Chapter 14

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I shut the car door and look over at Todd. He's glaring at me,"You told her. You were not supposed to tell anyone. She knows. She better not come after you, and she better not go to the cops. I'll know if she does. I'll kill her. You're mine now."

I shake my head and whisper,"I didn't tell her. I swear Todd. I didn't. She's smart. She must've saw you drop me off. She knows I wouldn't just run away. I didn't tell her. I didn't."

"I know you told her," he clinches his teeth,"I know you did. I warned you, and now you have to take your punishment. You have to obey, or I'll kill her." He starts the car. He ties the blindfold around and pulls it tight. I wince. I grip the arm rest again. He's driving fast. He's really pissed. I dread getting home. I don't know what's coming. I think of what was in his room. No, that's just for sex. I'm sure he has things for the people that cross him too.

The car stops suddenly. He doesn't take the blindfold off. My car door opens and he grabs my arm. I whimper. He pulls me across the gravel drive up to the house. I twist my ankle and fall. He doesn't bother picking me up and drags me across the ground. He slings me around like I'm a doll. I feel rocks dig into my legs, hear my stockings rip. I think they're bleeding. He pulls me up the porch steps like I'm nothing. His grip is crushing my arms. I manage to get my footing and stand up as he stops to open the front door. "Please Todd," I beg him. He ignores me and throws me over his shoulder. My head hits the door as he takes me inside. Asshole. I know he did it on purpose. He slams the door. I can't tell where he's taking me. It kinda feels like he's walking down stairs. Where am I? Am I at the house? It didn't take as long to get here. He drops me onto the ground. It knocks the breath out of me. Small whimpers and groans of pain come out. I bow up in pain, wishing my breath would come back. I can't see what he's doing, but I hear noises. He's looking for something. I finally regain my breath. I lie still, terrified.

He grabs my wrists and jerks me over to a wall. He ties a rope around them and then my feet. He rips off the blindfold, pulling some hair out with it. I clench my teeth. My vision is a little hazy. He stares me down, I guess waiting for me to start crying. I know I shouldn't ask, I can't restrain myself. "What are you doing to me?" I ask in a whinier tone than intended.

"Shut the Hell up! Don't talk to me," he kicks my ribs with his heel. I cry out. He ties the blindfold around my mouth, using it as a gag. I look around as he steps away to find something. The room is barely lit by a single, dim light and a furnace. He moves things around on a table, then picks something up and starts toward me. It's a knife. My heart races. He watches me squirm and puts it to my throat. He gently runs it down my neck, chest, and to my tank top. He cuts it off. He pulls my skirt down to my knees. He digs the tip of the knife into my forearm. He's carving something. I clench my teeth, withholding cries.

He stops and backs away. What is going on? What's he doing to me? He walks over to the furnace and picks up something. My heart is pounding. He opens the door and sticks it in for a second, then takes it out. Oh god. No no no no no....It's a brand. Why does he have that? I sit up and tug at the rope as he walks toward me. "No! No! No!" My muffled screams are barely audible. I kick at him. He slams me down against the cold floor. The back of my head hurts.

"You better hold as still as you can. This is going to hurt. You wouldn't want me to have to do it twice," he pushes it into my skin between my belly button and the elastic of my panties. My wails are muffled by the gag. I cry and scream at the top of my lungs. The pain is excruciating. I can feel my skin melting. He pushes down on my chest with his free hand so I can't move. I can't breathe. Get it off! Now! Just kill me already!

He finally pulls it away and tosses it across the room. I writhe and scream. "God damn you!" I cry out, but it's muffled. The burning feeling is still there, it feels like it's getting hotter. He looks down on me with an evil grin. I can barely see through the tears. Please be done. He starts punching and kicking me. It never ends. One after the other, over and over. I can't think. I cry and gasp for air. My head hurts, everything hurts. I feel blood run down my forehead as he lands another punch on my face. My stomach still burns, making it all worse. I'm crying hysterically, with every breath the pain intensifies. He draws his hand back once more, everything goes black- I wake up in a burning pain. I can't breathe, everything hurts. I'm naked. I wasn't completely naked before. That's nasty. I can't even sit up because of the brand. I have cuts and bruises all over me. I'm bleeding in various places, but nothing major. He isn't out to kill me. He's carved his name into me in several places. I can't make out what the brand says. I look around, I'm in a different place. The small room upstairs. I'm propped up against the wall, my hands fastened to it with rope. My stomach rumbles.

A bit of light shines through the skylight. I sit here waiting. A whole day passes, and nothing. The ropes hurt my wrists. I start crying again. I know Jade's in danger. Please Jade, don't look for me. I love you. My last words to her play over in my head. So does the pain of everything Todd has done. The rape, the branding, the beating, and dragging, plays over and over. I'm freezing. I get so tired I can't hold my eyes open- Three days pass, I think. I think this is getting infected. I look at the brand and the cuts on me. I can barely hold my eyes open. I'm so tired and hungry. The pain hasn't numbed, even slightly- I wake up in a cold sweat. My brand hurts. The ropes are digging into my wrists. How many days have I been in here? Five or six? Someone please help.  I've lost track of the days. What is going on? Why hasn't anyone came and got me? Where is Todd? I start to cry. I pass out-  I wake up and start flailing. I try to scream, nothing comes out. I'm gonna die here. I bring my knees to my chest and rest my head on my knees. It's so cold. This is Hell! I need to try to stay awake. I have-

I wake up again. I barely can open my eyes. I try to move, I can't. God, it's so cold. He could've given me a blanket or something. The door opens. ", plea," I mumble, crying. He probably can't even hear me. I can barely speak.

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