Chapter 38

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The paramedics rush in behind the cops and go to Jade. Two come over to me. "Are you okay?" One of them asks me.

I nod, "I think so. I think my head's bleeding a little." They wrap me in a blanket and take me to an ambulance. The dizziness comes back and I feel nauseous. All I can think is that Jade's dead. As much as I've tried to protect her, this is what I repay her with. I start crying. They load me in the back of an ambulance. "Watch out," I scream as Todd's brother runs up behind one of the paramedics. I'm too late though, I watch in horror as blood leaks out of the paramedic's throat. I scream out as he lunges toward me.

I wake up staring at a white ceiling with the steady beeping of a machine beside me. I look around and slowly realize I'm in the hospital. My mind's clouded and I can't even think. I don't know whether to laugh in relief or cry. Jade. Is she okay? Is she even alive? I look down at the IV in my arm. I'm pretty sure there's a bandage on my forehead, but for some reason I'm scared to check. I don't want to move. I can't really feel anything anyway. My eye lids become heavy.

When I wake up again there's a nurse in the room. "Hey," I call to her, "do you know if Jade's okay? The girl that came with me?"

"I don't know, I'll check. Are you feeling okay? You've been asleep for a day." She asks. I nod. "Good," she smiles, "you should be good to go by tomorrow." She leaves. Wait a minute, good to go? Where will I go? Where will we go? What am I going to do if she doesn't make it? A few minutes go by and she doesn't return. Finally, she comes back. "She's still in surgery. She should be fine. She's doing good so far, I wouldn't worry too much. After the doctor comes to check you, you need to rest, you've been through a lot." I nod and she leaves.

A few minutes later, instead of the doctor, police officers come in. The come and stand by my bed sides. "Hello Sheri," the tall one says, "we're going to ask you some questions if that's okay." I nod. "Where are you from?"

"I'm from South Carolina, we were going to Minnesota to visit my friend," I say.

"Okay, tell us exactly what happened from the beginning," he says. And I do. I explain my situation and Jade's at home as well. I finally finish. They ask me what all I know about Todd, which isn't much. The doctor and nurse walks in.

"I'm sorry, I'll come back later. I didn't mean to interrupt," he says.

"Its okay," the other investigator says, "we're through. Thank you for your time, we're doing everything we can." The investigators leave and the doctor walks over to me.

"I've got some good news and some good or bad news depending on how you take it," he says. I groan. "Good news, you're perfectly fine. Jade's gonna be perfectly fine, she made it through surgery okay. You can stay in Jade's room until she's okay. I'm sure the police or DHR will find a place for you both to go until you can get back on your feet. And here's the good or bad news," he pauses, "you're pregnant."

"I'm what? I can't be. I mean don't get me wrong, I love babies, but it's not a great time. I mean there's never a perfect time for a baby, but definitely not now. Oh God," I hold my hand to my head.

"I promise we'll help you in anyway we can, as well as DHR, you'll be fine, both of you and the baby," he says. I smile. "You're okay to go today," he says, "we'll get you checked out and Mrs. Amy will take you to Jade's room." The nurse comes over to me and takes out the IV.

"I, um, don't have any clothes," I embarrassed.

She smiles and hands me some clothes, "It's okay, all the nurses chipped in and got both of you some clothes."

"Thank you so much," I smile. She nods.

I stand up and take the clothes to the bathroom. I look at myself in the mirror. I look so different: thinner and more fragile. There's bags under my eyes and scars all over my body. I take off the hospital gown and put on some clothes and shoes. The shirt's a little big and the pants are a little tight, but hey, beggars can't be choosers. The shoes are perfect. I'm definitely not in the position to complain. I step out and find the nurse waiting for me. "Come on," she smiles, "Jade's in recovery right now. You can surprise her when she gets back." I follow her to room 223. I sit in the chair and wait for her. I end up falling asleep.

I wake up and Jade's in the room. I walk over to her bedside. Surprisingly, she's awake. She doesn't look too good, and she's got drainage tubes coming out of her stomach. "Hey," I say softly, "how do you feel?"

"Like shit," she says with a weak smile. I smile back. "We made it," she whispers. I nod.

"I have to tell you something," I say. How's she gonna react?

"You're pregnant?" She says with a know-it-all smirk on her face. I gape.

"How did you know?" I ask.

"I heard you yelling at Todd for cumming in you, then him spit out some bullshit about birth control," she says, "I'm glad. I get to be an aunt."

"You also get to pick the name," I say. She smiles. "Now you have to live so you can pick the name," I say. She rolls her eyes. "I love you sis," I say and hug her.

"I love you too," she says. Her breath hitches and she stalls. "Jason or Marilyn," she whispers weakly. She stops breathing and the monitor flat lines.

"Jade," I scream, "Jade. Jade wake up." I press the nurse button over and over and over.


Jade, Sheri, and the baby are doing fine. Jade and Sheri decided to live together because Jade wanted to help take care of the baby, which they decided to name Jason, and they didn't want each other to be alone. Todd's brother was shot by the police after he attacked Sheri in the ambulance. Missy was put in prison for life under countless charges. Jade was emancipated from her parent's custody as Sheri was Missy's.

With the help of DHR, they were able to buy a house and move to New York. Fortunately for them, everything worked out good. They were able to put everything behind them and move on. Eventually, everything returned to normal. Jason was born perfectly healthy. Neither of then ended up getting married. The whole thing kinda messed them up. They aren't able to get jobs and live off disability. Jason ends up growing up, getting married, and taking care of his mom and Aunt Jade.

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