Chapter 34

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 A hand grabs me up by the arm and stands me up. Who's got me? I still don't know what's going on. The bedroom door opens and slams. I still don't know who has me. Someone takes the blindfold off. It's Todd. I look at him in confusion, desperately wanting to ask what's going on but knowing I shouldn't. I realize I'm not supposed to be looking and quickly avert my gaze. "It's okay," he says soothingly, "you can look." I slowly meet his eyes. "I bet you're wondering what's going on, huh? I was talking to my brother the other day and I was telling him about you two and how much trouble Jade was giving me. He offered to come help teach her some respect. I figured he'd do some good, he's always been an asshole. He wanted you, but I told him that you've been good, and you have," he explains, walking over to the bed. So all that was for Jade? I wish she would just stop. She's gonna get us killed. She already got Serena killed. No, that was my fault, but she needs to stop. He stretches out on the bed. I watch his muscles flex and scold myself. He pats the spot beside him.

I walk over and lie beside him, using his arm as a pillow. "I hate to ask you to lie to your friend, but if she asks, I beat you," he says in a sudden, dark change of tone, "if you don't, well, you can imagine what will happen. Can't have her getting any ideas that she can manipulate me or something. You've earned your priviledges, but still, it's only right I punish both of you, which is what I'm supposed to be doing right now, but since I don't feel like it, I'm gonna cut you a break." I nod. He smiles and brushes my hair with his fingers. I lie there and find myself wanting him, but unless he says something I'm not gonna push it. I scold myself again. He has me confused about how I feel. That's exactly what he wants too. I can't help myself, he's too manipulative. Sometimes, like times like this, it's difficult to not have feelings for him. I can't believe I'm even thinking this right now, he's a terrible person and the only thing I should feel is homicidal. Yet, I can't help but fall for him at times like this. He can't be completely terrible can he? Yes, Sheri, he can, stop that. I accidentally sigh out loud, my throat tightens. "What's wrong?" he asks, turning his head to look at me. 

"Jade," I lie through my teeth, "I'm worried about her. I want her to like you. She just won't open her eyes and see you're not that bad. I can't even convince her. I just don't want her to get hurt. She's always been too stubborn-headed for her own good." My stomach knots. Can he tell I'm lying? Surely not, he knows I care for her. He smiles and kisses the top of my head. 

"She'll be okay. Eventually, she'll warm up to me. I think after my brother's done with her she'll be a lot more willing. He won't hurt her too bad, I don't think. If he does, you know I'll patch her up and take care of her. I've never not done that have I?" he says reassuringly.  I shake my head. "That's what I thought, " he smiles, "now stop worrying, okay?" I nod and smile. He wraps his arms around me and pulls me close. Something's got to be bothering him. He's never just sweet like this unless he wants sex, and so far he hasn't showed that he wants anything, so there has to be something wrong. Maybe it's something to do with his brother being here? Todd said he was an asshole.  We lie there for a while. To my surprise, he never suggests anything. There must be something wrong. The door flings open. Todd jumps up and I immediately turn my head away from them, not wanting to cause any trouble. I stay where I am, unmoving.

"I think the girl will be a lot more well behaved now. I seemed to have finally gotten my point across. She's a real stubborn bitch. What about yours?" Todd's brother asks. My heart skips a beat; fear rushes through me. I shift a little. 

"I told you," Todd says, slightly irritated, "she's the good one. She doesn't need any punishment." I can barely fight the urge to turn and look. I can feel the tension in the room.  I manage to restrain myself. Uncomfortable, I shift again. 

"Of course she does. Every now and then they need punishment for no reason other than to be reminded who's boss. Besides, that attitude she had with you when I came in, there's got to be something for that. I think she's getting to comfortable," he growls. I listen, terrified, as footsteps approach me. "You're not even making her wear the damn blindfold. You're allowing her to get to comfortable," he looms over me. Before I can get a good look at his face, he screams at me to look away and follows up with a hard smack to the face. I whimper and rub my cheek. "See what I mean?" he questions Todd, "she thinks she's worthy enough of eye contact."

"Alright, that's enough," Todd commands him, "step away from her. She's a good girl. Come on man, get away." I hear Todd's brother chuckle.

"No man. You called me to do a job, and I'm gonna do it," he growls back at Todd, "you can either watch or leave." The bed sinks in just below my feet. I whine and scoot away. Hands grab my ankles and drag me back down. "Now look at me, bitch, let me see those pretty blues," his brother says. I slowly look up. He's almost a splitting image of Todd, except with blonde hair and a little less buff. Those same green eyes pierce me. I glance around for Todd, but he's nowhere to be found. I knew it. He pulls me down further, positioning my legs around his hips. I cringe. A smirk of satisfaction smears his face. "You look a lot better than the other one. I'm gonna go easier on you than I did her, since I was told you were a good girl. Of course I had to lie to Todd to get him to let me have you," he snakes his hands over my body, teasing in certain places more than others. I fight to keep myself under control. "And now that I have you," he says with the same devious grin Todd has, "I'm going to completely ravage you. Nothing Todd's ever done to you will feel like this, you'll never want him again." My eyes water in fustration and defeat. The bedroom door swings open and Todd marches in. Realizing he's been betrayed, he pulls his brother off of me just in time. His brother jumps up and quickly puts his pants and boxers on. As soon as they're on, Todd charges at him. They scuffle around the room, cussing each other, knocking stuff off the wall. Todd's brother gets a few hits in, but most of the hits come from Todd. Todd flips out his switchblade, he's had enough. "Get the Hell out of my house," he yells. Todd's brother backs out the door, Todd follows him. 

The commotion continues downstairs. I find myself worried for Todd, I know if his brother kills him, then his brother will take us. His brother's a lot more strict than he is. Cussing and yelling continue. Finally, the front door slams and his brother leaves.  Footsteps slowly ascend the stairs and make their way to the bedroom. He walks in the door. He's covered in cuts and gashes, bleeding. His nose is bleeding and his knuckles are bloody. Not caring if I get in trouble, I hurry over to him. "I'm okay, I got it," he grins, "go take care of Jade. She's pretty beat up herself." I hurry past him and across the hall. I open the door and find Jade cowered down in a corner. My eyes water. 

"Jade," I say softly. She looks up at me with a wounded animal look on her face. There's a cut right beside her eye and it's black and swelled up, her lip's busted, she has a gash on her forehead. Her hair's all over her head. From what I can see of her, she's cut and bruised all over. "Come on, it's okay, stand up," I reassure her and hold out my hand. She takes it and I help her up. There's bruises around her neck and lashes trailing down the front of her body, some of them are bleeding. I guide her into the bathroom and sit her on the side of the tub. I want to ask if she's okay, but it seems like a silly question to ask when I can see she's not. I clean her up and stitch the gash on her forehead. She hasn't said one word, or even made eye contact with me. "Jade, it's okay, you can look at me and talk to me. I'm not Todd, and he's not around. I understand you might not feel like talking, and that's okay. I'm sorry. I never meant for any of this to happen. I wish I hadn't been put in Missy's house. I shouldn't have went out to pee. I should've made him to leave, but I didn't, and you're having to suffer for it," I say appologetically. She bursts into tears and hugs me, nearly squeezing me to death. Unwillingly, I realize Jade has reached her breaking point. The one thing I never wanted to happen to her, a broken spirit is the hardest thing to fix. No matter how hard I tried, I just couldn't prevent it. I feel my heart break more. 

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