Chapter 20

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I yawn and barely open my eyes. It's early in the morning, hardly any light is coming through the window. It's kind of chilly in here. Todd's laying beside me, still asleep. I smile. I finally got up before him. Even when he's asleep he's hot. I roll on my side. I smile at him even though asleep. I scoot closer, bury my head in his bare chest, and lie my arm across him. He groans and stretches. He looks at me and smiles sleepily. "Hey."

"Hey," I blush for no reason. We lie there in silence for a few minutes. "So where'd you have to go?" I whisper.

"To get a new bed," he mumbles, half asleep. I shift a little and yawn.

"Oh," I whisper as he plays with my hair. "Good."

"Yeah. I think you'll like it. You'll sleep with me every night now." I smile and close my eyes. When I open them again more sunlight is coming through the window, it's a little later, but still in the morning I think. I sit up on the side of the bed. I feel so groggy and my vision's blurry. What's going on?

I slowly stand and start to walk. My body goes limp and my knees buckle. I land on the ground with a thud. I wince. Everything starts to spin, I put my head down. "Todd," I cry out weakly.

"Doll, what happened?" He scoops me up and sits me on the bed. I start breathing heavily, it's hard to breathe.

I cup my head in my hands. "I-I don't kn-now," I mumble, "I'm..s-so....disoriented."

I look up at him, his face is full of concern. "Sit here and don't move I think I have something. pressure is messed up." He hurries out. He comes back and gives me some kind of pills. "Chew them." I chew them up and swallow them. Ew. They taste terrible.

He sits beside me, caresses me, and kisses my head. I wrap my arms around him. After a few minutes everything feels better. "I'm good now," I say shakily, raising my head out of his chest.

"Are you sure?" He asks. I nod. "Let's get you something to eat then." I nod again. We go downstairs. There's pancakes already made and on the table. There's also flowers and a crystal skull.

"For me?" I grin. He nods. I hug him tightly. "Thank you. I love them."

"You're welcome, doll." He smiles and pulls my chair out for me to it down.He sits across from me. We eat in silence. Every now and then he glances up at me to see if I'm okay.

"How did you know it was my sugar? I don't ever remember having problems with it," I say, finishing my pancakes.

"I went to nursing school for a while," he shrugs.

"Oh," I ask, "what do you do now?"

"Nothing," he says in a dark tone that definitely means he's done with this conversation. Okay then. It runs a chill up my spine, but I ignore it. It's none of my business anyway really.

"Oh." I get up and put my plate in the dishwasher. "I'm going to get out of these." I look at my clothes from yesterday. He nods.

"Are you sure your okay?" He asks. I nod as I walk out of the kitchen, taking the skull and flowers with me.

"I'm perfectly fine, like nothing happened." I go upstairs to my room. I walk into my room and set the things on my dresser. I smell the flowers. They're fake? But they look so real? I step out of my clothes. I look in the closet and pull out a skirt, tanktop, fishnet tights, and boots. I look in my closet and realize that's basically all I have. I shrug. Eh, I like what I like. I take the clothes into the bathroom, sit them on the counter, and brush the knots out of my hair. Todd walks in behind me and wraps his arms around my waist. I put the brush down and stare at us in the mirror as he kisses my neck. There's a huge size difference between us, which makes it better for some reason. I pull my neck away and turn around. He puts his hand in the small of my back and pulls me closer. I wrap my arms around his neck and lick it.

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