Chapter 12

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He stops the car in front of the house. He gently unties my blindfold. My eyes meet his. I know that glow. It's the same glow from last night and from the bathroom. My stomach clinches. Not tonight. Please God no. I'm still sore. He didn't take it easy like he said at all, and if he did, I'd hate to know what rough is. He grabs the four bags out of the backseat then walks around to my door. He opens it and grabs my wrist. He leads me into the house. Once we're inside he lets go. He keeps glancing back but I pretend to not see. I follow him up the stairs to my bedroom. He sets them down on the dresser. He plants a swift kiss on my forehead and walks out. I let out a sigh of relief. Maybe I was wrong. I hope so. I walk over to the dresser. I start taking clothes out of the bags and organizing them into drawers. I tense up as I come to the last bag, the lingerie bag. I don't even want to touch this stuff.

I start pulling things out. There's everything from corsets to bustiers, ranging from lacy to latex. I have to admit, these are pretty cute. Really cute actually. He definitely knows what he's doing. I shudder. I'm going to catch some disease from him. The last thing I pull out is a skull string bikini. There's a pool? I shut the drawer and sigh. What am I going to do? I can't do this forever. Maybe he'll let me go? He's rich, he'll get bored of me, he'll get a new toy, and let me go. He'll have to, I mean, I'm me. I'm boring and ugly. I want to go explore, but I don't want him to see me. Out of sight out of mind. I decide to go explore anyway. He knows I'm here. Even if I'm out of sight I know I'm not out if mind. I start at the end of the hall closest to my room. I crack each door just enough to see in. There are four rooms.

The first one was a bedroom, obviously Todd's due to the stuff inside. I shudder and close the door. The next door is a pretty big library. I'll definitely be back to this room. I walk to the end of the hall to the last two rooms. First, I peer out the window at the end of the hall at the sunset. Oh, there's the pool. I open the door on the left. It's small, about the size of a small walk-in closet. Just enough room for someone my size to lie down. I get chill bumps. I hastily close it. I grab the door knob of the next door but pause. I slowly open it. I gape. A home theater? My stomach feels sick for some reason. I close the door.

Maybe if I take a short dip in the pool I'll feel better. I'll relax. I walk into my room to change. Instead of changing, I sit down on the bed and stare at the floor. He walks in and I jump. He has a sick smirk on his face. He walks over and digs through my drawers. "Put this on," he says throwing lingerie at me. God, no. I catch it and take a look. It is very pretty and lacy, complete with thigh high tights, garters, a garter belt, the works. He watches me get dressed, me struggling to figure out where everything goes. My face turns red. Sick-o. It takes a minute to understand where everything goes, but I finally get it on right. I look in the mirror with a frown. This isn't me. This isn't right. I shouldn't be here. I shouldn't be having to do this. He beckons me over and sits me on his lap. He immediately starts kissing me and my neck. I gulp. His hands slide from my breasts down to my hips, and from my hips to inside my underwear.

I moan at the very touch, it only encourages him. He slides his fingers in and out of me. Even this hurts. I try and fail to withhold another moan. "O-ow," I say blinking away tears. He pauses and looks at me. Is he done? He starts again, a little faster. He grins. Soon the lingerie was on the floor, along with his clothes. I grip the sheets gasping. "Fuck," I mumble. Why does this hurt so much? I'm still sore. He takes my profanity as pleasure, spreading his thrusts, applying more pressure. No! Stop it!

I feel tears in my eyes. He's a little rougher this time, tugging my hair. He spats cusses. "You're doing so good baby, perfect," he groans. I move my hands up to the bedrails, gripping them as he pushes even harder. Another moan spills out and my head falls back. How does he last this long? Why. He slides his hand up to choke me, his grip a little tighter than before. He suddenly stops and slides out of me. I let go of the bedrails and look at him, confused, shaking. "Finish me off," he demands, standing up.

Like, suck you? I sit up slowly, barely able to. "What do you mean? You mean lik-" I start to ask but he cuts me off. You know I don't know how to do anything. I think I'm supposed to swallow the cum? Gross.

"Yes. Get on your knees," he says. I cringe. I can't say no, so I do as I'm told. I'm awkward, I obviously have no idea what I'm doing. He doesn't seem to mind. I slide my mouth up and down him. He pushes forward slightly, making me choke. I gag, but I'm too afraid to stop. This is so nasty. This was just in me. I want to pull back and run away. He tangles his hands in my hair, moaning. I dread the moment, it doesn't take long. Without a single warning, he cums. I pull away and choke it down, withholding puke. My stomach flips and twists. I'm pretty sure the son of a bitch was supposed to warn me.  I look up at him, grinning down on my scared, hunched over mess. I'm still trembling as he puts on his clothes. I remain where I am, crying. He doesn't say a word. I watch as he walks out the door. I don't feel like getting up, but I do. I stare at the lingerie as I get dressed. I walk, maybe more or less stagger, over to an empty corner and slide down the wall. I'm not sleeping in that disgusting bed. Eventually I cry myself to sleep.

I dream of the beach again. This time Todd's there. Serena pulls me into the water. As I step in to the ocean, he comes up behind Serena and drags her down to the sand. He rips off her bikini and starts raping her. She's screaming. She starts bleeding. I don't know what to do. I try to push and pull him off, so does Serena. We're no match for him. He stops and cuts my stomach open with his knife. I lie bleeding on the almost empty beach, helplessly watching. Suddenly she takes a deep breath and stops breathing. "No," I manage to spit out, "you killed her."

He bends down in my face,"Babe. Baby. Baby. Baby. Babe." He touches my shoulder. I wake up.

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