Falling for a criminal (pein love story)

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"Aaah some party they had it wasnt even that good it was a total bore"

Rue was walking down the street to her house. As she pass by near by houses with they lights off she feel kind of not safe after she watched the news about a man going around killing people cuz they wouldnt give him they number......what kind of shit is that.

Rue made it to the safety of her home, she look at her watch and almost flipped out that she almost miss her favorite anime of all time.....naruto.

She walked in and turn on the living room light putting her stuff on the coffee table and turn on the tv turning it to the cartoon channel just in time to see naruto kick kakashi ass....well kakashi kickin naruto ass is more like it.

For a 24 year old rue does like to sit around and watch naruto she just have this feeling that she belong they or something cuz ever since she was 7 she started to feel werid everytime she take off the chains that is around her neck and waist she feel this strong power running thought her vains. She still trying to figure out if she is human or not.

Rue been so deep in her thoughts that she started to drift off to sleep all she remembering saying is that she wish she can find out who she really is.

Rue started to groan as she hear a blowing sound like the wind blowing though the trees and the smell of pina trees around. Rue reach out to turn the tv off thinking it was the wildlife channel, but when she feel nothing but grass she shot right out her sleep and look around her surrounds.

Rue started to get scared and worried that she end up in a forest and dont remember how she got there. she feel around as her hand hit something hard she look to see a big bag. she look around again thinking someone left it here, she shurg her shoulders and open it anyways what she saw shock her to her core and she know she is not dreaming.

She pull out a long black handle sword and her butterfly knife she always keep on her just in case someone mess with her without using her powers she still trying to figure out why she have them.

Rue sit on her knees and turn the bag over making everything fall out as she look at the items in the bag. It have some clothes, her phone and charger, alot of money (ryo), a map and the headband. Rue was confuse for a minute as realization hit her dead in the face she's in naruto world.

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