Chapter 36

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The door to the basement opens and he steps in to retrieve us. He smiles and we smile back at him. We've been doing this for almost a month now and I can't take much more. Even with the blanket it's cold down here. Maybe today I can convince him to change his mind. "Remove the blanket," he says in an unusually cheery, yet still threatening tone, "or you won't be allowed to have it anymore." We immediately drop them. "Come on," he says, beckoning us to follow him, "it's freezing down here." No shit. We follow him from the basement up to the living room. "Sit," he says, pointing at the couch. We sit quickly. "Now look at me and listen carefully," his cheery tone is replaced by a threatening one, we look up, "since you two have been very good girls, I'm lifting some of the rules. Still, the basics stand, don't deny me, no clothes, stay by my side, and don't go outside. Now, I'm having a party tomorrow and you two will attend, mostly because you live here. If you step out of line even the slightest little bit, you will regret it."

We nod. A party? Great. Perfect. How stupid. I can't believe he's having a party. What for anyway? Who's gonna be here? Hopefully, not his brother. Maybe we can escape somehow. "Um," I ask carefully, "who's gonna be here?" I brace myself, waiting for anything.

"Friends, business associates, and my brother," he says, emphasizing the last part as a subtle threat. I nod. "Anyway, I want you," he points at me, "to come with me and you to stay on the couch." I follow him upstairs, leaving Jade behind on the couch. He takes me into his room and closes the door. My heart races, I know what's about to happen, and I hate to admit I like it. He beckons me into the bathroom. I follow and he sits me up on the counter top, standing between my legs. I've learned to just let him do what he wants, with occasional protests and struggles for the Hell of it, he likes it more that way. He kisses my neck, leaving hickeys covering my throat. He pushes himself against me, letting me feel him through his pants, making a small moan slip from my lips.

He picks up a razor blade and takes it to my skin. I grin at the icy touch. He takes my arm and cuts into it, leaving rows of cuts. It hurts, but it feels so good, almost soothing. He moves to my stomach and hips, each cut traveling lower. I can't believe I'm letting him do this to me. He cuts into my inner thigh and runs the blade upward. I grin, withholding a moan. He licks the trail of blood, making my heart beat faster. He stops right before he gets there. I restrain myself from letting him know I'm disappointed. I remove his shirt and he slides down his pants along with his boxers. By now I'm aching to have him. I hate him and I hate that he knows what he's doing. I hate that he can make me come undone like this. He stands there letting me admire him, waiting for me to beg to have him. I won't. I won't. I won't. He presses himself against me, but doesn't put it in. No. Don't do it Sheri, don't beg him.

He licks my neck, bites my ear. I let out a quiet moan, trying to restrain myself, knowing I'm losing the battle. "What was that," he teases in a low tone, "do you want me?" He runs his hands up my side and grabs one of my breasts. I moan again. He grins anxiously. He wants me as bad as I want him, but he won't until I give in. "Tell me what you want, bitch," he growls, grabbing my breast so it hurts. I moan.

"To-odd...please," I whisper, breathing heavy. He smirks, but still doesn't. He continues tormenting me. "Don't make me beg...please Todd," I moan. He shakes his head and continues. He runs his fingers down there, then back up. "Mmm..," I can't take it any longer, "Todd..please, just let me have it already. Please. Give it to me!" My face momentarily turns red in shame.

"That's what I wanted to hear," he growls lowly. Without hesitation, he rams into me, causing me to scream. I dig my nails into his back, basically holding on for dear life. I scream and moan. He calls me every bad name he could think of and continues ravaging me. I give up on trying hide that I like it and jut give in to him. I move my hips with his, trying to allow him deeper. I moan and encourage him to go harder. I can tell he's close, so am I. "Mmm," he growls.

He should probably stop now. He keeps going, edging us both further and further. "Todd," I scream and hit my climax, which pushes him over the edge, sending him into his. He stops and pulls out, dripping. My head spins. I gasp and feel like crying when I realize what has just happened. "Do you know what you just did?" I yell between gasps, panicking, "you just came inside me." A tear tolls down my face. He laughs uncontrollably. All I see is red. "Why the Hell are you laughing," I cry.

"You'll be fine," grins mischievously, "after the incident with Jade I've been slipping birth control to both of you. I couldn't help but scare you." What? I can't be mad, the sense of relief is overwhelming. I can't believe he did th...yes I can. Ugh, I hate him. I can't wait to kill him. I smile. "Now clean me, then get a bath and clean yourself," he demands, all playfulness gone. I go to run shower water. "Not that way," he barks and beckons me over. Oh. Ew. I kneel and begin licking his and my cum off of him. I lick what little blood is on him from where he cut me, then continue back down to finish the job. He grabs the back of my head forces himself down my throat. He finally cums again. I swallow and make my way to the tub, knowing better than to get in the shower.

I hear him go out the bedroom door. Shortly following comes the sounds of more sex. I ignore it and finish washing my stringy hair. I step out of the tub and dry myself off. God I'm so tired. I want to go to bed but I'm scared to unless he tells me to. I hope we can kill him soon. The time's not right now, with him having a party, especially with his brother here. I sit against the wall beside the bed and wait. I accidentally drift off to sleep-

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