts towards me. I walk backwards, shaking my head and whimpering.

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