Chapter 4

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I slowly step into the hall. Missy is raving mad. The man..Todd? Is gone. I observe. I'm sure I would be too, it's kind of an awkward situation. She gets up in my face, "I told you to stay in your room!"

"But I have to pee," I say in a rather whiney voice. That sounded really whiney. That's going to tick her off more. Missy's eyes are glowing red.

"I don't care you could've held it. I was in the middle of something. I bet you didn't even have to pee you little freak," She screams at the top of her lungs. My face is burning. I'm so mad I could hit her. Don't hit her. She'll kick you out. You don't need to get kicked out. She slaps my face.

Before I could help myself I scream, "I had to pee. What was I supposed to do pee on myself? And I wasn't coming in here to perv on you guys," I shove her backwards. I slam the bathroom door and lock it before she can get in. She hits the door twice then storms off. I hear the front door slam. The mirror in the bathroom shakes. She's probably going to the liquor store. She always does. I hope I killed the mood. She doesn't deserve anything. I pee and look in the mirror. My hair is a mess. I brush the knots out. When I get out of the bathroom I go to the kitchen. I'm still so mad. I'm seeing red still. I snatch up an apple and jerk a knife out of the knife block. I sit down at the table and stare at the knife for a minute. How hard would it be to get away with murder? Could I do it? I'm smart enough. I watch crime shows all the time. They all make the same little mistakes. I shake my head and slice a piece of apple.

I hold the knife above my wrist and gently run it up and down my forearm. How much would it really hurt? How long would it take to bleed out? The liquor store isn't that long of a walk. What if Missy gets home before I can die? I shake my head. I slice and eat another piece of apple. I slice into the apple again, harder this time, a bit more than I intend. I feel a sharp pain in the palm of my hand. Great. I watch blood flow out from under my apple down my arm. I sit the apple down on the table and eat the bloody slice. I look at my hand and watch it bleed. I open the wound a little. Fuck, it's all the way across my hand. It's not that deep, it will stop bleeding in a minute. I watch my whole arm shake. It's bleeding a lot more than normal, almost gushing. I shrug, oh well. If this is how it ends so be it. Done in by a butter knife while peeling an apple. I smirk to myself, imagining the obituaryI finish eating my apple. By the time I'm done there is blood all down my arm and on the table. I feel lightheaded. I walk over and place the knife in the sink. I run cold water on my hand and wash the blood off my arm. At this point I didn't care whether it stopped or not.

"What happened?" a deep voice asks. I know that voice. Todd's the guy I ran into on the street. I'm used to Missy's 'guy-friends' staying in the house on the weekends, so it doesn't surprise me he hung around.

Now's my time to get revenge on Missy. I'll scare him away and he'll never come back. He won't go around the aunt of Satan's spawn. I turn around with the knife and a wild look in my eye. Before I can even get it out I lose my composure and say something idiotic. "I got in a fight with a knife and an apple," I hold up my hand, "and I lost." He smiles and laughs and I smile back. He's leaned up against the doorway. I have to admit, even though he's probably older than Missy, he's pretty hot. Missy always goes after older guys. His deep green eyes are what really has my attention. And the fact he didn't flinch or anything when I turned around with a bloody knife. Of course it was followed by me saying something ridiculous. I stare him down as I move from the sink to my seat at the table. He doesn't even get a nervous twitch. He just stares at me back. He comes over and sits beside me. This one is strange, like me. He's not visibly bothered at my attempts to creep him out like a the others. I stare at him through my hair and he just stares back.

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