Chapter 17

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The room is a total mess. The dresser is laying in the floor, the mirror is broken with shards of glass all over the floor, there's a broken lamp, I don't remember that one, stuff knocked off a shelf, and last but not least the bed. "Hey," he says," where are you going?"

"Nowhere," I reply. I really need to take a shower, but I don't want to leave. I lie back down and scoot closer to him.

He smiles and wraps his arms around me. I run my fingers through his hair. "I love you," he whispers in my ear.

"I love you," I whisper back. He kisses me on the forehead. He's so warm and his eyes are a much deeper green this morning.

"You're so beautiful," he says with a sleepy grin. I smile back.

"And you're so gorgeous," I reply sarcastically. He snickers kisses me; I kiss him back. We lie there for I don't know how long. I don't mind, I like it. He stares at me and I stare back. He does look rough. His eyes are black, he's got scratches on his face and everywhere else, bruises all over his face and chest, hickeys, and a bite mark half hidden by the covers. I'm sure I look just as bad. As much as I'm enjoying laying around with him it's really uncomfortable because of the angle of the broken bed. I need a shower. "I'm going to get a shower," I say, kissing him. He nods and I get out of bed. I walk across the hall to my room. I grab some clothes and jump in the shower. The water feels soothing. I finish, but I don't get out. I stand there under the shower head, soaking up the warm water. Eventually I step out and dry off. I really do look like Hell. I have a black eye, bruised face, a small gash on my forehead, cuts, an earring had been ripped out, my wrists are red again, and hickeys and bruises all over. I smile, remembering. I slide on some clothes and fix my hair. That's strange, normally he watches.

I walk back to Todd's room. He's gone. I slump a little. Maybe he's making breakfast! I perk up a little and head downstairs. I walk into the kitchen where I find him waiting for me. "It's about time, I was starting to think you might've drowned," he smirks,"I made brunch."

I smile as he hands me a plate full of food. "Thank you babe," I take the plate and sit at the table. He sits across from me. "What time is it?"

"Twelve-ish. You feel okay?" He asks. "I know you're a free bleeder and I was a bit worried. I didn't think. I get carried away."

"Yeah, I'm fine," I answer, shoving bacon in my mouth.

"Good," he says. I finish eating as fast as I can. I yearn for his touch again. I mean I don't really want sex, but I want his touch. I get up, put my plate in the dishwasher, and walk into the living room. He stays in the kitchen. Todd. I lie down on the couch and stare at the ceiling. I think about last night. I get chill bumps. Geez it's cold. I wish he would come sit by me or something. I don't want to be desperate.

Todd's face interrupts my thoughts. "Hey," I whisper, smiling.

"Hey baby," he says. He bends down to kiss me, his lips are warm and soft. I wrap my arms around his neck. He puts his elbows beside me and lays down on top of me. His warmth feels good. He buries his head in my neck. I stroke his hair.

"I love you," he says. It makes me smile.

"I love you too," I whisper. I kiss the bite mark on his shoulder. He winces. "It's still sore?"

"Yeah," he mumbles, "but it's okay. Do it again." I smile. I kiss it again. I nip it. "Hey," he says, raising up. He grins at me, "What do you think you're doing?"

"I don't know, what do you think I'm doing," I smirk.

"I think you're trying to seduce me," he kisses me. We trade kisses. He puts his hand in the bend of my neck. He starts sucking on my collar bone. I don't want it to end, actually I want it to go further, but I don't think it's going to. I run my hand up his shirt and start to take it off. He pulls my hands away. My heart sinks a little. He notices my disappointment. He puts his thumb under my chin and kisses me.

He kisses down my neck, running his hands over me. "Tease," I mumble. He laughs sleepily.

"Sorry doll, can't help it. I love touching you," he smiles, stopping to check my expression.
I'm not amused, but grin sleepily anyway.

I know he sees through it. He stops and doesn't say anything. He just stares at me emotionlessly, for so long I get uncomfortable. I know he can see I'm uncomfortable. "Let me up Todd," I say, pushing on him.

"No," he says, "I don't want you to leave." I kinda wince. I start to squirm. "Stop," he growls. I keep squirming, starting to panic. "Stop!" He yells. I freeze. "What the Hell's wrong with you?"

"You're scaring me," I whimper. His eyes are fiery.

"I'm scaring you? You were just trying to get me and now you're scared of me? You fought me last night," he says, raging mad. How did he get so mad over nothing so fast? What even?

"Because we weren't being serious last night, just play fighting. And yeah you scare me, you're so much taller and stronger than me. I know what you could do to me. I remember." I say.

"That wasn't half of what I can do, I took it easy," he says menacingly.

"Why are you so mad all of a sudden? You reject me, which is totally fine, I mean I pouted a little but it's still fine, and then you stared at me for a really long time and I got uncomfortable, and then you got pissed off," I say in a meek tone.

"Because you shouldn't be uncomfortable with me. What the fuck Sheri? How long have you been here?" He screams. His voice is terrifying.

"I don't know. How long have you been holding me here? I know I was here three days before you turned into a total douche and then locked me in some room for I don't know how long!" I yell. He punches my side. I cry out.

"Do not ever yell at me! It's not like I made you come here, I gave you a choice! You betrayed my trust even after I told you the consequences! You brought it upon yourself!" He yells.

I say, looking away, "I'm sorry." His eyes soften, but he still keeps the angry expression. "How long was I in the room?" I ask quietly.

"Two months," he says in a gruff tone.

I raise an eyebrow,"Two months? I don't think so. I didn't eat anything, and I don't remember you waking me up and feeding me. You're bluffing."

"No, I'm not," he says, "I gave you an IV. That's why you were never dehydrated."

"I still don't believe because I remember being hungry," I say. He's obviously getting annoyed.

"I only gave you enough to keep you alive! That's why you slept so much!" He barks.

I stop arguing. There's no point. It doesn't matter. I'm stuck here forever anyways. Might as well just let him have his way. It'll keep me from getting hurt so much. "I'm sorry," I apologize in a low tone.

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