Chapter 33

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Jade and I glance at each other. He grabs Jade up by the neck, "You, didn't come when I called you. That's not even a new rule, it's one of the originals. No excuse for it. You completely ignored me." She fights to breathe. He throws her onto the bed and takes of his clothes. Oh no. No.

"No, no, no, no," she repeats, backing herself up against the headboard. He grabs her ankles and pulls her down to him. He smacks her face. She whimpers and looks away. Frozen in fear, I can't look away. He rams in her; she wails and cusses him. I look away, but no matter how hard I try I can't shut out the noises. He smacks her again, "Don't tell me what to do and don't cuss me, bitch." She lets out a noise, a moan mixed with a wounded animal sound. It's the most pitiful noise I'd ever heard. Todd laughs. Silent tears run down my face. Why's he doing this? I thought it was almost over.

Between the pitiful moans and the harsh cusses, I'm going crazy. It's impossible to drown out. Why this punishment? It's the worst one. It's painful and humiliating. It never ends. I restrain myself from moving. I want to run, to grab Jade and run. Finally he's had enough. I don't dare look up, but I hear him get out of the bed. I helplessly listen to Jade's quiet sobs. Through my hair I watch his feet stop in front of me. I want to cry. Before I can react he shoves me backwards. He overpowers me and quickly forces into me. "Why," I scream. I didn't do anything. He keeps going. I cry out and look away.

"Look at me," he growls and I slowly look, "you didn't do anything wrong. It's just you looked so helpless and pitiful, it's hot." I cry out again. It hurts. There's nothing pleasurable about this at all this time. I writhe under him but it doesn't help. Please stop. Please stop. I close my eyes, trying to place myself somewhere else. "Open your eyes," he yells. I open them and blink away tears. His huge hand grips my neck tightly. I can barely breathe. It goes on and on without end. Everytime he goes back in pain courses through my body. Finally, he finishes.
Even though he's let go, I can still barely breathe, it hurts. I lie shaking on the floor. He walks away and puts his pants on. I curl up in a ball. He comes back and stands over me, grinning in satisfactory. Why does this always happen? Things look like their getting better, then bam, I'm laying naked on the floor in some monster's house. I whine in pain. "Shut up," he kicks my ribs hard, "you like it." I withhold a whimper. "You'd both better go get a bath, a bath not a shower, so you don't stink," he says sharply. Jade slowly climbs out of bed and heads to the bathroom. Todd glares at me as I pick myself off the floor. He follows me into the bathroom. Jade's already in the tub. I stand waiting. "What are you doing? Get in," he says.

My face blushes. Jade stops what she's doing and stares at him. He looks at her and she quickly looks down. I slowly step in. Surprisingly, there's enough room for both of us. I look up at Jade, her face is as red as mine. He stands with his arm crossed, a satisfactory grin on his face, watching us bathe. I'm still aching a little. It hurts to wash there. Todd notices and snickers a little. I pick up a razor to shave. The razor is kind of old and jagged. Right as I finish, he takes it from me. "Hold out your arm," he demands. He drags it across my arm, cutting me open in several places. I clench my teeth.

His eyes glow at my suffering. I notice the buldge in his pants. That's never good. Jade finishes. She grabs a towel and steps out. "Drop it," he says slyly. She lets it fall to the ground."Knees," he demands. He could at least make full sentences. She does as told. He unzips his pants and pulls them down, revealing he didn't bother to put on his boxers. I turn my head and continue washing, trying my best to ignore the noises coming from beside me. I finish and grab a towel. I sit on the side of the tub and dry myself off. Finally, they finish. Jade hunches over, hiding her embarrassment and disgust. He slides his pants back up. We follow him out and down to the living room. He sits down on the couch. We sit side by side on the floor in front of him. We watch TV for a while, some stupid show that is boring me to death.

He strokes my hair. "Come up here," he says. I curl up beside him, the couch feels good. We watch TV for the remainder of the day. Occasionally, he gets up and gets something to snack on. I know he's enjoying eating in front of me. He hasn't fed us yet today and I'm not gonna ask. He looks over and catches me staring at him and the food, and smacks me. I whimper and look back down quickly. What's gotten into him? He wasn't acting like this before. I mean I know he's crazy but still. He moves his arm out from around me and shoves me off the couch. I gasp and hit the floor. I crawl back over beside Jade. After a few more episodes he cuts of the TV. Finally. "My bedroom, now," he says darkly. Again? Already? I hurry upstairs, Jade follows closely behind. We go in the bedroom and wait, kneeling by the bed. We wait and wait. Is he coming? The longer we wait the more scared I get. What's he doing? Jade and I exchange glances, neither of us dare speak. The door opens and we both look down quickly.

Todd stops in front of me and crouches down. He ties a blindfold around my eyes. I assume he does the same to Jade. "Okay," he says, "you can come in." To my horror, I realize its not us he's talking to, there's someone else here. What the Hell is going on? Footsteps enter the room. "Which one do you want," Todd asks. My eyes widen and I grow furious.

"What the Hell," I shriek, "we're not toys, don't bring your pathetic friends over to play. Get him out of here." My throat tightens, I realize what I just did. A terrifying thought crosses my mind. Is he selling one of us? Would he do that? A hand grabs my throat and slams me up against a wall. My feet dangle, I can't breathe. Small whiney noises come out of my mouth.

"Listen, you stupid slut," growls a voice that's not Todd's, "you are toys. Property. We'll do whatever we feel like to you, your ours to sell, fuck, torture, to do whatever we want to. You don't tell me or your master what to do." Master? Todd, my master? Oh no, not one of those people. He slings me to the floor just as I think I'm gonna pass out. I cough and hold my throat. Someone's boot finds its way to my ribs, I can't tell whose. "I'll take this one," he says in a gruff tone. Who's he talking about?

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