Chapter 22

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"Todd, g-get away from me. T-todd. No," I back away; He lunges forward. I manage to dodge him. I trip over a pillow in the floor. A pillow? I hate myself. He stands over me.

"A word of advice, don't make this any worse on yourself than it already is." He grabs rope out from under the bed. I try to pull away, but I don't get anywhere.

I hit him where I can, it doesn't seem to effect him. I can't get a good shot. "Let me go," I yell at him as he ties my feet together. He stops cold.

"Do you want your friend to die?" He glares at me like he's looking into my soul.

"You don't even know where Jade is. She's long gone by now. You can't touch her," I yell. He laughs. My face twist in confusion. He brings his face close to mine and whispers.

"I can touch her. I have, touched her. She's closer than you think," He smirks. I shake my head; He nods. No way. He finishes tying my feet together and ties my hands. He throws me over his shoulder, and I whimper. He takes me downstairs. As soon as he steps off the last step I start thrashing. "Stop!" He barks. I freeze. He takes me into a passage down more stairs and into the basement. How could I have missed that? Then again, I wasn't really looking. It's not liHe slams me down on the floor. I cry out in pain. He grabs me by the shirt and pulls me down the hall into a small room. I clench my teeth. He opens the door and drags me in, closing the door behind him

I look around the room. This is the same room I was in, except it's better lit now. What's he goi- oh my god Jade. "Jade!" I yell. "Jade!"

"Shut up!" He kicks my side. I clench my teeth, withholding a yelp. I look over at Jade. She doesn't move, keeping her head in her knees. Is she okay? Is she dead? My eyes water.He grabs my shirt collar, bringing my face to his. I gulp. "Do you love me?" He asks in a dark tone. His eyes search mine.

"No." I hiss. I'm so mad I don't bother to lie. He growls.

"Why don't you love me?" He asks. I look away and don't answer. He waits a minute for an answer, and when I don't supply one it infuriates him further.He growls and lets me drop. He kicks me in the ribs; I cry out. He keeps kicking me, screaming, "Why don't you fucking love me?" He finally stops.I ball up, clutching my side. God, I hate him. I hate me for getting myself in this mess. I hate Missy. This is all her fault. If she wasn't such a whore this wouldn't have ever happenedHe grabs my shirt and starts to pull me across the room. It rips and comes off. No. My shirt! I realize I have more important things to worry about.He cusses and grabs my arm. He pulls me across the room over to where Jade is. My ribs burn as he pulls me, I clench my teeth. He slings me up against the wall. He cuts my ropes and chains me to the wall. I reach out to Jade, trying to touch her, but the chains don't reach.He walks over and crouches in front of Jade. He shakes her gently, softly calling her name. When she doesn't respond he starts shaking her more violently. She slowly opens her eyes.

He stops. She gasps and pushes herself against the wall. "No," she whines, "get away from me. Not again." He snickers. She turns her head away from him and notices me. She has the most shocked look on her face. "Sheri?" Tears roll down her face, "I thought you were dead."

Todd cuts in, "She is dead. You both are." I gulp. He laughs at our terror. He walks across the room to the table

"W-what do you want from us?" She stutters. He groans, annoyed. Jade stares at me. He looks at us with a sick smile on his face.He picks up a knife and walks over to Jade. She squirms. He grabs her wrist and stretches out her arm. He digs the tip of the blade into her arm, carving his name. She clenches her teeth.I watch the blood leak from her arm. She looks at me wild-eyed and helpless. I want to cry. I can't, if I do it'll only encourage him, which makes it worse on Jade.

He stops and lets go of her wrist. He walks away. She stares blankly at her arm. "Jade," I whisper, "I'm sorry." She shakes her head.

"Don't be. It's my fault. You warned me." She whispers back. Tears fill her eyes. Todd walks back over. He cuts off Jade's shirt and slides off her shorts. Oh no.

"No. Please no, not again," She closes her eyes and waits for him. That's not what he's doing. What he's doing is worse. He walks away. He walks back over with the brand. "Oh god," she mumbles, "please no. Not that." He pins her to the ground. He flashes a sinister grin at me before pressing the brand into her hip. She lets out a blood curdling cry. She cusses him. Tears roll down my face; I bury my head in my knees. My heart drops to my stomach. She falls silent, except for groans and whimpers. I lift my head up. I feel sick. Todd's across the room. She looks over at me, pain written on her face. Tears stream down her face, she looks down at her hip. He walks back over and stares at us. My stomach flips as he walks back over to us. He crouches down and runs his fingers over her brand. She clenches her teeth, still, a muffled cry escapes. He looks over both of us hungrily. Please don't pick Jade. PleaseHe straddles me. I withhold a sigh of relief. He kisses me, feeling his way down to my pants button. I look at Jade out of the corner of my eye. She's still looking at her brand.When he reaches the buttons he stops. What? Why did he stop? "On second thought," he pauses and stands, "I want you." The blood drains from my face as he looks to Jade. No.

"No," I scream, grabbing him by the arm, "please." He jerks his arm away and kicks me. He moves out of my reach and over to Jade. She writhes under him as he tears off her panties. She kicks him. He hits her brand and she screams in pain. He jerks his pants and boxers off. I can't watch anymore. I bury my head in my knees. It's impossible to block out her cries and his cusses. Guilt consumes me; I start to cry. That's my best friend, this shouldn't be happening to her. It should all be happening to me. Why am I letting this happen to her? I'm such a bad friend. I got her into this mess. Why isn't he doing anything to me? Why is it all on herFinally, after what seems like hours, he stops. Still, I don't raise my head. I don't want him to see that I've been crying. After a few seconds I wipe my eyes and look up. He's putting his pants back on. I glare at him.

He notices and stares back. "Don't look at me like that. You'll get yours later," He says with a sick grin. I glance over at Jade. She has her knees pulled to her chest, shaking. "Now that I think I got my point across," he says pushing his hair back, "I have some rules."

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