Chapter 19

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I sit up, wipe my eyes, and stretch. I open my eyes and look around. Todd's gone. He's probably downstairs. I shrug and get out of bed. My hair's matted and gross from the chlorine. I grab some clothes and step in the shower. I hear crashes downstairs. What's going on? I shrug. It's probably none of my business. Definitely don't want to upset him again. I step out and wrap myself in a towel. I sit on the edge of the tub staring at my reflection. I affectionately trace the scar on my forearm. I dry off, fix my hair, and get dressed. I start to open the bedroom door. I pause. Maybe I should just wait until he gets me. There hasn't been anymore crashes, but I don't want to accidentally see something I'm not supposed to. I don't even know what he does to have this much money. Mafia? Definitely don't need to walk in on that business. I walk over and lie down on the bed, then stand up again. I go over to the desk in the corner of the room. Although I knew it was there, I never really paid that much attention to it. I open the drawer and there's pens and paper. Yes. I sit down and start drawing. Hours pass as I doodle stupid, random things. The door opens and I stop and turn around. "Why haven't you come downstairs?" He asks with a dark look.

"I took a shower and just got distracted," I answer. I look at the clock on the dresser, 1:00. He looks over my shoulder at my drawing. It's the headless horsemen.

"Oh," he says, visibly calming down. "That's really good."

"Thanks," I say, smiling. "It's a little rough though, because I don't have anything to reference."

His eyes light up, "Come eat some food, and then I have a surprise.'' He smiles warmly at me. I go downstairs and he fixes a sandwich for me. As I eat he admires me from across the table. I finish and he nearly drops the plate as he jerks it off the table. I laugh at his excitement. What in the World is he doing? "Okay," he says with a grin, "wait here, and keep your eyes closed." I smile and nod. He stays gone for a while. Is he coming back? Should I open my eyes? Is he messing with me? About that time I hear him walk back in. "Okay, open them."

I grin, "Oh my God." It's an art easel and paint. "Thank you!" I hug him.

"Come on," he says as he takes my hand, "I've got something I want you to paint." He grabs the easel and paint and I grab a chair. He explains as we walk outside, "When I got this place, there was a barn that came with it. It's not usable, but I think it's beautiful. I tried to paint it once, but unfortunately I can't paint very well." He laughs. I look around me. I mean I've been outside before, but I never really noticed anything. Everything's flat. You can see forever in almost every direction, save the patch of woods to our left. He takes me there and we start down a short path, I can see the front of the barn. It's so beautiful here. I'm so lucky. It opens back up into a vacant field. I just want to stand and spin in a circle. It's the perfect time of day, the sunlight is glimmering off of everything. The air is warm, but crisp. Fall is coming. My heart flutters. He stops and sets the stuff down. "I think this is a good angle," he says, but looks at me questioningly. I nod and grin. He plops down in the grass and I sit at the easel. Before I start painting, I slide off my socks and shoes and dig my toes into the grass.

After three hours I finally get finished. It sucks. I look over at Todd, but he's not there. I slightly panic before I realize he's just sprawled out on the ground. He's snoring. Is he really asleep or is he faking it? I can't tell. I smile and walk over to him. I look down on him. I don't think he's asleep, he doesn't look like it. He opens one eye and busts out laughing. "What?" I ask. He keeps laughing. "Whaaaaaaaaat?" I ask again.

"I think you missed the canvas," he smirks and sits up.

I laugh, "Yeah, I'm a messy painter. How bad is it?"

"It's all over your face, and just look at you," he smiles. I look down at my hands. It's all over my hands, up my arms, on my shirt, and on my pants. There's even splatters on my feet where it dripped down. "How the Hell did you get the paint everywhere?" He says, shaking his head.

I shrug, "I'm just messy. I don't pay attention to anything but the canvas, so I don't know where else the paint ends up until it's done.'

"Right. Well, let me see it," he stands up and walks over to the canvas. "That's really good." I blush.

"Well it isn't really that gr-" he cuts me off.

"No. It's amazing. Don't sell yourself short, ever, I mean it," he says with a serious look. I can tell in his eyes he means it. He kisses me.

"Thank you," I say, smiling shyly. Why am I blushing so much? I grab my painting and stool; He grabs the easel and paint. As we walk back he slides his free hand into mine. "Your hand is so warm."

"Your hand feels like ice," he says.
I shrug, "I've always had cold hands. Cold hands, warm heart." I smile. He chuckles a little.

"Yeah," he says with a stupid smile, "well in that case, warm hands, cold heart."

"No," I protest. He shrugs. "Todd," I raise my eyebrow, "you do not have a cold heart."

"Okay," he says sarcastically. I shove him. He shoves back. We get back to the house and he opens the door. I walk into the kitchen and set the painting on the table and the stool back in its place. Why am I so sleepy? It's like four o'clock. He picks up the painting and hangs it on the wall in the foyer. He stares at it. I walk up beside him and he puts his arm around me without breaking his gaze. I love you so much. I watch him staring at the painting like he is obsessed with it. He finally looks at me. I wrap him in a hug and bury my head in his chest. He puts his arms around my neck and kisses my head. Don't let me go. I smile. I yawn. "You're tired?" He asks.

"Just a little. It's okay." I smile sleepily.

"No, you need to sleep if you're tired. It's not good for you not to," he says softly. His eyes smile at me, but his facial expression keeps the same hard look.

"But I promised I-," I say sleepily. He cuts me off.

"It's okay," he glares into my eyes, but he doesn't seem mad.
I smile sluggishly. "Come on," he says. He picks me up without giving me a chance to say or do anything. I wrap my arms around him as he carries me up the stairs. He takes me into my room and lays me on my bed. He covers me up and gives me a long, slow kiss. He starts to walk out, "I love you."

"I love you too. Please stay," I call out. I realize that I've gotten to where I can't sleep without him.

"I can't sweet heart, I have things to do. It's four, most people go to bed later," he says apologetically.

"Please, just until I fall asleep." I sound like a child. I can't sleep without him though. He's so warm and comforting.

He sighs, "You're acting like a kid." I make a puppy dog face. "Oh my god, Sheri. Come on." I quiver my lip. "Fine, Jesus." He walks over and lays down beside me. I giggle and he wraps his arm around me. "Happy now?"

I nod, "Yeah, for now." I giggle. He kisses me. I drift off to sleep as he brushes his fingers through my hair.

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