Chapter 25

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I look over at Jade, even in her sleep she seems tired. The front door opens and slams shut. The silence has been broken. It has been replaced with cusses and stomping. Jade jumps frantically out of bed, accidentally entangeling her feet in the covers. She falls to the floor and represses a cry. "What's wrong?" I ask.

"What do you mean what's wrong?" She says defensively, "I fell out of bed that's what's wrong." She stands up with a wince. She's hurt and it's not from falling off the bed either. Todd's coming after her, us, and she's hurt. I can't let him touch her. We look at each other in fear as we listen to him stomping around the first floor ranting and raving.

"No, you're hurt, and not from falling off the bed. What is wrong?" I demand, knowing if I didn't she wouldn't tell me. She sighs.

"You're right, okay? I'm sore. Really sore, and tired. I don't feel good. I think one of my ribs is cracked. Happy?" She says, annoyed. I sigh. Fear and anger boil beneath my skin.

"Listen, I'll get him to check it out later when he's in a better mood, and don't say no because if it is broken and he realizes it maybe he'll take it easy on you. For now I want you to lock yourself in the bathroom," I say in a soft tone. She shakes her head and crosses her arm, hiding another wince. "Jade," I beg, "please. You're hurt, you're tired, and you need a break. You've been acting very strange lately. It's my fault we're here in the first place. Please." She reluctantly nods and goes into the bathroom. The door closes with a click. Todd stomps up the stairs. My gut knots and flips. The bedroom door unlocks and flies open. I take a few steps back.

"You," he says in a gruff tone, "where's the other bitch?" My throats chokes me and I can't find my words. He's super pissed off. His shoulder's bleeding? What happened? I only back up more. "Sheri, where the fuck is Jade?" He repeats in an even angrier tone. My eyes water and I look down. My whole body is shaking. What is going on with you? It doesn't even hurt that much anymore when he hits you, man up.

"S-she's in the b-bathroom. Um-m, using i-it," I manage to choke out, knowing I shouldn't have stuttered. I'm pretty sure his eyes were flaming at this point. He doesn't say a word and just grabs my arm tightly and drags me out the door, closing it behind me with a slam. I try to regather myself. My anger has been flushed from me and replaced with fear. His anger seems to disappear out of nowhere after we leave the room. His expression softens a little, but he still has his grip on my arm.

"I'm not mad at you, I'm mad at her. Thank you for stopping her and not letting her leave. I kinda knew you still loved me," he smiles and kisses my forehead. What? The bruise you just put on my arm says otherwise. He must have a split personality, or he's bipolar, or something. He's a psycho is what.

"Yeah sure," I respond sharply. His smile fades. I realize that I messed up. I gulp and tense up. Well, no going back now.

"What's the real reason Jade's in the bathroom?" He asks in an annoyed tone. I know he already knew the answer. I mean it's quite obvious. I shift my position, knowing no matter how I answered this question I was still in trouble.

I gather myself and answer, "I told her to lock herself in there. I knew you were mad at her, us, when you walked in the front door. She's not feeling good and I didn't want you to hurt her on top of her already feeling bad. Surely you've noticed a difference." I avoid his glare.

"So she tries to escape, and you hide her in the bathroom from me, then lie to me," he questions rhetorically. My throat tightens.

"Yeah. I thought since she wasn't feeling good then maybe I could take her place until she feels better. I mean, it is my fault she's here," I say quickly before he can cut me off or something.

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