Chapter 9

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I sit alone in front of the police station forever. How long is he going to take? I can't stand the suspense. What if he can't get her out? What do I do? He's not going to just let me go. I need to think of something. I look at the clock on the car radio. It's been an hour and a half. I continue to grow restless. I look in the glovebox for something, anything, when the car door opens. "What are you doing?" I jump and start to stutter.

"I-I was looking for CD's or cassettes. There's no good stations. You were in there for a while so I just thought I would put on some music," I shut the glovebox. He gets in the car and closes the door.

"Sorry, new car. I haven't had the opportunity to put anything in here yet," he shrugs and starts the car. "Your friend should be out within the next few minutes, like maybe thirty. You're not going to make me sit here are you?" I sit staring at him for a minute. He sighs and angrily turns off the car.

I finally spoke up in a low tone. "I gave you my word I wouldn't run away from you. So far I haven't. I sat out here by myself, able to run away at any time, and I didn't. You gave me your word that you'd get her out. It took you an hour and a half to do so. If you'd have took that long trying to persuade them they'd have either kicked you out earlier or arrested you for don't have to sit here. But I promise you, if I find out that she never got out and had to sit there, I will find a way to gut you from your dick to your chin. Alive."

He grins mockingly,"I'd hope I'm alive for that." I turn my head to stare out the window. "Sheri," he says in a soft voice. I turn my head around. "I promise I got her out, whether you believe it or not." He starts the car and backs out. I sit staring out the window as we drive through what I assumed is downtown Cedar Rapids. After thirty minutes we pass an 'Exiting Cedar Rapids City Limits' sign. I can see for miles on both sides of the highway. He turns the car onto the side of the highway and put it in park. I turn my head towards him. "I have to blindfold you. You can't see where we're going so you don't know how to get back. In case you break your end of the deal." Reluctantly I nod and he ties a black cloth around my eyes. He kisses my forehead and starts driving again. It seems like forever. Cars have always made me nervous, and riding without seeing where I am going is completely agonizing.Finally, after what seems like hours, the car comes to a stop. I hear the car switch off. "Turn around," he says. I turn my heard to the window and feel him untie the blindfold. He slowly removes it from my eyes and whispers,"Welcome home." My heart sinks, still, I can't help but gape. It is a two story Victorian style mansion with banisters around the porch and balcony. It is so beautiful.

I go to open my door and he locks it. I look at him and he just gets out of the car. I watch as he walks around the front of his car and over to my door. He opens it and grabs my wrist immediately. I can't say I blame him for that. I notice he isn't grasping so tightly now. What is he doing? He leads me onto the front porch. I'm constantly fighting the urge to run by reminding myself of Jade and my promise. He opens the door. I glance into the living room as he pulls me across the foyer. It's so gorgeous. I'm so scared. I always dreamt of having a house like this, but definitely not this way. This is way creepy. How did he know? Did he know? Yeah he knew. He leads me up the stairs. We turn left down the hall. There's so many rooms. I wonder what he could possibly have in them. I realize even though I don't want to know, I'll probably find out later.

He opens the door to a room and stops in the doorway, "I thought you'd like this one." This is scary accurate to my dream bedroom. How does he know? What is going on? I nod. It has the coffin shaped bed and dark purple blankets to go with it and black drapes. A skull lamp, a black nightstand. The only people I ever told about my dreams is Jade an- He kisses me. He looks over my body then our eyes meet. I feel the fear in my eyes, the hatred on my face. I know he sees it. He pulls me further into the bedroom and closes the door behind me. He pulls me over to the bed. He puts his hands on my waist and brings me closer. I put my arms around his neck. He kisses me and I don't fight him, I kiss him back. He asks me in a low tone,"You've never had sex before have you?" I shake my head. "You've never even kissed anyone before have you?" I feel my face burn as I shake my head. Except when you raped me? Remember that? But really rape doesn't count as sex. He chuckles,"Well you're about to learn." I tense up even more.

We kiss one more, long time and he pushes me onto the bed. My heart is racing. I don't know what to do. What if he doesn't like me? What if I don't  do good enough? Will he kill me and have Jade but back in jail? Or will he go for Jade? He sits on top of me and kisses me from my mouth to my collar bone. I lie my head back and let him, trying to not cry. He nips my throat a couple of times and then looks me in the eyes as he runs his hands up my sides. I try to hide my fear. I try not to let myself cry. I can feel myself wanting to scream. He slides my tank top off me and tosses it off the side of the bed. He reaches around and undoes my bra and pulls it off. He's done this too many times before. Even I have trouble getting that thing off. I pull his black t-shirt over his head. He grins at me. I fight back a cringe. His body is really warm against mine. My stomach is churning. We kiss and he slides his tongue in my mouth. I copy him then pull my head back, waiting for him to call me stupid or something. He looks me over and whispers something. I didn't hear what he said. He kisses my neck and starts undoing my pants. I run my hands over his body. He stops as he slides them off. He does the same to his.

Just hurry up and get it over with. Stop taking so long. Then I realize why he's taking so long. He knows it's killing me. My heart is beating faster now. He slides his hands up my thighs and under the elastic bands of my panties. He starts pulling them down slowly, glancing up at me. I can't restrain myself anymore. I start panicking, trying to push him off. "Hey. Hey. Hey," he says as he grabs my wrists and pushing them down beside my head. I stare at him wild-eyed and gasping. "It's okay Sheri, I promise." I shake my head and fight back tears. Come on you have to do it for Jade. You have to hold up your part of the deal. "It's okay. Just close your eyes if you have to. I get it." I nod. No, you don't. He pulls off his boxers. I don't dare look. If I tell him to stop I'll lose Jade. I think I can deal with losing my pride, Jade over pride. He lays down on top of me and begins to have his way. It hurts. It hurts with every thrust, every movement.

He moves fast, strong, heavy, with pressure. I'm nothing compared, just a mess of depressed moans. In his eyes, a sex object. Nothing more, nothing less. "You're doing so well baby," he says pushing himself harder. Go to Hell. I nod and gulp, another moan spills out.

"H-hurts.." I whimper between gasps,"...i-it..hurts." I can feel it every time he changes his pressure. Every time he thrusts with more force. When will this end? He reaches up to choke me. I'm so uncomfortable. Now I can barely breathe. It goes on and on forever. I can't do this anymore. No. Jade. I can't tell him to stop. I think he's almost finished. How long does this last anyway? I never thought the one, simple act of reproduction would become my personal, living Hell. He spats out curses, grunts, and small moans. Me, I'm crying, shaking, screaming. I can't tell if it's out of fear or pleasure. All of a sudden he stops, leaving me gasping for air, crying, mumbling for help, shaking in pain. I can't breathe. I can't feel anything but overwhelming pain. I can't move, he lays almost motionless on top of me. I close my eyes.

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