Chapter 27

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A smug grin covers his face and he kisses her forehead, "I'm glad. I knew you'd come around. I just thought it'd take longer. You're smarter than I thought." Jade smiles. We walk back to the house and go inside. I take off my jacket and hang it by the door. Todd sits down on the couch and we sit on each side of him. I lay my head on his chest and he runs his fingers through my hair. He puts his arm around Jade and she lays her head on his shoulder.

We sit there in silence for awhile. I hate to admit it, but it's kinda nice. I just can't forget who I'm with. Actually, it wouldn't be too bad to forget a little, because if we believe it ourselves a little it will be even more convincing. The only thing I'm worried about is him drugging us into forgetting. He's already did it once to me. If he does it again to both me and Jade this time then we're screwed. We just need to put everything behind us and focus on Todd and getting him to trust us enough so we can catch him off guard and kill him. I look up and him and he looks back at me. His eye light up and I groan internally. I know what that mean. He kisses me.

"Okay you two," he says, "I've let you both go long enough in clothes, go get your lingere back on." Jade and I get off the couch and go upstairs to our room, but not before Todd can land a hand in my ass. Jade shuts the door behind us, even though we both know it doesn't do any good, it's just a habit.

"You know he wants us to do this right?" I ask. She huffs and nods. She slips on a black and blue corset and black panties to match. I slide on basically the same thing except for mine is purple and more lacey. I look myself over in the mirror. I look so different yet also the same. Something feels and looks so different, but I can't put my finger on it. My eyes are so pale blue now. I turn around to Jade. She looks like a China doll. I had always been jealous of her.

"Well come on," Jade says, "we'd better go." I nod. We walk out the door and find Todd coming up the stairs. He has that sickening grin on his face, it causes a knot in my stomach.

"Well, well, well," he says as he walks toward us, "look at you two." I put my head down, embarrassed. I hate him, but he knows exactly what to say and do. He stands with his arms crossed, looking us over, allowing his muscles to show through his shirt. He chuckles, "I just don't know which one to pick." Jade and I exchange glances. He walks slowly around each of us, looking us up and down. He runs his hand across Jade's back as he passes. He stops in front of her. She smiles and wraps her arms around him and kiss him. He puts his hands on her hips and she pushes herself against him. Suddenly he stops and moved away. He comes over to me and stands in front of me. I grab him by the hair and kiss him. I throw myself against him as he feverishly runs his hands over my body. He steps back. He jerks Jade into the bedroom. I'm left standing in the hall. What?

I go back in my room. I lie on the bed and stare at the ceiling. I don't hear anything. The whole time I don't anything. It worries me, I mean, I should be able to hear something. It's been an hour. I'm getting really worried. Should I go check on them? No. If they're not finished Todd could get mad or make me join in. I should stay here. I lie on the bed even longer. Neither Jade nor Todd come in. My stomach rumbles. Maybe I could go get some food. I walk downstairs to the kitchen. I look in the pantry for something easy. Ravioli. I pour into a bowl and stick it in the microwave. I sit on the counter and eat my lunch.

It's too quiet in here. I'm bored. I finish my food and decide to head back upstairs.  As I step into the foyer to go back upstairs, I run into Todd. All he's wearing is a pair of black jeans. I find myself admiring him and scold myself. He doesn't look too happy. "What's wrong?" I ask. He shoots a look, a silent warning to shut up. I start up the stairs but he grabs my arm as I pass.

"Hey," he says, "where are you going?" His eyes appear to glow red. I slowly lift my finger and point upstairs. "No," he growls, "don't you remember? There's like four rules and you girls can't seem to fucking remember them. Only four. What the Hell?" He smack the side of my head and I whimper. Jade must've done something to really make him mad. "What's the rules?" He demands, "I know you know them."

I lower my head and mumble just loud enough he can hear me, "Never deny you of anything, don't go outside without you, always wear lingiere or nothing at all, and never leave your side unless dismissed." He waits for more. "And I walked right past you without you saying I could go," I finish in an annoyed tone. He nods and grabs me by the throat, I can barely breathe. He drags me down the rest of the stairs, across the foyer, and into the living room. He throws me onto the couch so hard I bouce back off into the floor, causing me to bust my forehead on the coffee table. I  cry out and grab my head. Blood runs out from in between my fingers. I develop a headache to add on to the pain of the gash. Perfect.

"Fuck," he says annoyedly and jerks me up by the arm. He pulls me into the bathroom. A way too familiar scene. I push it out of my mind. "Sit," he snaps. I'm not a dog. Still, to avoid making him even angrier, I do as told and sit on the side of the tub. He pushes my head back and presses a rag soaked with alcohol against the gash. I cry out again. "It doesn't need stitches," he says sharply. He covers it with a bandage, "There." I stare up at him.

"I'm sorry," I whisper shakily and look down, not knowing if I should talk or not. He puts his hand under my chin and jerks my head up so my eyes meet his.

"Don't ever do it again. And don't think I'm not finished with you," he says harshly. I nod. My head spins. I blink a couple times to straighten my vision. "You okay?" Todd coats his concern with an annoyed tone. I shrug. "Fine then don't answer. Come on," he grips my wrist tightly. My vision keeps going blurry. He pulls me upstairs and into the room. Where's Jade? He shoves me down on the bed. I try to fend him off, but after a while I just give up and let him have me.

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