Chapter 31

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I don't hear anything from either of them the rest of the day. They stay in the room the whole time. Eventually, I give up on waiting on them and crawl into Todd's bed. The next morning I wake up and Todd's not in bed. Did he stay in there with her? Come on man, leave her alone. The bedroom door opens and Todd walks in. I laugh.

"Why in the world are you dressed like Doyle?" I smile. He laughs.

"Well excuse me for dressing up for Halloween. I thought it was your favorite holiday," he grins. His make up is really good.  I almost thought it was actually him for a second. It's Halloween, oh my god. I can't believe I've been here this long. I don't even have a costume. I'm glad it's Halloween, maybe it'll be a good day. I crawl out of bed. He wraps me in a hug, "Goodmorning."

I smile and kiss him, "Goodmorning." I hate going on like nothing happened. "Happy Halloween," I plant my lips on his again. He smiles and laughs.

"Feeling good this morning?" he asks. I nod, with that stupid smile still on my face. "Good. It's Halloween. What're you planning on doing?" Like I have a say so. I don't even have a costume. What is there even to do? It's not like he'll take us places. I shrug.

"I dunno, human sacrifice, blood drinking, lobotomy, summoning Satan, ya know, the normal stuff," I grin.

"Well what else would you do on Halloween?" He laughs, " I'm already here, you don't have to summon me. As a matter of fact, what would you want with me?" He flashes an evil grin. I shrug. "Aw come on, there has to be a reason. Surely there's something concocted in that evil little brain of yours. What is it babe? What do you want?"

"Yeah. I summoned you because I want you to cook me some breakfast," I grin. He snickers and takes my hand. He leads me downstairs to the kitchen. I sit quietly for a few minutes, watching him. I sit at the kitchen table. "So where's my costume?" I ask sarcastically.

"You're wearing it. You're my slut," he says. I roll my eyes. He laughs.

"Oh come on, I'm always your slut," I say before I realize what I'm saying. He laughs hard. "I walked right into that one didn't I?" I laugh. He nods with a grin. I cross my arms and pretend to be mad. He sits a plate of eggs on the table.

"I'm kidding. What do you wanna be?" He asks, grinning from ear to ear. I shrug. "Well when you think of it let me know and I'll run and get it for you." I nod. We eat in silence. What about Jade? Surely he's not going to leave her in there by herself on Halloween. I don't want to ask, but I've always spent Halloween with her.

"Um, Todd," I say nervously, "can you let Jade go? Just for tonight, please. We've always spent Halloween together. We'll be good I promise. I'll do anything. Look, I know I don't have a say so, and I really don't want to ruin the holiday, but if Jade stays in the room by herself after all she's lost she's going to get really depressed. I know she's being punished, but this isn't right. Please don't get mad, I'm not telling you what to do or anything, I'm just suggesting." I look down. He remains silent for a minute, thinking about it. He's not gonna do it. Poor Jade. If he don't let her go she's going to get even more depressed. He's gonna hit me because I told him what to do.

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