Chapter 5

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I try to push him away. I clench my fist and try to hit him but he is too close, I can't move my arm. He laughs as I continue to struggle. He doesn't budge. He doesn't even break his gaze on me. I quit. I can't do this. I'm too tired and weak. I just can't move him. Don't cry. Don't do it. I feel a warm tear run down my cheek despite my pleads with myself. He snickers and runs the tip of his tongue up my cheek to lick off the tear. I cringe and try to pull away. I turn my head.

"Hey, look at me," he whispers with a grin. I look back at him. He stares into my eyes, then he kisses me. He keeps kissing me. He shoves his tongue in my mouth. I keep trying to pull away but I'm not getting anywhere. He lets go of my wrists and grabs my waist. I start trying to push him away. He doesn't budge and he tightens his grip.

"Now, Sheri," he says in a mocking tone, "I think your aunt was right. I think you wanted to see me. I think you want me." He leans in and whispers in my ear, "You know I'm right." I whimper and squirm. I shake my head and he smashes his lips into mine.

"Stop," I manage to get out between kisses. I attempt push him again. He ignores me and pushes up against me. I start to freak out worse. He runs his hands over my waist and up my sides until he comes to my shirt. I keep squirming, but it doesn't seem to deter him. "Todd s-stop," I plead. He starts pulling at my shirt. I hear the seams ripping. "It's my favorite shirt," I mumble. It's the last thing my Mom ever bought me. He stops kissing me and looks me dead in the eye. He gets as close as he can, as if he isn't close enough already.

"Then let me take it off," he whispers. I close my eyes for a second then open them again. I nod and raise my arms slowly. He flashes another crooked grin as he pulls my shirt over my head. "Good girl. See? That wasn't so bad," he tosses it aside. He's off guard. I push him as hard as I can. He stumbles backwards just enough for me to move. I dart for the door. My hand touches the knob as he wraps his arms around me and slings me to the ground. I feel the breath leave me and I gasp for air. I stare up at him, horrified. I hear the front door open and close. Thank God. He looks in the direction of the living room and back at me. My hand is throbbing. I kick at him as he kneels at my waist. I kick him in the face. He stops for a second and cups his nose with his hand. Hurry up Aunt Missy. I sit up. He glares at me and punches my face. It knocks me backwards. I grab my face with both hands and groan. My face is throbbing, I feel blood run into my hand. I notice my hands are shaking. I've never been so scared. I wish he'd just get it over with. I'm so tired.

He crawls on top of me and straddles my stomach. He reaches into his pocket and pulls out a pocket knife. Shit. He puts it against my throat. I cringe at the cold touch. "Don't you ever do that to me again," he says in a low tone. His eyes feel like they are piercing my soul. I nod slowly. He retracts the blade. He reaches down and jerks my pants off. His eyes light up again. Why the Hell am I not doing anything? No matter what I do it doesn't work. Why doesn't he just do it already? I feel tears start rolling down my cheek. I look at him. He's pulling off his Ramones shirt. I look past him at the door, hoping it will open. It doesn't. He notices the tears on my face, "No, no. Don't do that." He crawls over me and licks the tears off. I cringe and whimper. He snickers, "Oh come on, you know you like it." I try to push him off of me. He snatches my wrists and smashes them against the ground beside my head. Pain shoots into my hand and up my arm. "Uh uh, don't fight me. Remember?" He puts the blade to my throat again.

Everything goes blurry for a second. I close my eyes then open them again. He unzips his pants and pulls them off. I can't help but look. I try to scoot myself away from him but I can't. I feel so weak. I definitely lost too much blood. "Please no. Please don't," I mumble. I'm about to choke on my own tears. How pathetic. About that time the door swings open. It's Jade! Oh thank God someone's here! Todd whirls around and before I can move has me cradled against him with a knife to my throat. "Jade, help me," I manage between gasps.

Jade's eyes grow wide. She is obviously in panic mode. So am I. You idiot! I scold myself. How could you forget the bathroom door doesn't lock? How many times has Missy walked in on me? "You need to leave. Now," Todd says. She backs out the door around the corner. He removes the blade and looks at me, "Where were we?" I can't speak. He looks me over, "Ah, yes." He slides his hand up my back and undoes my bra. He kisses me and doesn't stop. He trails his lips down to my breasts and runs his tongue over them. I can't help but let out a hushed moan. He hears it anyway and grins. "I told you you'd like it."

He rolls on top of me and kisses me all over until he gets to the elastic band on my panties. ''Please don't do this," I beg for the last time. He's taking his time. He knows he has the time. Missy probably won't be back for a long while. Even if she comes back soon she won't be able to do anything. He's too strong and she'll be too drunk. He puts his fingers under the elastic band and starts to slowly pull them down. I close my eyes and cry.

He forces my legs open and pins my wrists to the ground. I scream. He rams into me, causing me to scream more, out of pain not terror this time. He laughs and does it more. I throw my head back and cry. My whole body is shaking in pain as I flail under him, trying to get away, but he's too strong. Where did Jade go? Please help me Jade.

I hear the sound of glass breaking and open my eyes. Todd has stopped. Jade. She has hit him over the head with a lamp. His forehead is bleeding and he's laying limp on the floor beside me.

I jump up and pull my panties the rest of the way up. "I'm so sorry. I was too late. I couldn't think of anything I went into a panic," She licks her thumb and wipes the dried blood off my upper lip.

"It's okay. It was my fault it happened. Thank you for stopping him," I say as I wipe the tears from my face. I pick up my bra and put it back on. Aunt Missy comes staggering into the bathroom. Great she's hammered. Her eyes grow wide.

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